
package v2

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class ActionDescription(description: Description) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ActionDescription] with Product with Serializable

    Compared to v1: templateId added to ExerciseActionDescription

    Compared to v1: templateId added to ExerciseActionDescription

  2. final case class AuthorityOfX(party: String, threshold: Int, parties: Seq[String], domain: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[AuthorityOfX] with Product with Serializable

    which parties can exercise the authority over another party authorization: whoever controls the consortium and all the owners of the parties that were not already present in the tx with serial = n - 1 UNIQUE(party, domain)

    which parties can exercise the authority over another party authorization: whoever controls the consortium and all the owners of the parties that were not already present in the tx with serial = n - 1 UNIQUE(party, domain)


    the party for which some other parties can gain authority


    the signatory threshold required by the parties to be able to act on behalf of the consortium within Daml


    the list of parties which can gain authority


    optionally restricted to domain

  3. final case class DomainParametersStateX(domain: String, domainParameters: Option[DynamicDomainParametersX]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[DomainParametersStateX] with Product with Serializable

    which dynamic domain parameters are supposed to be used on the given domain authorization: whoever controls the domain UNIQUE(domain)

    which dynamic domain parameters are supposed to be used on the given domain authorization: whoever controls the domain UNIQUE(domain)


    domain affected by the new domain parameters

  4. final case class DomainTrustCertificateX(participant: String, domain: String, transferOnlyToGivenTargetDomains: Boolean, targetDomains: Seq[String]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[DomainTrustCertificateX] with Product with Serializable

    the trust certificate issued by the participant confirming that the participant wishes to be present on the given domain authorization: whoever controls the participant uid UNIQUE(participant,domain)

    the trust certificate issued by the participant confirming that the participant wishes to be present on the given domain authorization: whoever controls the participant uid UNIQUE(participant,domain)


    the uid of the participant


    the uid of the domain that the participant trusts


    if true, the participant restricts the domains to which it accepts transfer-outs TODO(#1252) implement transfer permissions


    the uids of the target domains that this participants supports for transfer if transfer is restricted.

  5. final case class DynamicDomainParametersX(participantResponseTimeout: Option[Duration], mediatorReactionTimeout: Option[Duration], transferExclusivityTimeout: Option[Duration], topologyChangeDelay: Option[Duration], ledgerTimeRecordTimeTolerance: Option[Duration], reconciliationInterval: Option[Duration], mediatorDeduplicationTimeout: Option[Duration], maxRequestSize: Int, permissionedDomain: Boolean, requiredPackages: Seq[String], onlyRequiredPackagesPermitted: Boolean, defaultParticipantLimits: Option[ParticipantDomainLimits], defaultMaxHostingParticipantsPerParty: Int, sequencerAggregateSubmissionTimeout: Option[Duration], trafficControlParameters: Option[TrafficControlParameters]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[DynamicDomainParametersX] with Product with Serializable


    topology related validation parameters permissioned domain: if true, only participants which have been explicitly whitelisted are allowed on the domain TODO(#14053) re-enable this feature and turn on the PermissionedDomainIntegrationTest


    required packages are the default packages that must be supported by all participants on a domain TODO(#14054) enable this feature (necessary for canton network such that an SVC can't do a rug-pull)


    if true, then only the required packages are supported on the given domain TODO(#14055) enable this feature (was requested by Curtis)


    TODO(#14050) implement party hosting limits

  6. final case class EncryptedViewMessage(viewTree: ByteString, encryptionScheme: SymmetricKeyScheme, submitterParticipantSignature: Option[Signature], viewHash: ByteString, randomness: ByteString, sessionKeyRandomness: Seq[SessionKeyLookup], domainId: String, viewType: ViewType) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[EncryptedViewMessage] with Product with Serializable


    The symmetric encryption scheme used to encrypt the view tree and the session key




    Randomness that is symmetrically encrypted with a session key. Used in the HKDF to derive the encryption keys for the view and its subviews

  7. final case class EnvelopeContent(someEnvelopeContent: SomeEnvelopeContent) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[EnvelopeContent] with Product with Serializable
  8. final case class IdentifierDelegationX(uniqueIdentifier: String, targetKey: Option[SigningPublicKey]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[IdentifierDelegationX] with Product with Serializable

    identifier delegation giving right to issue topology transaction on that particular identifier authorization: must have sufficient signatures by keys of the namespace of the given unique identifier.

