final case class TransactionView extends MerkleTreeInnerNode[TransactionView] with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[TransactionView] with HasLoggerName with Product with Serializable

Encapsulates a subaction of the underlying transaction.

Exceptions thrown

TransactionView$.InvalidView if the viewCommonData is unblinded and equals the viewCommonData of a direct subview

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. TransactionView
  2. HasLoggerName
  3. HasProtocolVersionedWrapper
  4. HasToByteString
  5. HasRepresentativeProtocolVersion
  6. MerkleTreeInnerNode
  7. MerkleTree
  8. PrettyPrinting
  9. PrettyUtil
  10. ShowUtil
  11. ShowSyntax
  12. ToShowOps
  13. Serializable
  14. Product
  15. Equals
  16. AnyRef
  17. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. implicit class ShowAnyRefSyntax extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  2. implicit class ShowEitherSyntax[L, R] extends AnyRef

    Enables the syntax show"${myEither.showMerged}".

    Enables the syntax show"${myEither.showMerged}".

    Definition Classes
  3. implicit class ShowLengthLimitedStringSyntax extends StringOperators
    Definition Classes
  4. implicit class ShowLengthLimitedStringWrapperSyntax extends StringOperators
    Definition Classes
  5. implicit class ShowOptionSyntax[T] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  6. implicit class ShowProductSyntax extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  7. implicit class ShowStringSyntax extends StringOperators
    Definition Classes
  8. implicit class ShowTraversableSyntax[T] extends AnyRef

    Enables syntax like show"Found several elements: ${myCollection.mkShow()}".

    Enables syntax like show"Found several elements: ${myCollection.mkShow()}".

    Definition Classes
  9. abstract class StringOperators extends AnyRef

    Enables syntax like show"This is a string: ${myString.doubleQuoted}" and show"This is a hash: ${myHash.readableHash}".

    Enables syntax like show"This is a string: ${myString.doubleQuoted}" and show"This is a hash: ${myHash.readableHash}".

    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def activeLedgerState(implicit loggingContext: NamedLoggingContext): ActiveLedgerState[Unit]

    The com.daml.lf.transaction.ContractStateMachine.ActiveLedgerState the com.daml.lf.transaction.ContractStateMachine reaches after interpreting the root action of the view.

    Exceptions thrown

    java.lang.IllegalStateException if the ViewParticipantData of this view or any subview is blinded.

  5. def adHocPrettyInstance[T <: Product](implicit c: ClassTag[T]): Pretty[T]

    Use this as a temporary solution, to make the code compile during an ongoing migration.

    Use this as a temporary solution, to make the code compile during an ongoing migration. Drawbacks:

    • Instances of Pretty[T] are ignored.
    • No parameter names
    Definition Classes
  6. def allSubviewsWithPosition(rootPos: ViewPosition): Seq[(TransactionView, ViewPosition)]

    Yields all (direct and indirect) subviews of this view in pre-order, along with the subview position under the root view position rootPos.

    Yields all (direct and indirect) subviews of this view in pre-order, along with the subview position under the root view position rootPos. The first element is this view.

  7. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  8. final def blind(blindingPolicy: PartialFunction[MerkleTree[_], BlindingCommand]): MerkleTree[TransactionView]

    Blinds this Merkle tree according to the commands given by blindingStatus.

    Blinds this Merkle tree according to the commands given by blindingStatus. Traverses this tree in pre-order.


    assigns blinding commands to subtrees

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if blindingPolicy does not assign a blinding command to some subtree and all ancestors of subtree have the blinding command RevealIfNeedBe

  9. lazy val blindFully: MerkleTree[TransactionView]
    Definition Classes
  10. def castRepresentativeProtocolVersion[T <: HasSupportedProtoVersions[_]](target: T): Either[String, RepresentativeProtocolVersion[T]]

    Casts this instance's representative protocol version to one for the target type.

    Casts this instance's representative protocol version to one for the target type. This only succeeds if the versioning schemes are the same.

    Definition Classes
  11. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  12. lazy val companionObj: TransactionView.type
    Definition Classes
  13. def consumed(implicit loggingContext: NamedLoggingContext): Map[LfContractId, Unit]
  14. def createdContracts(implicit loggingContext: NamedLoggingContext): Map[LfContractId, CreatedContractInView]

    The contracts appearing in create nodes in the view (including subviews).

