
package data

Linear Supertypes
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  2. By Inheritance
  1. data
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
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Type Members

  1. sealed trait ActionDescription extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[ActionDescription]

    Summarizes the information that is needed in addition to the other fields of ViewParticipantData for determining the root action of a view.

  2. final case class AssignedKey(contractId: LfContractId)(version: LfTransactionVersion) extends SerializableKeyResolution with Product with Serializable
  3. final case class AssignedKeyWithMaintainers(contractId: LfContractId, maintainers: Set[LfPartyId])(version: LfTransactionVersion) extends KeyResolutionWithMaintainers with Product with Serializable
  4. final case class BlindedNode[+A](rootHash: RootHash) extends MerkleTree[A] with Product with Serializable

    A blinded node of a Merkle tree.

    A blinded node of a Merkle tree. Has no subtrees, as they are all blinded.

  5. final case class CantonTimestamp(underlying: LfTimestamp) extends Ordered[CantonTimestamp] with Timestamp with Product with Serializable

    A timestamp implementation for canton, which currently uses a LfTimestamp.

    A timestamp implementation for canton, which currently uses a LfTimestamp.


    A LfTimestamp, holding the value of this CantonTimestamp.

  6. final case class CantonTimestampSecond extends Ordered[CantonTimestampSecond] with Timestamp with Product with Serializable

    A timestamp implementation for canton, which currently uses a LfTimestamp, which is rounded to the second.

  7. final case class CommonMetadata extends MerkleTreeLeaf[CommonMetadata] with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[CommonMetadata] with ProtocolVersionedMemoizedEvidence with Product with Serializable

    Information concerning every member involved in the underlying transaction.

  8. final case class ConcurrentHMap[R[_, _]] extends Product with Serializable

    This class provides a mutable, thread safe, version of shapeless HMap.

    This class provides a mutable, thread safe, version of shapeless HMap.

    Type safety is only guaranteed by the ev parameters that is passed to various methods. Because of that, default constructors of the class are disabled via the private keyword.

    In order to have type safety, the relation R must satisfy the following:

    - R be single-valued: if R[A, B1] and R[A, B2] are defined, then we should have B1 = B2.

    - If there is evidence for R[A1, B1] and R[A2, B2] for different B1 and B2, then for all non-null values x1: A1 and x2: A2, we must have x1 != x2.

    See tests for counter-examples.

    @SuppressWarnings() @nowarn()
  9. final case class ConfirmingParty(party: LfPartyId, partyWeight: PositiveInt, requiredTrustLevel: TrustLevel) extends Informee with Product with Serializable

    A party that must confirm the underlying view.

  10. final case class Counter[Discr](v: Long) extends Ordered[Counter[Discr]] with PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable
  11. trait CounterCompanion[T] extends AnyRef
  12. final case class FreeKey(maintainers: Set[LfPartyId])(version: LfTransactionVersion) extends SerializableKeyResolution with KeyResolutionWithMaintainers with Product with Serializable
  13. final case class FullInformeeTree extends HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[FullInformeeTree] with PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    Wraps a GenTransactionTree that is also a full informee tree.

  14. final case class FullTransactionViewTree extends TransactionViewTree with PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    Wraps a GenTransactionTree where exactly one view (including subviews) is unblinded.

    Wraps a GenTransactionTree where exactly one view (including subviews) is unblinded. The commonMetadata and participantMetadata are also unblinded. The submitterMetadata is unblinded if and only if the unblinded view is a root view.

  15. final case class FullTransferInTree(tree: TransferInViewTree) extends TransferViewTree with HasToByteString with PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    A fully unblinded TransferInViewTree

    A fully unblinded TransferInViewTree

    Exceptions thrown

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the tree is not fully unblinded

  16. final case class FullTransferOutTree(tree: TransferOutViewTree) extends TransferViewTree with HasToByteString with PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    A fully unblinded TransferOutViewTree

    A fully unblinded TransferOutViewTree

    Exceptions thrown

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the tree is not fully unblinded

  17. final case class GenTransactionTree extends MerkleTreeInnerNode[GenTransactionTree] with Product with Serializable

    Partially blinded version of a transaction tree.