    identifier delegation giving right to issue topology transaction on that particular identifier authorization: must have sufficient signatures by keys of the namespace of the given unique identifier. if the identifier is for a consortium, it can mean that we need multiple signatures UNIQUE (all fields)




    target key getting the right

  9. final case class MalformedMediatorRequestResult(requestId: Option[Timestamp], domainId: String, viewType: ViewType, rejection: Option[MediatorReject]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[MalformedMediatorRequestResult] with Product with Serializable


    v1.MediatorReject -> v2.MediatorReject

  10. final case class MediatorDomainStateX(domain: String, group: Int, threshold: Int, active: Seq[String], observers: Seq[String]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[MediatorDomainStateX] with Product with Serializable

    which mediators and mediator groups are active on the given domain authorization: whoever controls the domain UNIQUE(domain, group)

    which mediators and mediator groups are active on the given domain authorization: whoever controls the domain UNIQUE(domain, group)


    the domain-id of the mediator group


    the group-id used for sharding multiple mediator groups


    the signature threshold required to reach consensus among the mediators


    the list of active mediators (uid) within the group


    the list of observing mediators (uid) within the group (read messages but don't respond)

  11. final case class MediatorReject(reason: Option[Status]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[MediatorReject] with Product with Serializable


    Must not be OK

  12. final case class MediatorResponse(requestId: Option[Timestamp], sender: String, localVerdict: Option[LocalVerdict], rootHash: ByteString, confirmingParties: Seq[String], domainId: String, viewPosition: Option[ViewPosition]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[MediatorResponse] with Product with Serializable


    May be empty for Malformed verdicts if the participant cannot determine the root hash.


    Empty iff the verdict is malformed.


    Added view_position. May be empty for Malformed verdicts

  13. final case class MerkleSeqIndex(isRight: Seq[Boolean]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[MerkleSeqIndex] with Product with Serializable

    New message

    New message

  14. final case class NamespaceDelegationX(namespace: String, targetKey: Option[SigningPublicKey], isRootDelegation: Boolean) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[NamespaceDelegationX] with Product with Serializable

    namespace delegation (equivalent to X509v3 CA root or intermediate CAs) if is_root_delegation==false, the target key may sign all mappings requiring a signature for the namespace except other NamespaceDelegationX mappings.

    namespace delegation (equivalent to X509v3 CA root or intermediate CAs) if is_root_delegation==false, the target key may sign all mappings requiring a signature for the namespace except other NamespaceDelegationX mappings. authorization: a namespace delegation is either signed by the root key, or is signed by a key for which there exists a series of properly authorized namespace delegations that are ultimately signed by the root key UNIQUE(namespace, target_key)


    fingerprint of the root key defining the namespace


    target key of getting full rights on the namespace (if target == namespace, it's a root CA)


    flag indicating whether the given delegation is a root delegation or not a root delegation is also allowed to issue other NamespaceDelegations.

  15. final case class OwnerToKeyMappingX(member: String, publicKeys: Seq[PublicKey], domain: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[OwnerToKeyMappingX] with Product with Serializable

    mapping a member (participant, mediator, sequencer) to a key authorization: whoever controls the member uid UNIQUE(member, domain)

    mapping a member (participant, mediator, sequencer) to a key authorization: whoever controls the member uid UNIQUE(member, domain)


    the sequencing process member


    the designated keys


    optionally restricted to domain

  16. final case class ParticipantDomainLimits(maxRate: Int, maxNumParties: Int, maxNumPackages: Int) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ParticipantDomainLimits] with Product with Serializable

    individual per participant limits

    individual per participant limits


    TODO(#14052) implement per participant rate limits


    TODO(#14052) implement per participant party limits


    TODO(#14052) implement per participant package limits

  17. final case class ParticipantDomainPermissionX(domain: String, participant: String, permission: ParticipantPermissionX, trustLevel: TrustLevelX, limits: Option[ParticipantDomainLimits], loginAfter: Option[Timestamp]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ParticipantDomainPermissionX] with Product with Serializable

    the optional trust certificate of the domain towards the participant authorization: whoever controls the domain uid UNIQUE(domain,participant)

    the optional trust certificate of the domain towards the participant authorization: whoever controls the domain uid UNIQUE(domain,participant)


    the permission level of the participant on this domain (usually submission)


    the trust level of the participant on this domain


    optional individual limits for this participant


    optional earliest time when participant can log in (again) used to temporarily disable participants TODO(#14049) implement participant deny list

