
object utils extends Helpful

@Summary(s = "Console utilities", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Group(name = "Utilities")
Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. utils
  2. Helpful
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  5. def auto_close(closeable: AutoCloseable)(implicit environment: ConsoleEnvironment): Unit
    @Summary(s = "Register `AutoCloseable` object to be shutdown if Canton is shut down", flag = FeatureFlag.Testing)
  6. def change_contracts_party_ids(partiesOldToPartiesNew: Map[PartyId, PartyId], acs: Seq[WrappedCreatedEvent], domainId: DomainId, ledgerCreateTime: Instant, targetProtocolVersion: ProtocolVersion)(implicit env: ConsoleEnvironment): Seq[VersionedMessage[Nothing]]
    @Summary(s = "Change the party ids referenced by a sequence of contracts.", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """The `utils.change_contracts_party_ids` changes the party ids of multiple contracts based on a map
    |of old party ids to new party ids. This is typically used during an ACS migration when the
    |reference party ids have changed (e.g. due to them being recreated in another participant in a different
    |namespace). This function also requires the selection of a specific ledger create time
    |according to the domain's clock. It is also possible to modify the domain and protocol version for
    |those contracts, which can be useful when contracts are being migrated to a participant
    |connected to a domain and/or protocol version."""
  7. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  8. def contract_data_to_instance(contractData: ContractData, ledgerTime: Instant)(implicit env: ConsoleEnvironment): SerializableContract
    @Summary(s = "Convert contract data to a contract instance.", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """The `utils.contract_data_to_instance` bridges the gap between `participant.ledger_api.acs` commands that
    |return various pieces of "contract data" and the `` command used to add "contract instances"
    |as part of repair workflows. Such workflows (for example migrating contracts from other Daml ledgers to Canton
    |participants) typically consist of extracting contract data using `participant.ledger_api.acs` commands,
    |modifying the contract data, and then converting the `contractData` using this function before finally
    |adding the resulting contract instances to Canton participants via ``.
    |Obtain the `contractData` by invoking `.toContractData` on the `WrappedCreatedEvent` returned by the
    |corresponding `participant.ledger_api.acs.of_party` or `of_all` call. The `ledgerTime` parameter should be
    |chosen to be a time meaningful to the domain on which you plan to subsequently invoke ``
    |on and will be retained alongside the contract instance by the `` invocation."""
  9. def contract_instance_to_data(contract: SerializableContract)(implicit env: ConsoleEnvironment): ContractData
    @Summary(s = "Convert a contract instance to contract data.", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """The `utils.contract_instance_to_data` converts a Canton "contract instance" to "contract data", a format more
    |amenable to inspection and modification as part of repair workflows. This function consumes the output of
    |the `participant.testing` commands and can thus be employed in workflows geared at verifying the contents of
    |contracts for diagnostic purposes and in environments in which the "features.enable-testing-commands"
    |configuration can be (at least temporarily) enabled."""
  10. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  11. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  12. def generate_contract_id(cryptoPureApi: CryptoPureApi, rawContract: SerializableRawContractInstance, createdAt: CantonTimestamp, discriminator: LfHash, contractSalt: Salt, metadata: ContractMetadata, protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion): V1
    @Summary(s = "Generate authenticated contract id.", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """The `utils.generate_contract_id` generates "contract id" of a contract. Starting from protocol version 4,
    |Canton uses the so called authenticated contract ids which depend on the details of the associated contracts.
    |When aspects of a contract such as the parties involved change as part of repair or export/import procedure,
    |the corresponding contract id must be recomputed. This function can be used as a tool to generate an id for
    |an arbitrary contract content"""
  13. def generate_daml_script_participants_conf(file: Option[String] = None, useParticipantAlias: Boolean = true, defaultParticipant: Option[ParticipantReference] = None)(implicit env: ConsoleEnvironment): File
    @Summary(s = "Create a participants config for Daml script", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """The generated config can be passed to `daml script` via the `participant-config` parameter.
    |More information about the file format can be found in the `documentation <>`_:
    |It takes three arguments:
    |- file (default to "participant-config.json")
    |- useParticipantAlias (default to true): participant aliases are used instead of UIDs
    |- defaultParticipant (default to None): adds a default participant if provided
  14. def generate_navigator_conf(participant: LocalParticipantReference, file: Option[String] = None): File
    @Summary(s = "Create a navigator ui-backend.conf for a participant", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
