
package messages

This package contains data structures used in the transaction protocol. However, generic data structures, e.g. etc. are kept in package.

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. messages
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. sealed abstract case class AcsCommitment extends HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[AcsCommitment] with SignedProtocolMessageContent with NoCopy with Product with Serializable

    A commitment to the active contract set (ACS) that is shared between two participants on a given domain at a given time.

    A commitment to the active contract set (ACS) that is shared between two participants on a given domain at a given time.

    Given a commitment scheme to the ACS, the semantics are as follows: the sender declares that the shared ACS was exactly the one committed to, at every commitment tick during the specified period and as determined by the period's interval.

    The interval is assumed to be a round number of seconds. The ticks then start at the Java EPOCH time, and are exactly interval apart.

  2. trait BaseLocalRejectErrorCode extends AnyRef

    Base type for error codes related to local reject.

  3. final case class CausalityMessage extends UnsignedProtocolMessage with PrettyPrinting with ProtocolMessageV0 with ProtocolMessageV1 with Product with Serializable

    Causality messages are sent along with a transfer-in response.

    Causality messages are sent along with a transfer-in response. They propagate causality information on the events a participant has "seen" for a party at the time of the transfer-out. TODO(i9514): Encrypt the causality messages

  4. final case class CommitmentPeriod(fromExclusive: CantonTimestampSecond, periodLength: PositiveSeconds) extends PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable
  5. final case class ConfirmationRequest(informeeMessage: InformeeMessage, viewEnvelopes: Seq[OpenEnvelope[TransactionViewMessage]], protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion) extends PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    Represents the confirmation request as sent from a submitting node to the sequencer.

  6. type DefaultOpenEnvelope = OpenEnvelope[ProtocolMessage]
  7. final case class DeliveredTransferOutResult(result: SignedContent[Deliver[DefaultOpenEnvelope]]) extends PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable
  8. final case class DomainTopologyTransactionMessage extends UnsignedProtocolMessage with ProtocolMessageV0 with ProtocolMessageV1 with ProtocolMessageV2 with ProtocolMessageV3 with UnsignedProtocolMessageV4 with Product with Serializable
  9. sealed trait EncryptedView[+VT <: ViewType] extends Product with Serializable

    An encrypted together with its

    An encrypted together with its The correspondence is encoded via a path-dependent type. The type parameter VT exposes a upper bound on the type of view types that may be contained.

    The view tree is compressed before encryption.

  10. sealed trait EncryptedViewMessage[+VT <: ViewType] extends UnsignedProtocolMessage

    An encrypted view message.

  11. sealed trait EncryptedViewMessageError extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  12. final case class EncryptedViewMessageV0[+VT <: ViewType](submitterParticipantSignature: Option[Signature], viewHash: ViewHash, randomnessMap: Map[ParticipantId, Encrypted[SecureRandomness]], encryptedView: EncryptedView[VT], domainId: DomainId) extends EncryptedViewMessage[VT] with ProtocolMessageV0 with Product with Serializable
  13. final case class EncryptedViewMessageV1[+VT <: ViewType](submitterParticipantSignature: Option[Signature], viewHash: ViewHash, randomness: Seq[AsymmetricEncrypted[SecureRandomness]], encryptedView: EncryptedView[VT], domainId: DomainId, viewEncryptionScheme: SymmetricKeyScheme)(recipientsInfo: Option[RecipientsInfo]) extends EncryptedViewMessage[VT] with ProtocolMessageV1 with ProtocolMessageV2 with Product with Serializable
  14. final case class EncryptedViewMessageV2[+VT <: ViewType](submitterParticipantSignature: Option[Signature], viewHash: ViewHash, randomness: Encrypted[SecureRandomness], sessionKey: NonEmpty[Seq[AsymmetricEncrypted[SecureRandomness]]], encryptedView: EncryptedView[VT], domainId: DomainId, viewEncryptionScheme: SymmetricKeyScheme)(recipientsInfo: Option[RecipientsInfo]) extends EncryptedViewMessage[VT] with ProtocolMessageV3 with UnsignedProtocolMessageV4 with Product with Serializable

    The view message encrypted with symmetric key that is derived from the view's randomness.

    The view message encrypted with symmetric key that is derived from the view's randomness.


    the view's randomness symmetrically encrypted with a session key.


    a sequence of encrypted random values to each recipient of the view. These values are encrypted and are used to derive the symmetric session key. Instead of sending a <SymmetricKey>, which could cause formatting issues (e.g. different participants with different providers and, therefore, different key formats), we send an encrypted <SecureRandomness>.