  18. sealed abstract class ParticipantPermissionX extends GeneratedEnum

    enum indicating the participant permission level

  19. final case class ParticipantReject(reasons: Seq[RejectionReason]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ParticipantReject] with Product with Serializable


    new version

  20. final case class PartyHostingLimitsX(domain: String, party: String, quota: Int) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[PartyHostingLimitsX] with Product with Serializable

    the optional hosting limits for a party on a given domain these limits can be used to limit the number of participants that can host a given party authorization: whoever controls the domain uid UNIQUE(domain,party) TODO(#14050) implement me

    the optional hosting limits for a party on a given domain these limits can be used to limit the number of participants that can host a given party authorization: whoever controls the domain uid UNIQUE(domain,party) TODO(#14050) implement me


    how many participants can be assigned to the given party

  21. final case class PartyToParticipantX(party: String, threshold: Int, participants: Seq[HostingParticipant], groupAddressing: Boolean, domain: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[PartyToParticipantX] with Product with Serializable

    mapping that maps a party to a participant authorization: whoever controls the party and all the owners of the participants that were not already present in the tx with serial = n - 1 exception:

    mapping that maps a party to a participant authorization: whoever controls the party and all the owners of the participants that were not already present in the tx with serial = n - 1 exception:

    • a participant can disassociate itself with the party unilaterally as long there will be enough participants to reach "threshold" during confirmation. UNIQUE(party, domain)

    the party that is to be represented by the participants


    the signatory threshold required by the participants to be able to act on behalf of the party. a mapping with threshold > 1 is considered a definition of a consortium party


    which participants will host the party. if threshold > 1, must be Confirmation or Observation


    if true, then the canton transaction is addressed to the party (group broadcast) and not to the individual participants for efficiency reasons


    optionally restricted to domain

  22. final case class PurgeTopologyTransactionX(domain: String, mappings: Seq[TopologyMappingX]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[PurgeTopologyTransactionX] with Product with Serializable

    explicitly invalidate topology transactions for good this can be used by the domain to offboard participants forcefully or to remove stray topology transactions authorization: whoever controls the domain UNIQUE(domain)

    explicitly invalidate topology transactions for good this can be used by the domain to offboard participants forcefully or to remove stray topology transactions authorization: whoever controls the domain UNIQUE(domain)


    the domain-id


    the list of mappings to remove from this domain

  23. final case class RejectionReason(parties: Seq[String], reject: Option[LocalReject]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[RejectionReason] with Product with Serializable


    Using v1.LocalReject instead of v0.LocalReject

  24. final case class SequencerDomainStateX(domain: String, threshold: Int, active: Seq[String], observers: Seq[String]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SequencerDomainStateX] with Product with Serializable

    which sequencers are active on the given domain authorization: whoever controls the domain UNIQUE(domain)

    which sequencers are active on the given domain authorization: whoever controls the domain UNIQUE(domain)


    the domain-id of the sequencer group


    the signature threshold required to reach consensus


    the list of active sequencers


    the list of observing sequencers (uid) within the group (read messages but don't respond) TODO(#14046) add payload for BFT-configuration bytes payload = 5;

  25. final case class SessionKeyLookup(sessionKeyRandomness: ByteString, fingerprint: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SessionKeyLookup] with Product with Serializable


    An asymmetrically encrypted randomness to generate the session key. This session key decrypts the randomness field in EncryptedViewMessage


    The fingerprint of the public key that was used to encrypt the session key randomness

  26. final case class SignedTopologyTransactionX(transaction: ByteString, signatures: Seq[Signature], proposal: Boolean) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SignedTopologyTransactionX] with Product with Serializable


    serialized topology transaction (protobuf bytestring)


    multiple signatures (at least one)


    if true, this transaction is just a proposal. this means that every signature is valid, but the signatures are insufficient to properly authorize the transaction. proposals are distributed via the topology channel too. proposals will be pruned automatically when the nodes are pruned TODO(#14045) implement pruning

  27. final case class StaticDomainParametersX(requiredSigningKeySchemes: Seq[SigningKeyScheme], requiredEncryptionKeySchemes: Seq[EncryptionKeyScheme], requiredSymmetricKeySchemes: Seq[SymmetricKeyScheme], requiredHashAlgorithms: Seq[HashAlgorithm], requiredCryptoKeyFormats: Seq[CryptoKeyFormat], protocolVersion: Int) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[StaticDomainParametersX] with Product with Serializable
  28. sealed abstract class TopologyChangeOpX extends GeneratedEnum
  29. final case class TopologyMappingX(mapping: Mapping) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TopologyMappingX] with Product with Serializable
  30. final case class TopologyTransactionX(operation: TopologyChangeOpX, serial: Int, mapping: Option[TopologyMappingX]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TopologyTransactionX] with Product with Serializable


