
object domains extends Helpful

@Summary(s = "Manage domain connections", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Group(name = "Domains")
Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. domains
  2. Helpful
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def accept_agreement(domainAlias: DomainAlias, agreementId: String): Unit
    @Summary(s = "Accept the service agreement of the given domain alias", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
  5. def active(reference: DomainAdministration): Boolean
    @Summary(s = "Test whether a participant is connected to and permissioned on a domain reference, both from the perspective of the participant and the domain.", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = "Yields false, if the domain has not been initialized, is not connected or is not healthy.")
  6. def active(domainAlias: DomainAlias): Boolean
    @Summary(s = "Test whether a participant is connected to and permissioned on a domain.", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """Yields false, if the domain is not connected or not healthy.
    |Yields false, if the domain is configured in the Canton configuration and
    |the participant is not active from the perspective of the domain."""
  7. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  8. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  9. def config(domain: DomainAlias): Option[DomainConnectionConfig]
    @Summary(s = "Returns the current configuration of a given domain", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
  10. def connect(domainAlias: DomainAlias, connection: String, manualConnect: Boolean = false, domainId: Option[DomainId] = None, certificatesPath: String = "", priority: Int = 0, timeTrackerConfig: DomainTimeTrackerConfig = DomainTimeTrackerConfig(), synchronize: Option[NonNegativeDuration] = Some( consoleEnvironment.commandTimeouts.bounded )): DomainConnectionConfig
    @Summary(s = "Macro to connect a participant to a domain given by connection", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """The connect macro performs a series of commands in order to connect this participant to a domain.
    |First, `register` will be invoked with the given arguments, but first registered
    |with manualConnect = true. If you already set manualConnect = true, then nothing else
    |will happen and you will have to do the remaining steps yourselves.
    |Otherwise, if the domain requires an agreement, it is fetched and presented to the user for evaluation.
    |If the user is fine with it, the agreement is confirmed. If you want to auto-confirm,
    |then set the environment variable CANTON_AUTO_APPROVE_AGREEMENTS=yes.
    |Finally, the command will invoke `reconnect` to startup the connection.
    |If the reconnect succeeded, the registered configuration will be updated
    |with manualStart = true. If anything fails, the domain will remain registered with `manualConnect = true` and
    |you will have to perform these steps manually.
    The arguments are:
    domainAlias - The name you will be using to refer to this domain. Can not be changed anymore.
    connection - The connection string to connect to this domain. I.e. https://url:port
    manualConnect - Whether this connection should be handled manually and also excluded from automatic re-connect.
    domainId - Optionally the domainId you expect to see on this domain.
    certificatesPath - Path to TLS certificate files to use as a trust anchor.
    priority - The priority of the domain. The higher the more likely a domain will be used.
    timeTrackerConfig - The configuration for the domain time tracker.
    synchronize - A timeout duration indicating how long to wait for all topology changes to have been effected on all local nodes.
  11. def connect(config: DomainConnectionConfig): Unit
    @Summary(s = "Macro to connect a participant to a domain given by connection", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """This variant of connect expects a domain connection config.
    |Otherwise the behaviour is equivalent to the connect command with explicit
    |arguments. If the domain is already configured, the domain connection
    |will be attempted. If however the domain is offline, the command will fail.
    |Generally, this macro should only be used to setup a new domain. However, for
    |convenience, we support idempotent invocations where subsequent calls just ensure
    |that the participant reconnects to the domain.
  12. def connect_ha(domainAlias: DomainAlias, firstConnection: SequencerConnection, additionalConnections: SequencerConnection*): DomainConnectionConfig
    @Summary(s = "Deprecated macro to connect a participant to a domain that supports connecting via many endpoints", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """Use the command connect_ha with the updated arguments list""") @Deprecated
  13. def connect_local(domain: InstanceReferenceWithSequencerConnection, manualConnect: Boolean = false, alias: Option[DomainAlias] = None, maxRetryDelayMillis: Option[Long] = None, priority: Int = 0, synchronize: Option[NonNegativeDuration] = Some( consoleEnvironment.commandTimeouts.bounded )): Unit
    @Summary(s = "Macro to connect a participant to a locally configured domain given by reference", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """
    The arguments are:
    domain - A local domain or sequencer reference
    manualConnect - Whether this connection should be handled manually and also excluded from automatic re-connect.
    alias - The name you will be using to refer to this domain. Can not be changed anymore.
    certificatesPath - Path to TLS certificate files to use as a trust anchor.
    priority - The priority of the domain. The higher the more likely a domain will be used.
    synchronize - A timeout duration indicating how long to wait for all topology changes to have been effected on all local nodes.
  14. def connect_local_bft(domain: NonEmpty[Map[SequencerAlias, InstanceReferenceWithSequencerConnection]], manualConnect: Boolean = false, alias: Option[DomainAlias] = None, maxRetryDelayMillis: Option[Long] = None, priority: Int = 0, synchronize: Option[NonNegativeDuration] = Some( consoleEnvironment.commandTimeouts.bounded ), sequencerTrustThreshold: PositiveInt = PositiveInt.tryCreate(1)): Unit
  15. def connect_multi(domainAlias: DomainAlias, connections: Seq[SequencerConnection], synchronize: Option[NonNegativeDuration] = Some( consoleEnvironment.commandTimeouts.bounded )): DomainConnectionConfig
    @Summary(s = "Macro to connect a participant to a domain that supports connecting via many endpoints", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """Domains can provide many endpoints to connect to for availability and performance benefits.
    This version of connect allows specifying multiple endpoints for a single domain connection:
    connect_multi("mydomain", Seq(sequencer1, sequencer2))
    connect_multi("mydomain", Seq("", "", ""))