  15. sealed trait EnvelopeContent extends HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[EnvelopeContent] with Product with Serializable
  16. sealed abstract case class EnvelopeContentV0 extends EnvelopeContent with Product with Serializable
  17. sealed abstract case class EnvelopeContentV1 extends EnvelopeContent with Product with Serializable
  18. sealed abstract case class EnvelopeContentV2 extends EnvelopeContent with Product with Serializable
  19. sealed abstract case class EnvelopeContentV3 extends EnvelopeContent with Product with Serializable
  20. sealed abstract case class EnvelopeContentV4 extends EnvelopeContent with Product with Serializable
  21. trait HasDomainId extends AnyRef
  22. trait HasRequestId extends AnyRef
  23. case class InformeeMessage(fullInformeeTree: FullInformeeTree)(protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion) extends MediatorRequest with ProtocolMessageV0 with ProtocolMessageV1 with ProtocolMessageV2 with ProtocolMessageV3 with UnsignedProtocolMessageV4 with Product with Serializable

    The informee message to be sent to the mediator.

    The informee message to be sent to the mediator.

  24. final case class LocalApprove()(representativeProtocolVersion: RepresentativeProtocolVersion[LocalVerdict.type]) extends LocalVerdict with Product with Serializable
  25. sealed trait LocalReject extends LocalVerdict with TransactionError with TransactionRejection
  26. abstract class LocalRejectErrorCode extends ErrorCode with BaseLocalRejectErrorCode

    Base type for ErrorCodes related to LocalReject, if the rejection does not (necessarily) occur due to malicious behavior.

  27. sealed abstract class LocalRejectImpl extends LocalReject

    Base class for LocalReject errors, if the rejection does not (necessarily) occur due to malicious behavior.

  28. sealed trait LocalVerdict extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[LocalVerdict]

    Possible verdicts on a transaction view from the participant's perspective.

    Possible verdicts on a transaction view from the participant's perspective. The verdict can be LocalApprove, LocalReject or Malformed. The verdicts LocalReject and Malformed include a reason pointing out which checks in Phase 3 have failed.

  29. sealed abstract class Malformed extends BaseAlarm with LocalReject

    Base class for LocalReject errors, if the rejection occurs due to malicious behavior.

  30. abstract class MalformedErrorCode extends AlarmErrorCode with BaseLocalRejectErrorCode

    Base type for ErrorCodes related to LocalReject, if the rejection is due to malicious behavior.

  31. case class MalformedMediatorRequestResult extends MediatorResult with SignedProtocolMessageContent with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[MalformedMediatorRequestResult] with PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    Sent by the mediator to indicate that a mediator request was malformed.

    Sent by the mediator to indicate that a mediator request was malformed. The request counts as being rejected and the request UUID will not be deduplicated.

  32. trait MediatorRequest extends ProtocolMessage with UnsignedProtocolMessage
  33. case class MediatorResponse extends SignedProtocolMessageContent with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[MediatorResponse] with HasDomainId with PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    Payload of a response sent to the mediator in reaction to a request.

    Payload of a response sent to the mediator in reaction to a request.

  34. trait MediatorResult extends ProtocolVersionedMemoizedEvidence with HasDomainId with HasRequestId with SignedProtocolMessageContent
  35. trait ProtocolMessage extends Product with Serializable with HasDomainId with PrettyPrinting with HasRepresentativeProtocolVersion

    Parent trait of messages that are sent through the sequencer

  36. trait ProtocolMessageV0 extends ProtocolMessage

    Trait for ProtocolMessages that can be serialized as a v0 EnvelopeContent

  37. trait ProtocolMessageV1 extends ProtocolMessage

    Trait for ProtocolMessages that can be serialized as a v1 EnvelopeContent

  38. trait ProtocolMessageV2 extends ProtocolMessage

    Trait for ProtocolMessages that can be serialized as a v2 EnvelopeContent

  39. trait ProtocolMessageV3 extends ProtocolMessage

    Trait for ProtocolMessages that can be serialized as a v3 EnvelopeContent

  40. final case class RegisterTopologyTransactionRequest extends UnsignedProtocolMessage with ProtocolMessageV0 with ProtocolMessageV1 with ProtocolMessageV2 with ProtocolMessageV3 with UnsignedProtocolMessageV4 with PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

  41. final case class RegisterTopologyTransactionResponse[+Res <: RegisterTopologyTransactionResponseResult](requestedBy: Member, participant: ParticipantId, requestId: TopologyRequestId, results: Seq[Res], domainId: DomainId)(representativeProtocolVersion: RepresentativeProtocolVersion[RegisterTopologyTransactionResponse.type]) extends UnsignedProtocolMessage with ProtocolMessageV0 with ProtocolMessageV1 with ProtocolMessageV2 with ProtocolMessageV3 with UnsignedProtocolMessageV4 with Product with Serializable
  42. sealed trait RegisterTopologyTransactionResponseResult extends AnyRef
  43. trait RegularMediatorResult extends MediatorResult

    The mediator issues a regular mediator result for well-formed mediator requests.