    Serial identifier of this transaction used to prevent replay attacks. A topology transaction is replacing the existing transaction with serial - 1 that has the same unique key.


    the element of this topology transaction

  31. final case class TopologyTransactionsBroadcastX(domain: String, broadcasts: Seq[Broadcast]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TopologyTransactionsBroadcastX] with Product with Serializable

    * Accepted topology transaction

    * Accepted topology transaction

    A member sends topology transactions to the topology transaction broadcast address. The transactions are validated by all members individually against their respective domain store, including the member the submitted the broadcast.

  32. final case class TrafficControlStateX(domain: String, member: String, totalExtraTrafficLimit: Long) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TrafficControlStateX] with Product with Serializable

    UNIQUE(domain, member) authorization: whoever controls the domain

    UNIQUE(domain, member) authorization: whoever controls the domain


    the domain-id


    member to change traffic control state for


    total amount of traffic ever purchased, including the new top up amount, which must be positive and monotonically increasing.

  33. final case class TransactionResultMessage(requestId: Option[Timestamp], verdict: Option[Verdict], rootHash: ByteString, domainId: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransactionResultMessage] with Product with Serializable

    Changes from v1: Removed field notification_tree Added fields root_hash, domain_id

    Changes from v1: Removed field notification_tree Added fields root_hash, domain_id

  34. final case class TransferInView(salt: Option[Salt], submitter: String, contract: Option[v1.SerializableContract], transferOutResultEvent: Option[SignedContent], creatingTransactionId: ByteString, sourceProtocolVersion: Int, submittingParticipant: String, applicationId: String, submissionId: String, workflowId: String, commandId: String, transferCounter: Long) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransferInView] with Product with Serializable


    added in v2


    added in v2


    optional - added in v2


    optional - added in v2


    added in v2


    added in v2

  35. final case class TransferOutView(salt: Option[Salt], submitter: String, targetDomain: String, targetTimeProof: Option[TimeProof], targetProtocolVersion: Int, submittingParticipant: String, applicationId: String, submissionId: String, workflowId: String, commandId: String, transferCounter: Long, creatingTransactionId: ByteString, contract: Option[v1.SerializableContract]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransferOutView] with Product with Serializable

    Messages sent by a participant as part of the transfer protocol

    Messages sent by a participant as part of the transfer protocol


    added in v2


    added in v2


    optional - added in v2


    optional - added in v2


    added in v2


    added in v2


    added in v2


    added in v2

  36. final case class TransferResult(requestId: Option[Timestamp], domain: Domain, informees: Seq[String], verdict: Option[Verdict]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransferResult] with Product with Serializable


    new Verdict type

  37. sealed abstract class TrustLevelX extends GeneratedEnum
  38. final case class UnionspaceDefinitionX(unionspace: String, threshold: Int, owners: Seq[String]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[UnionspaceDefinitionX] with Product with Serializable

    a unionspace definition that creates a new namespace supported by the the original owners authorization: the unionspace definition with serial = 1 must be authorized by all the owners of the namespace that form the unionspace.

    a unionspace definition that creates a new namespace supported by the the original owners authorization: the unionspace definition with serial = 1 must be authorized by all the owners of the namespace that form the unionspace. for definitions with serial > 1, we need the authorization of #threshold owners plus all new owners

    any further transaction within the unionspace other than unionspace definitions needs #threshold signatures of the owners



    name of the unionspace, computed from the hash of its initial owners


    the threshold required for any subsequent update signing


    the namespaces of the owners

  39. final case class Verdict(someVerdict: SomeVerdict) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Verdict] with Product with Serializable
  40. final case class VettedPackagesX(participant: String, packageIds: Seq[String], domain: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[VettedPackagesX] with Product with Serializable

    list of packages supported by this participant authorization: whoever controls the participant uid UNIQUE(participant, domain)

    list of packages supported by this participant authorization: whoever controls the participant uid UNIQUE(participant, domain)


    the participant vetting the packages


    the hash of the vetted packages


    optionally restricted to domain

  41. final case class ViewParticipantData(salt: Option[Salt], coreInputs: Seq[v1.InputContract], createdCore: Seq[v1.CreatedContract], createdInSubviewArchivedInCore: Seq[String], resolvedKeys: Seq[v0.ViewParticipantData.ResolvedKey], actionDescription: Option[v1.ActionDescription], rollbackContext: Option[v0.ViewParticipantData.RollbackContext]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ViewParticipantData] with Product with Serializable