    To create a more advanced connection config use domains.toConfig with a single host,
    |then use config.addConnection to add additional connections before connecting:
    config ="mydomain", "", ...otherArguments)
    config = config.addConnection("", "")

    The arguments are:
    domainAlias - The name you will be using to refer to this domain. Can not be changed anymore.
    connections - The sequencer connection definitions (can be an URL) to connect to this domain. I.e. https://url:port
    synchronize - A timeout duration indicating how long to wait for all topology changes to have been effected on all local nodes.
  16. def connect_single(domainAlias: DomainAlias, sequencerConnection: SequencerConnection, synchronize: Option[NonNegativeDuration] = Some( consoleEnvironment.commandTimeouts.bounded )): DomainConnectionConfig
    @Summary(s = "Macro to connect a participant to a domain that supports a single sequencer connection", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """Calls a `connect_multi` macro with a single sequencer connection. This is
    |particularly useful if we have a reference to a remote sequencer and can easily get
    |the respective sequencer connection <sequencer>.sequencerConnection.
    The arguments are:
    domainAlias - The name you will be using to refer to this domain. Can not be changed anymore.
    sequencerConnection - A single sequencer connection to connect to this domain. I.e. https://url:port
    synchronize - A timeout duration indicating how long to wait for all topology changes to have been effected on all local nodes.
  17. def disconnect(domainAlias: DomainAlias): Unit
    @Summary(s = "Disconnect this participant from the given domain", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
  18. def disconnect_all(): Unit
    @Summary(s = "Disconnect this participant from all connected domains", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
  19. def disconnect_local(domain: DomainReference): Unit
    @Summary(s = "Disconnect this participant from the given local domain", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
  20. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  21. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  22. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  23. def get_agreement(domainAlias: DomainAlias): Option[(Agreement, Boolean)]
    @Summary(s = "Get the service agreement of the given domain alias and if it has been accepted already.", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
  24. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  25. def help(methodName: String)(implicit consoleEnvironment: ConsoleEnvironment): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @Summary(s = "Help for specific commands (use help() or help(\"method\") for more information)", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Topic(t = Seq("Top-level Commands"))
  26. def help()(implicit consoleEnvironment: ConsoleEnvironment): Unit
    Definition Classes
  27. def id_of(domainAlias: DomainAlias): DomainId
    @Summary(s = "Returns the id of the given domain alias", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
  28. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  29. def is_connected(reference: DomainAdministration): Boolean
    @Summary(s = "Test whether a participant is connected to a domain reference", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
  30. def is_registered(domain: DomainAlias): Boolean
    @Summary(s = "Returns true if a domain is registered using the given alias", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
  31. def list_connected(): Seq[ListConnectedDomainsResult]
    @Summary(s = "List the connected domains of this participant", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
  32. def list_registered(): Seq[(DomainConnectionConfig, Boolean)]
    @Summary(s = "List the configured active domains of this participant", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
  33. def modify(domain: DomainAlias, modifier: (DomainConnectionConfig) => DomainConnectionConfig): Unit
    @Summary(s = "Modify existing domain connection", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
  34. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  35. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  36. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  37. def reconnect(domainAlias: DomainAlias, retry: Boolean = true, synchronize: Option[NonNegativeDuration] = Some( consoleEnvironment.commandTimeouts.bounded )): Boolean
    @Summary(s = "Reconnect this participant to the given domain", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """Idempotent attempts to re-establish a connection to a certain domain.
    |If retry is set to false, the command will throw an exception if unsuccessful.
    |If retry is set to true, the command will terminate after the first attempt with the result,
    |but the server will keep on retrying to connect to the domain.
    The arguments are:
    domainAlias - The name you will be using to refer to this domain. Can not be changed anymore.
    retry - Whether the reconnect should keep on retrying until it succeeded or abort noisly if the connection attempt fails.
    synchronize - A timeout duration indicating how long to wait for all topology changes to have been effected on all local nodes.
  38. def reconnect_all(ignoreFailures: Boolean = true, synchronize: Option[NonNegativeDuration] = Some( consoleEnvironment.commandTimeouts.bounded )): Unit
    @Summary(s = "Reconnect this participant to all domains which are not marked as manual start", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """
    The arguments are:
    ignoreFailures - If set to true (default), we'll attempt to connect to all, ignoring any failure
    synchronize - A timeout duration indicating how long to wait for all topology changes to have been effected on all local nodes.
  39. def reconnect_local(ref: DomainReference, retry: Boolean = true, synchronize: Option[NonNegativeDuration] = Some( consoleEnvironment.commandTimeouts.bounded )): Boolean
    @Summary(s = "Reconnect this participant to the given local domain", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """Idempotent attempts to re-establish a connection to the given local domain.
    |Same behaviour as generic reconnect.

    The arguments are:
    ref - The domain reference to connect to
    retry - Whether the reconnect should keep on retrying until it succeeded or abort noisly if the connection attempt fails.
    synchronize - A timeout duration indicating how long to wait for all topology changes to have been effected on all local nodes.
  40. def register(config: DomainConnectionConfig): Unit
    @Summary(s = "Register new domain connection", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Description(s = """When connecting to a domain, we need to register the domain connection and eventually
    |accept the terms of service of the domain before we can connect. The registration process is therefore
    |a subset of the operation. Therefore, register is equivalent to connect if the domain does not require
    |a service agreement. However, you would usually call register only in advanced scripts."""
  41. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  42. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  43. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  44. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  45. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated @Deprecated

Inherited from Helpful

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