    The contracts appearing in create nodes in the view (including subviews).

    Exceptions thrown

    java.lang.IllegalStateException if the ViewParticipantData of this view or any subview is blinded

  15. def customParam[T](getValue: (T) => String, cond: (T) => Boolean = (_: T) => true): (T) => Option[Tree]

    Use this if you need a custom representation of a parameter.

    Use this if you need a custom representation of a parameter. Do not use this to create lengthy strings, as line wrapping is not supported.

    Definition Classes
  16. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  17. implicit def errorLoggingContextFromNamedLoggingContext(implicit loggingContext: NamedLoggingContext): ErrorLoggingContext

    Convert a com.digitalasset.canton.logging.NamedLoggingContext into an com.digitalasset.canton.logging.ErrorLoggingContext to fix the logger name to the current class name.

    Convert a com.digitalasset.canton.logging.NamedLoggingContext into an com.digitalasset.canton.logging.ErrorLoggingContext to fix the logger name to the current class name.

    Definition Classes
  18. lazy val flatten: Seq[TransactionView]

    Yields all (direct and indirect) subviews of this view in pre-order.

    Yields all (direct and indirect) subviews of this view in pre-order. The first element is this view.

  19. def foldLeft[A](z: A)(f: (A, TransactionView) => A): A

    Traverses all unblinded subviews v1, v2, v3, ... in pre-order and yields f(...f(f(z, v1), v2)..., vn)

  20. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  21. def globalKeyInputs(implicit loggingContext: NamedLoggingContext): Map[LfGlobalKey, KeyResolutionWithMaintainers]

    The global key inputs that the com.daml.lf.transaction.ContractStateMachine computes while interpreting the root action of the view, enriched with the maintainers of the key and the com.digitalasset.canton.protocol.LfTransactionVersion to be used for serializing the key.

    The global key inputs that the com.daml.lf.transaction.ContractStateMachine computes while interpreting the root action of the view, enriched with the maintainers of the key and the com.digitalasset.canton.protocol.LfTransactionVersion to be used for serializing the key.

    Exceptions thrown

    java.lang.IllegalStateException if the ViewParticipantData of this view or any subview is blinded

  22. lazy val hasAllLeavesBlinded: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  23. val hashOps: HashOps
    Definition Classes
  24. def indicateOmittedFields[T]: (T) => Option[Tree]

    Use this to indicate that you've omitted fields from pretty printing

    Use this to indicate that you've omitted fields from pretty printing

    Definition Classes
  25. def inputContracts(implicit loggingContext: NamedLoggingContext): Map[LfContractId, InputContract]

    The input contracts of the view (including subviews).

    The input contracts of the view (including subviews).

    Exceptions thrown

    java.lang.IllegalStateException if the ViewParticipantData of this view or any subview is blinded

  26. def isBlinded: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  27. def isEquivalentTo(protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  28. lazy val isFullyUnblinded: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  29. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  30. def isSmallerOrEqualThan(protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  31. implicit def loggerNameFromThisClass: LoggerNameFromClass
    Definition Classes
  32. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  33. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  34. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  35. def param[T, V](name: String, getValue: (T) => V, cond: (T) => Boolean = (_: T) => true)(implicit arg0: Pretty[V]): (T) => Option[Tree]

    A tree representing both parameter name and value.

    A tree representing both parameter name and value.

    Definition Classes
  36. def paramIfDefined[T, V](name: String, getValue: (T) => Option[V])(implicit arg0: Pretty[V]): (T) => Option[Tree]
    Definition Classes
  37. def paramIfNonEmpty[T, V <: IterableOnce[_]](name: String, getValue: (T) => V)(implicit arg0: Pretty[V]): (T) => Option[Tree]
    Definition Classes
  38. def paramIfNotDefault[T, V](name: String, getValue: (T) => V, default: V)(implicit arg0: Pretty[V]): (T) => Option[Tree]

    A tree only written if not matching the default value

    A tree only written if not matching the default value

    Definition Classes
  39. def paramIfTrue[T](label: String, getValue: (T) => Boolean): (T) => Option[Tree]
    Definition Classes
  40. def paramWithoutValue[T](name: String, cond: (T) => Boolean = (_: T) => true): (T) => Option[Tree]

    A tree representing a parameter name without a parameter value.

    A tree representing a parameter name without a parameter value. Use this for parameters storing confidential or binary data.