    The mediator issues a regular mediator result for well-formed mediator requests. Malformed mediator requests lead to a MalformedMediatorRequestResult.

  44. final case class RootHashMessage[+Payload <: RootHashMessagePayload](rootHash: RootHash, domainId: DomainId, viewType: ViewType, payload: Payload)(representativeProtocolVersion: RepresentativeProtocolVersion[RootHashMessage.type]) extends ProtocolMessage with ProtocolMessageV0 with ProtocolMessageV1 with ProtocolMessageV2 with ProtocolMessageV3 with UnsignedProtocolMessageV4 with PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    One root hash message is sent for each participant involved in a mediator request that requires root hash messages.

    One root hash message is sent for each participant involved in a mediator request that requires root hash messages. The root hash message is delivered to the participant and the mediator. The mediator checks that it receives the right root hash messages and that they all contain the root hash that the mediator request message specifies. The mediator also checks that all payloads have the same serialization and, if it can parse the mediator request envelope, that the payload fits to the mediator request.

  45. trait RootHashMessagePayload extends PrettyPrinting with HasCryptographicEvidence

    Payloads of RootHashMessage

  46. final case class SerializedRootHashMessagePayload(bytes: ByteString) extends RootHashMessagePayload with Product with Serializable
  47. sealed case class SignedProtocolMessage[+M <: SignedProtocolMessageContent] extends ProtocolMessage with ProtocolMessageV0 with ProtocolMessageV1 with ProtocolMessageV2 with ProtocolMessageV3 with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[SignedProtocolMessage[SignedProtocolMessageContent]] with Product with Serializable

    In protocol versions prior to com.digitalasset.canton.version.ProtocolVersion.CNTestNet, the signatures field contains a single signature over the typeMessage's com.digitalasset.canton.protocol.messages.TypedSignedProtocolMessageContent.content.

    In protocol versions prior to com.digitalasset.canton.version.ProtocolVersion.CNTestNet, the signatures field contains a single signature over the typeMessage's com.digitalasset.canton.protocol.messages.TypedSignedProtocolMessageContent.content. From com.digitalasset.canton.version.ProtocolVersion.CNTestNet on, there can be any number of signatures and each signature covers the serialization of the typedMessage itself rather than just its com.digitalasset.canton.protocol.messages.TypedSignedProtocolMessageContent.content, and every signature needs to be valid.

  48. trait SignedProtocolMessageContent extends ProtocolVersionedMemoizedEvidence with HasDomainId with PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable
  49. final case class TopologyTransactionsBroadcastX extends UnsignedProtocolMessage with UnsignedProtocolMessageV4 with Product with Serializable
  50. trait TransactionRejection extends AnyRef
  51. case class TransactionResultMessage extends RegularMediatorResult with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[TransactionResultMessage] with PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    Transaction result message that the mediator sends to all stakeholders of a confirmation request with its verdict.

    Transaction result message that the mediator sends to all stakeholders of a confirmation request with its verdict.

  52. type TransactionViewMessage = EncryptedViewMessage[TransactionViewType]
  53. final case class TransferInMediatorMessage(tree: TransferInViewTree) extends MediatorRequest with ProtocolMessageV0 with ProtocolMessageV1 with ProtocolMessageV2 with ProtocolMessageV3 with UnsignedProtocolMessageV4 with Product with Serializable

    Message sent to the mediator as part of a transfer-in request

    Message sent to the mediator as part of a transfer-in request


    The transfer-in view tree blinded for the mediator

    Exceptions thrown

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the common data is blinded or the view is not blinded

  54. type TransferInResult = TransferResult[TargetDomainId]
  55. final case class TransferOutMediatorMessage(tree: TransferOutViewTree) extends MediatorRequest with ProtocolMessageV0 with ProtocolMessageV1 with ProtocolMessageV2 with ProtocolMessageV3 with UnsignedProtocolMessageV4 with Product with Serializable

    Message sent to the mediator as part of a transfer-out request

    Message sent to the mediator as part of a transfer-out request


    The transfer-out view tree blinded for the mediator

    Exceptions thrown

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the common data is blinded or the view is not blinded

  56. type TransferOutResult = TransferResult[SourceDomainId]
  57. case class TransferResult[+Domain <: TransferDomainId] extends RegularMediatorResult with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[TransferResult[TransferDomainId]] with PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    Mediator result for a transfer request

    Mediator result for a transfer request

  58. case class TypedSignedProtocolMessageContent[+M <: SignedProtocolMessageContent] extends HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[TypedSignedProtocolMessageContent[SignedProtocolMessageContent]] with ProtocolVersionedMemoizedEvidence with Product with Serializable
  59. trait UnsignedProtocolMessage extends ProtocolMessage

    Marker trait for ProtocolMessages that are not a SignedProtocolMessage

  60. trait UnsignedProtocolMessageV4 extends ProtocolMessage

    Trait for ProtocolMessages that can be serialized as a v4 EnvelopeContent

  61. final case class VectorClock(sourceDomainId: SourceDomainId, localTs: CantonTimestamp, partyId: LfPartyId, clock: Map[DomainId, CantonTimestamp]) extends PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    A vector clock represents the causal constraints that must be respected for a party at a certain point in time.