    Partially blinded version of a transaction tree. This class is also used to represent transaction view trees and informee trees.

  18. abstract class GenTransferViewTree[CommonData <: HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[CommonData], View <: HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[View], Tree, MediatorMessage] extends MerkleTreeInnerNode[Tree]

    A transfer request tree has two children: The commonData for the mediator and the involved participants and the view only for the involved participants.

  19. sealed trait Informee extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting

    A party that must be informed about the view.

  20. final case class InformeeTree extends HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[InformeeTree] with Product with Serializable

    Encapsulates a GenTransactionTree that is also an informee tree.

  21. sealed trait KeyResolution extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  22. sealed trait KeyResolutionWithMaintainers extends KeyResolution
  23. sealed abstract class LightTransactionViewTree extends TransactionViewTree with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[LightTransactionViewTree] with PrettyPrinting

    Wraps a GenTransactionTree where exactly one view (not including subviews) is unblinded.

    Wraps a GenTransactionTree where exactly one view (not including subviews) is unblinded. The commonMetadata and participantMetadata are also unblinded. The submitterMetadata is unblinded if and only if the unblinded view is a root view.

    Exceptions thrown

    LightTransactionViewTree$.InvalidLightTransactionViewTree if tree is not a light transaction view tree (i.e. the wrong set of nodes is blinded)

  24. final case class MerkleSeq[+M <: VersionedMerkleTree[_]](rootOrEmpty: Option[MerkleTree[MerkleSeqElement[M]]])(representativeProtocolVersion: RepresentativeProtocolVersion[MerkleSeq.type], hashOps: HashOps) extends PrettyPrinting with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[MerkleSeq[VersionedMerkleTree[_]]] with Product with Serializable

    Wraps a sequence that is also a MerkleTree.

    Wraps a sequence that is also a MerkleTree. Elements are arranged in a balanced binary tree. As a result, if all except one element are blinded, the resulting MerkleSeq has size logarithmic in the size of the fully unblinded MerkleSeq.


    the type of elements


    the root element or None if the sequence is empty

  25. trait MerkleTree[+A] extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting

    Encapsulate a Merkle tree.

    Encapsulate a Merkle tree. Every node has an arbitrary number of children. Every node has a rootHash.

    Every node may be blinded, i.e., the rootHash remains, but the children are removed. The rootHash does not change if some children are blinded.


    the runtime type of the class that actually implements this instance of MerkleTree. I.e., a proper implementation of this trait must be declared like class MyMerkleTree extends MerkleTree[MyMerkleTree].

  26. abstract class MerkleTreeInnerNode[+A] extends MerkleTree[A]

    An inner node of a Merkle tree.

    An inner node of a Merkle tree. Has no data, no salt, and an arbitrary number of subtrees. An inner node is considered unblinded.

  27. abstract class MerkleTreeLeaf[+A <: HasCryptographicEvidence] extends MerkleTree[A]

    A leaf of a Merkle tree.

    A leaf of a Merkle tree. Has data, a salt, and no children. A leaf is considered unblinded.

  28. final case class ParticipantMetadata extends MerkleTreeLeaf[ParticipantMetadata] with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[ParticipantMetadata] with ProtocolVersionedMemoizedEvidence with Product with Serializable

    Information concerning every participant involved in the underlying transaction.

  29. final case class ParticipantTransactionView extends Product with Serializable

    Tags transaction views where all the view metadata are visible (such as in the views sent to participants).

    Tags transaction views where all the view metadata are visible (such as in the views sent to participants).

    Note that the subviews and their metadata are not guaranteed to be visible.

  30. trait PeanoQueue[K, V] extends AnyRef

    A Peano priority queue is a mutable priority queue of key-value pairs with ordered keys, starting from an index called the head, where pairs may be added in any order, but are polled strictly in their natural sequence.