    Definition Classes
  41. def pretty: Pretty[TransactionView]

    Indicates how to pretty print this instance.

    Indicates how to pretty print this instance. See PrettyPrintingTest for examples on how to implement this method.

    Definition Classes
  42. def prettyInfix[T]: PrettyInfixPartiallyApplied[T]
    Definition Classes
  43. def prettyNode[T](label: String, children: (T) => Option[Tree]*): Pretty[T]

    A tree consisting of a labelled node with the given children.

    A tree consisting of a labelled node with the given children.

    Definition Classes
  44. def prettyOfClass[T](getParamTrees: (T) => Option[Tree]*): Pretty[T]

    A tree representing the type name and parameter trees.

    A tree representing the type name and parameter trees.

    Definition Classes
  45. def prettyOfObject[T <: Product]: Pretty[T]

    A tree presenting the type name only.

    A tree presenting the type name only. (E.g., for case objects.)

    Definition Classes
  46. def prettyOfParam[T, V](getValue: (T) => V)(implicit arg0: Pretty[V]): Pretty[T]

    Use this to give a class with a singleton parameter the same pretty representation as the parameter.

    Use this to give a class with a singleton parameter the same pretty representation as the parameter.

    Definition Classes
  47. def prettyOfString[T](toString: (T) => String): Pretty[T]

    Creates a pretty instance from a string function.

    Creates a pretty instance from a string function. Do not use this with lengthy strings, as line wrapping is not supported.

    Definition Classes
  48. def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
    Definition Classes
  49. def protoVersion: ProtoVersion

    Yields the Proto version that this class will be serialized to

    Yields the Proto version that this class will be serialized to

    Definition Classes
  50. def replace(h: ViewHash, v: TransactionView): TransactionView

    If the view with the given hash appears either as this view or one of its unblinded descendants, replace it by the given view.

    If the view with the given hash appears either as this view or one of its unblinded descendants, replace it by the given view. TODO(i12900): not stack safe unless we have limits on the depths of views.

  51. val representativeProtocolVersion: RepresentativeProtocolVersion[TransactionView.type]

    We have a correspondence {Proto version} <-> {[protocol version]}: each proto version correspond to a list of consecutive protocol versions.

    We have a correspondence {Proto version} <-> {[protocol version]}: each proto version correspond to a list of consecutive protocol versions. The representative is one instance of this list, usually the smallest value. In other words, the Proto versions induce an equivalence relation on the list of protocol version, thus use of representative.

    The method protocolVersionRepresentativeFor below allows to query the representative for an equivalence class.

    Definition Classes
  52. lazy val rootHash: RootHash
    Definition Classes
  53. implicit final def showInterpolator(sc: StringContext): ShowInterpolator
    Definition Classes
  54. implicit def showPretty[T](implicit arg0: Pretty[T]): Show[T]

    Enables the syntax show"This object is pretty: $myPrettyType".

    Enables the syntax show"This object is pretty: $myPrettyType".

    Definition Classes
  55. def subtrees: Seq[MerkleTree[_]]
    Definition Classes
  56. def subviewHashesConsistentWith(subviewHashes: Seq[ViewHash]): Boolean
  57. val subviews: TransactionSubviews
  58. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  59. def toByteArray: Array[Byte]

    Yields a byte array representation of the corresponding UntypedVersionedMessage wrapper of this instance.

    Yields a byte array representation of the corresponding UntypedVersionedMessage wrapper of this instance.

    Definition Classes
  60. def toByteString: ByteString

    Yields a byte string representation of the corresponding UntypedVersionedMessage wrapper of this instance.

    Yields a byte string representation of the corresponding UntypedVersionedMessage wrapper of this instance.

    Definition Classes
  61. def toProtoV0: ViewNode
  62. def toProtoV1: ViewNode
  63. def toProtoVersioned: VersionedMessage[TransactionView]

    Yields the proto representation of the class inside an UntypedVersionedMessage wrapper.

    Yields the proto representation of the class inside an UntypedVersionedMessage wrapper.

    Subclasses should make this method public by default, as this supports composing proto serializations. Keep it protected, if there are good reasons for it (e.g. com.digitalasset.canton.serialization.ProtocolVersionedMemoizedEvidence).