    Compared to v1: action_description changed type from v0.ActionDescription to v1.ActionDescription created_core changed type from v0.CreatedContract to v1.CreatedContract core_inputs change from v0.ViewParticipantData.InputContract to v1.InputContract

    Compared to v1: action_description changed type from v0.ActionDescription to v1.ActionDescription created_core changed type from v0.CreatedContract to v1.CreatedContract core_inputs change from v0.ViewParticipantData.InputContract to v1.InputContract


    ids of contracts created in a subview and archived in the core


    optional; defaults to the empty RollbackContext if omitted.

  42. final case class ViewPosition(position: Seq[MerkleSeqIndex]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ViewPosition] with Product with Serializable

    New message

    New message


Value Members

  1. object ActionDescription extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ActionDescription] with StableProtoVersion
  2. object AuthorityOfX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[AuthorityOfX]
  3. object DomainParametersStateX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[DomainParametersStateX]
  4. object DomainParamsProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  5. object DomainTrustCertificateX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[DomainTrustCertificateX]
  6. object DynamicDomainParametersX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[DynamicDomainParametersX] with UnstableProtoVersion
  7. object EncryptedViewMessage extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[EncryptedViewMessage] with UnstableProtoVersion
  8. object EnvelopeContent extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[EnvelopeContent] with StableProtoVersion
  9. object IdentifierDelegationX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[IdentifierDelegationX]
  10. object MalformedMediatorRequestResult extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[MalformedMediatorRequestResult] with UnstableProtoVersion
  11. object MediatorDomainStateX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[MediatorDomainStateX]
  12. object MediatorProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  13. object MediatorReject extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[MediatorReject]
  14. object MediatorResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[MediatorResponse] with StableProtoVersion
  15. object MediatorResponseProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  16. object MerkleSeqIndex extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[MerkleSeqIndex]
  17. object NamespaceDelegationX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[NamespaceDelegationX]
  18. object OwnerToKeyMappingX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[OwnerToKeyMappingX]
  19. object ParticipantDomainLimits extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ParticipantDomainLimits]
  20. object ParticipantDomainPermissionX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ParticipantDomainPermissionX]
  21. object ParticipantPermissionX extends GeneratedEnumCompanion[ParticipantPermissionX]
  22. object ParticipantReject extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ParticipantReject]
  23. object ParticipantTransactionProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  24. object ParticipantTransferProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  25. object PartyHostingLimitsX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[PartyHostingLimitsX]
  26. object PartyToParticipantX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[PartyToParticipantX]
  27. object PurgeTopologyTransactionX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[PurgeTopologyTransactionX]
  28. object RejectionReason extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[RejectionReason]
  29. object SequencerDomainStateX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SequencerDomainStateX]
  30. object SessionKeyLookup extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SessionKeyLookup]
  31. object SignedTopologyTransactionX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SignedTopologyTransactionX] with UnstableProtoVersion
  32. object StaticDomainParametersX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[StaticDomainParametersX]
  33. object SynchronizationProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  34. object TopologyChangeOpX extends GeneratedEnumCompanion[TopologyChangeOpX]
  35. object TopologyMappingX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TopologyMappingX]
  36. object TopologyProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  37. object TopologyTransactionX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TopologyTransactionX] with UnstableProtoVersion
  38. object TopologyTransactionsBroadcastX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TopologyTransactionsBroadcastX] with UnstableProtoVersion
  39. object TrafficControlStateX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TrafficControlStateX]
  40. object TransactionResultMessage extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransactionResultMessage] with StableProtoVersion
  41. object TransferInView extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransferInView] with UnstableProtoVersion
  42. object TransferOutView extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransferOutView] with UnstableProtoVersion
  43. object TransferResult extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransferResult] with StableProtoVersion
  44. object TrustLevelX extends GeneratedEnumCompanion[TrustLevelX]
  45. object UnionspaceDefinitionX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[UnionspaceDefinitionX]
  46. object Verdict extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Verdict] with StableProtoVersion
  47. object VettedPackagesX extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[VettedPackagesX]
  48. object ViewParticipantData extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ViewParticipantData] with StableProtoVersion
  49. object ViewPosition extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ViewPosition]