    A Peano priority queue is a mutable priority queue of key-value pairs with ordered keys, starting from an index called the head, where pairs may be added in any order, but are polled strictly in their natural sequence. The order on keys must be a linear sequence, i.e., isomorphic to the order on a possibly unbounded interval of the integers. If the priority queue is missing a key from the sequence, we cannot poll that key until a key-value pair for that key is added.

    For example, in a priority queue with head 1, the keys polled are 1, then 2, then 3, etc.

    The head index is mutable, and increments each time the priority queue is successfully polled. Keys are unique and their value associations may not be modified.


    The type of keys


    The type of values

  31. class PeanoTreeQueue[Discr, V] extends PeanoQueue[Counter[Discr], V]

    Implementation of PeanoQueue for Counter keys based on a tree map.

    Implementation of PeanoQueue for Counter keys based on a tree map.

    This implementation is not thread safe.

  32. final case class PlainInformee(party: LfPartyId) extends Informee with Product with Serializable

    An informee that is not a confirming party

  33. final case class ProcessedDisclosedContract(create: Create, createdAt:, driverMetadata: Bytes) extends Product with Serializable

    An explicitly-disclosed contract that has been used during command interpretation and enriched with additional contract metadata.

    An explicitly-disclosed contract that has been used during command interpretation and enriched with additional contract metadata.


    the create event of the contract


    ledger effective time of the transaction that created the contract


    opaque bytestring used by the underlying ledger implementation

  34. final case class Quorum(confirmers: Map[LfPartyId, PositiveInt], threshold: NonNegativeInt) extends PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    A set of confirming parties and their weights plus a threshold constitutes a quorum.

    A set of confirming parties and their weights plus a threshold constitutes a quorum.


    maps a party id to a weight. The weight is a positive int because only PlainInformees have a weight of 0.

  35. final case class RepairContract(contract: SerializableContract, witnesses: Set[PartyId]) extends Product with Serializable

    Serializable contract with witnesses for contract add/import used in admin repairs.

    Serializable contract with witnesses for contract add/import used in admin repairs.


    serializable contract


    optional witnesses that observe the creation of the contract

  36. sealed trait SerializableKeyResolution extends KeyResolution
  37. final case class SubmitterMetadata extends MerkleTreeLeaf[SubmitterMetadata] with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[SubmitterMetadata] with ProtocolVersionedMemoizedEvidence with Product with Serializable

    Information about the submitters of the transaction maxSequencingTimeO was added in PV=5, so it will only be defined for PV >= 5, and will be None otherwise.

  38. class SynchronizedPeanoTreeQueue[Discr, V] extends PeanoQueue[Counter[Discr], V]

    A thread-safe PeanoTreeQueue thanks to synchronizing all methods

  39. class TaskScheduler[Task <: TimedTask] extends NamedLogging with FlagCloseable

    The task scheduler manages tasks with associated timestamps and sequencer counters.

    The task scheduler manages tasks with associated timestamps and sequencer counters. Tasks may be inserted in any order; they will be executed nevertheless in the correct order given by the timestamps.

    The tasks execute sequentially in scala.concurrent.Future.

  40. trait TaskSchedulerMetrics extends AnyRef
  41. trait Timestamp extends PrettyPrinting
  42. sealed trait TransactionSubviews extends Product with PrettyPrinting

    Abstraction over the subviews of a TransactionView

  43. final case class TransactionSubviewsV0 extends TransactionSubviews with Product with Serializable

    Implementation of TransactionSubviews where the subviews are a sequence

  44. final case class TransactionSubviewsV1 extends TransactionSubviews with Product with Serializable

    Implementation of TransactionSubviews where the subviews are a merkle tree

  45. final case class TransactionView extends MerkleTreeInnerNode[TransactionView] with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[TransactionView] with HasLoggerName with Product with Serializable

    Encapsulates a subaction of the underlying transaction.

    Encapsulates a subaction of the underlying transaction.