    A vector clock represents the causal constraints that must be respected for a party at a certain point in time. Vector clocks are maintained per-domain


    The domain of the vector clock


    The timestamp on sourceDomainId specifying the time at which the causal constraints are valid


    The party who has seen the causal information specified by clock


    The most recent timestamp on each domain that partyId has causally observed

  62. sealed trait Verdict extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[Verdict]

    Verdicts sent from the mediator to the participants inside the MediatorResult message

Value Members

  1. val TransferInResult: TransferResult.type
  2. val TransferOutResult: TransferResult.type
  3. object AcsCommitment extends HasMemoizedProtocolVersionedWrapperCompanion[AcsCommitment]
  4. object CausalityMessage extends HasProtocolVersionedCompanion[CausalityMessage]
  5. object CommitmentPeriod extends Serializable
  6. object DefaultOpenEnvelopesFilter
  7. object DeliveredTransferOutResult extends Serializable
  8. object DomainTopologyTransactionMessage extends HasProtocolVersionedCompanion[DomainTopologyTransactionMessage]
  9. case object EmptyRootHashMessagePayload extends RootHashMessagePayload with Product with Serializable
  10. object EncryptedView extends Serializable
  11. object EncryptedViewMessage extends HasProtocolVersionedCompanion[EncryptedViewMessage[_]]
  12. object EncryptedViewMessageError extends Serializable
  13. object EncryptedViewMessageV0 extends Serializable
  14. object EncryptedViewMessageV1 extends Serializable
  15. object EncryptedViewMessageV2 extends Serializable
  16. object EnvelopeContent extends HasProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[EnvelopeContent, HashOps]
  17. object InformeeMessage extends HasProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[InformeeMessage, HashOps]
  18. object LocalApprove extends Serializable
  19. object LocalReject extends LocalRejectionGroup with Serializable
  20. object LocalVerdict extends HasProtocolVersionedCompanion[LocalVerdict]
  21. object MalformedMediatorRequestResult extends HasMemoizedProtocolVersionedWrapperCompanion[MalformedMediatorRequestResult]
  22. object MediatorRequest extends Serializable
  23. object MediatorResponse extends HasMemoizedProtocolVersionedWrapperCompanion[MediatorResponse]
  24. object ProtocolMessage extends Serializable
  25. object RegisterTopologyTransactionRequest extends HasProtocolVersionedCompanion[RegisterTopologyTransactionRequest]
  26. object RegisterTopologyTransactionResponse extends HasProtocolVersionedCompanion[RegisterTopologyTransactionResponse[RegisterTopologyTransactionResponseResult]]
  27. object RegisterTopologyTransactionResponseResult
  28. object RegularMediatorResult extends Serializable
  29. object RootHashMessage extends HasProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[RootHashMessage[RootHashMessagePayload], (ByteString) => ParsingResult[RootHashMessagePayload]]
  30. object RootHashMessageRecipients
  31. object SerializedRootHashMessagePayload extends Serializable
  32. object SignedProtocolMessage extends HasProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[SignedProtocolMessage[SignedProtocolMessageContent], HashOps]
  33. object SignedProtocolMessageContent extends Serializable
  34. object TopologyTransactionsBroadcastX extends HasProtocolVersionedCompanion[TopologyTransactionsBroadcastX]
  35. object TransactionResultMessage extends HasMemoizedProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[TransactionResultMessage, HashOps]
  36. object TransferInMediatorMessage extends HasProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[TransferInMediatorMessage, HashOps]
  37. object TransferOutMediatorMessage extends HasProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[TransferOutMediatorMessage, HashOps]
  38. object TransferResult extends HasMemoizedProtocolVersionedWrapperCompanion[TransferResult[TransferDomainId]]
  39. object TypedSignedProtocolMessageContent extends HasMemoizedProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[TypedSignedProtocolMessageContent[SignedProtocolMessageContent], HashOps]
  40. object VectorClock extends Serializable
  41. object Verdict extends HasProtocolVersionedCompanion[Verdict] with ProtocolVersionedCompanionDbHelpers[Verdict]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