    Be aware that if calling on a class that defines a LegacyProtoConverter, this method will still return a VersionedMessage. If the current protocol version maps to the legacy converter, deserialization will then fail (as it will try to deserialize to the raw protobuf instead of the VersionedMessage wrapper this was serialized to. Prefer using toByteString which handles this use case correctly.

    Definition Classes
  64. implicit def toShow[A](target: A)(implicit tc: Show[A]): Ops[A]
    Definition Classes
  65. final def toString(): String

    Yields a readable string representation based on com.digitalasset.canton.logging.pretty.Pretty.DefaultPprinter.

    Yields a readable string representation based on com.digitalasset.canton.logging.pretty.Pretty.DefaultPprinter. Final to avoid accidental overwriting.

    Definition Classes
    PrettyPrinting → AnyRef → Any
  66. lazy val tryFlattenToParticipantViews: Seq[ParticipantTransactionView]
  67. def tryUnblindViewParticipantData(fieldName: String)(implicit loggingContext: NamedLoggingContext): ViewParticipantData
  68. def tryUnwrap: TransactionView

    Yields this instance with type A

    Yields this instance with type A

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if this is blinded

  69. def unnamedParam[T, V](getValue: (T) => V, cond: (T) => Boolean = (_: T) => true)(implicit arg0: Pretty[V]): (T) => Option[Tree]

    A tree representing a parameter value without a parameter name.

    A tree representing a parameter value without a parameter name.

    Definition Classes
  70. def unnamedParamIfDefined[T, V](getValue: (T) => Option[V])(implicit arg0: Pretty[V]): (T) => Option[Tree]
    Definition Classes
  71. def unnamedParamIfNonEmpty[T, V <: IterableOnce[_]](getValue: (T) => V)(implicit arg0: Pretty[V]): (T) => Option[Tree]
    Definition Classes
  72. def unwrap: Either[RootHash, TransactionView]


    Left(hash), if this is a blinded tree and Right(tree) otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  73. def updatedKeyValues(implicit loggingContext: NamedLoggingContext): Map[LfGlobalKey, KeyMapping]

    The keys that this view updates (including reassigning the key), along with the assignment of that key at the end of the transaction.

    The keys that this view updates (including reassigning the key), along with the assignment of that key at the end of the transaction.

    Must only be used in mode com.daml.lf.transaction.ContractKeyUniquenessMode.Strict

    Exceptions thrown

    java.lang.IllegalStateException if the ViewParticipantData of this view or any subview is blinded.

  74. def updatedKeys(implicit loggingContext: NamedLoggingContext): Map[LfGlobalKey, Set[LfPartyId]]

    The keys that this view updates (including reassigning the key), along with the maintainers of the key.

    The keys that this view updates (including reassigning the key), along with the maintainers of the key.

    Must only be used in mode com.daml.lf.transaction.ContractKeyUniquenessMode.Strict

    Exceptions thrown

    java.lang.IllegalStateException if the ViewParticipantData of this view or any subview is blinded.

  75. def validateInstance(): Either[String, Unit]

    Will check that default value rules defined in companionObj.defaultValues hold.

    Will check that default value rules defined in companionObj.defaultValues hold.

    Definition Classes
  76. val viewCommonData: MerkleTree[ViewCommonData]
  77. val viewHash: ViewHash
  78. val viewParticipantData: MerkleTree[ViewParticipantData]
  79. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  80. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  81. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  82. def writeDelimitedTo(output: OutputStream): Either[String, Unit]

    Serializes this instance to a message together with a delimiter (the message length) to the given output stream.

    Serializes this instance to a message together with a delimiter (the message length) to the given output stream.

    This method works in conjunction with com.digitalasset.canton.version.HasProtocolVersionedCompanion2.parseDelimitedFromUnsafe which deserializes the message again. It is useful for serializing multiple messages to a single output stream through multiple invocations.

    Serialization is only supported for com.digitalasset.canton.version.HasSupportedProtoVersions.VersionedProtoConverter, an error message is returned otherwise.


    the sink to which this message is serialized to


    an Either where left represents an error message, and right represents a successful message serialization

    Definition Classes
  83. def writeToFile(outputFile: String): Unit
    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated @Deprecated

Inherited from HasLoggerName

Inherited from HasToByteString

Inherited from MerkleTree[TransactionView]

Inherited from PrettyPrinting

Inherited from PrettyUtil

Inherited from ShowUtil

Inherited from ShowSyntax

Inherited from ToShowOps

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Product

Inherited from Equals

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