    Exceptions thrown

    TransactionView$.InvalidView if the viewCommonData is unblinded and equals the viewCommonData of a direct subview

  46. sealed trait TransactionViewDecomposition extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting

    Wrapper type for elements of a view decomposition

  47. trait TransactionViewDecompositionFactory extends AnyRef
  48. trait TransactionViewTree extends ViewTree
  49. final case class TransferInCommonData extends MerkleTreeLeaf[TransferInCommonData] with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[TransferInCommonData] with ProtocolVersionedMemoizedEvidence with Product with Serializable

    Aggregates the data of a transfer-in request that is sent to the mediator and the involved participants.

  50. final case class TransferInView extends MerkleTreeLeaf[TransferInView] with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[TransferInView] with ProtocolVersionedMemoizedEvidence with Product with Serializable

    Aggregates the data of a transfer-in request that is only sent to the involved participants

  51. final case class TransferInViewTree(commonData: MerkleTree[TransferInCommonData], view: MerkleTree[TransferInView])(representativeProtocolVersion: RepresentativeProtocolVersion[TransferInViewTree.type], hashOps: HashOps) extends GenTransferViewTree[TransferInCommonData, TransferInView, TransferInViewTree, TransferInMediatorMessage] with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[TransferInViewTree] with Product with Serializable

    A blindable Merkle tree for transfer-in requests

  52. final case class TransferOutCommonData extends MerkleTreeLeaf[TransferOutCommonData] with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[TransferOutCommonData] with ProtocolVersionedMemoizedEvidence with Product with Serializable

    Aggregates the data of a transfer-out request that is sent to the mediator and the involved participants.

  53. sealed abstract class TransferOutView extends MerkleTreeLeaf[TransferOutView] with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[TransferOutView] with ProtocolVersionedMemoizedEvidence

    Aggregates the data of a transfer-out request that is only sent to the involved participants

  54. final case class TransferOutViewTree(commonData: MerkleTree[TransferOutCommonData], view: MerkleTree[TransferOutView])(representativeProtocolVersion: RepresentativeProtocolVersion[TransferOutViewTree.type], hashOps: HashOps) extends GenTransferViewTree[TransferOutCommonData, TransferOutView, TransferOutViewTree, TransferOutMediatorMessage] with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[TransferOutViewTree] with Product with Serializable

    A blindable Merkle tree for transfer-out requests

  55. final case class TransferOutViewV0 extends TransferOutView with Product with Serializable
  56. final case class TransferOutViewV4 extends TransferOutView with Product with Serializable
  57. final case class TransferSubmitterMetadata(submitter: LfPartyId, applicationId: LedgerApplicationId, submittingParticipant: LedgerParticipantId, commandId: LedgerCommandId, submissionId: Option[LedgerSubmissionId], workflowId: Option[LfWorkflowId]) extends PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    Information about the submitters of the transaction in the case of a Transfer.

    Information about the submitters of the transaction in the case of a Transfer. This data structure is quite similar to but differ on a small number of fields.

  58. trait TransferViewTree extends ViewTree

    Supertype of FullTransferOutTree and FullTransferInTree

  59. final case class ViewCommonData extends MerkleTreeLeaf[ViewCommonData] with ProtocolVersionedMemoizedEvidence with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[ViewCommonData] with Product with Serializable

    Information concerning every member involved in processing the underlying view.

  60. final case class ViewConfirmationParameters extends PrettyPrinting with NoCopy with Product with Serializable

    Stores the necessary information necessary to confirm a view.

  61. final case class ViewParticipantData extends MerkleTreeLeaf[ViewParticipantData] with HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[ViewParticipantData] with ProtocolVersionedMemoizedEvidence with Product with Serializable

    Information concerning every participant involved in processing the underlying view.

    Information concerning every participant involved in processing the underlying view.