  15. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  16. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  17. def help(methodName: String)(implicit consoleEnvironment: ConsoleEnvironment): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @Summary(s = "Help for specific commands (use help() or help(\"method\") for more information)", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Topic(t = Seq("Top-level Commands"))
  18. def help()(implicit consoleEnvironment: ConsoleEnvironment): Unit
    Definition Classes
  19. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  20. def migrate_dars(participantOld: ParticipantReference, participantNew: ParticipantReference): Unit
    @Summary(s = "Migrates dars from one participant to another.", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """The `utils.migrate_dars` copies all dars (not part of the AdminWorkflows) from a participant,
    |saves them in a temporary file and then uploads them to another participant."""
  21. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  22. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  23. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  24. def object_args[T](obj: T)(implicit arg0: scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse.TypeTag[T]): List[String]
    @Summary(s = "Reflective inspection of object arguments, handy to inspect case class objects", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = "Return the list field names of the given object. Helpful function when inspecting the return result.")
  25. def read_all_messages_from_file[A <: GeneratedMessage](fileName: String)(implicit companion: GeneratedMessageCompanion[A]): Seq[A]
    @Summary(s = "Reads several Protobuf messages from a file.", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = "Fails with an exception, if the file can't be read or parsed.")
  26. def read_byte_string_from_file(fileName: String)(implicit env: ConsoleEnvironment): ByteString
    @Summary(s = "Reads a ByteString from a file.", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = "Fails with an exception, if the file can't be read.")
  27. def read_first_message_from_file[A <: GeneratedMessage](fileName: String)(implicit companion: GeneratedMessageCompanion[A]): A
    @Summary(s = "Reads a single Protobuf message from a file.", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = "Fails with an exception, if the file can't be read or parsed.")
  28. def recompute_contract_ids(participant: LocalParticipantReference, acs: Seq[SerializableContract], protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion): (Seq[SerializableContract], Map[LfContractId, LfContractId])
    @Summary(s = "Recompute authenticated contract ids.", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """The `utils.recompute_contract_ids` regenerates "contract ids" of multiple contracts after their contents have
    |changed. Starting from protocol version 4, Canton uses the so called authenticated contract ids which depend
    |on the details of the associated contracts. When aspects of a contract such as the parties involved change as
    |part of repair or export/import procedure, the corresponding contract id must be recomputed."""
  29. final def retry_until_true(timeout: NonNegativeDuration, maxWaitPeriod: NonNegativeDuration = 10.seconds)(condition: => Boolean, failure: => String = "Condition never became true within ".+(timeout)): Unit
    @Summary(s = "Wait for a condition to become true", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """Wait `timeout` duration until `condition` becomes true.
    | Retry evaluating `condition` with an exponentially increasing back-off up to `maxWaitPeriod` duration between retries.
  30. final def retry_until_true(condition: => Boolean)(implicit env: ConsoleEnvironment): Unit
    @Summary(s = "Wait for a condition to become true, using default timeouts", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """
    |Wait until condition becomes true, with a timeout taken from the parameters.timeouts.console.bounded
    |configuration parameter."""
  31. def synchronize_topology(timeoutO: Option[NonNegativeDuration] = None)(implicit env: ConsoleEnvironment): Unit
    @Summary(s = "Wait until all topology changes have been effected on all accessible nodes", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
  32. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  33. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  34. def type_args[T](implicit arg0: scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse.TypeTag[T]): List[String]
    @Summary(s = "Reflective inspection of type arguments, handy to inspect case class types", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = "Return the list of field names of the given type. Helpful function when creating new objects for requests.")
  35. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  36. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  37. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  38. def write_to_file(data: ByteString, fileName: String): Unit
    @Summary(s = "Writes a ByteString to a file.", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
  39. def write_to_file(data: GeneratedMessage, fileName: String): Unit
    @Summary(s = "Writes a Protobuf message to a file.", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
  40. def write_to_file(data: Seq[GeneratedMessage], fileName: String): Unit
    @Summary(s = "Writes several Protobuf messages to a file.", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated @Deprecated

Inherited from Helpful

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