    Exceptions thrown

    ViewParticipantData$.InvalidViewParticipantData if createdCore contains two elements with the same contract id, if coreInputs(id).contractId != id if createdInSubviewArchivedInCore overlaps with createdCore's ids or coreInputs if coreInputs does not contain the resolved contract ids of resolvedKeys if the actionDescription is a and the created id is not the first contract ID in createdCore if the actionDescription is a or and the input contract is not in coreInputs if the actionDescription is a and the key is not in resolvedKeys.

    com.digitalasset.canton.serialization.SerializationCheckFailed if this instance cannot be serialized

  62. final case class ViewPosition(position: List[MerklePathElement]) extends PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    A position encodes the path from a view in a transaction tree to its root.

    A position encodes the path from a view in a transaction tree to its root. The encoding must not depend on the hashes of the nodes.


    The path from the view to the root as a singly-linked list. The path starts at the view rather than the root so that paths to the root can be shared.

  63. final case class ViewPositionFromRoot(position: List[MerklePathElement]) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable

    Same as ViewPosition, with the position directed from the root to the leaf

  64. trait ViewTree extends PrettyPrinting

    Common supertype of all view trees that are sent as com.digitalasset.canton.protocol.messages.EncryptedViewMessages

  65. sealed trait ViewType extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting

    Reifies the subclasses of ViewTree as values

  66. trait ViewTypeTest extends ViewType
  67. final case class Witnesses(unwrap: NonEmpty[Seq[Set[LfPartyId]]]) extends Product with Serializable

    Encodes the hierarchy of the witnesses of a view.

    Encodes the hierarchy of the witnesses of a view.

    By convention, the order is: the view's informees are at the head of the list, then the parent's views informees, then the grandparent's, etc.

Value Members

  1. object ActionDescription extends HasProtocolVersionedCompanion[ActionDescription]
  2. object CantonTimestamp extends Serializable
  3. object CantonTimestampSecond extends Serializable
  4. object CommonMetadata extends HasMemoizedProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[CommonMetadata, HashOps]
  5. object ConcurrentHMap extends Serializable
  6. object Counter extends Serializable
  7. object FullInformeeTree extends HasProtocolVersionedWithContextAndValidationCompanion[FullInformeeTree, HashOps]
  8. object FullTransactionViewTree extends Serializable
  9. object FullTransferInTree extends Serializable
  10. object FullTransferOutTree extends Serializable
  11. object GenTransactionTree extends Serializable
  12. object GenTransferViewTree extends Serializable
  13. object Informee extends Serializable
  14. object InformeeTree extends HasProtocolVersionedWithContextAndValidationCompanion[InformeeTree, HashOps]
  15. object LightTransactionViewTree extends HasProtocolVersionedWithContextAndValidationCompanion[LightTransactionViewTree, HashOps]
  16. object MerkleSeq extends HasProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[MerkleSeq[VersionedMerkleTree[_]], (HashOps, (ByteString) => ParsingResult[MerkleTree[VersionedMerkleTree[_]]])]
  17. object MerkleTree extends Serializable
  18. object ParticipantMetadata extends HasMemoizedProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[ParticipantMetadata, HashOps]
  19. object ParticipantTransactionView extends Serializable
  20. object PeanoQueue
  21. object PeanoTreeQueue
  22. object ProcessedDisclosedContract extends Serializable
  23. object Quorum extends Serializable
  24. object SerializableKeyResolution extends Serializable
  25. object SubmitterMetadata extends HasMemoizedProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[SubmitterMetadata, HashOps]
  26. object TaskScheduler
  27. object TransactionSubviews
  28. object TransactionView extends HasProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[TransactionView, (HashOps, ConfirmationPolicy, ProtocolVersion)]
  29. object TransactionViewDecomposition extends Serializable
  30. object TransactionViewDecompositionFactory
  31. object TransactionViewTree
  32. object TransferInCommonData extends HasMemoizedProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[TransferInCommonData, HashOps]
  33. object TransferInView extends HasMemoizedProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[TransferInView, HashOps]
  34. object TransferInViewTree extends HasProtocolVersionedWithContextAndValidationWithTargetProtocolVersionCompanion[TransferInViewTree, HashOps]
  35. object TransferOutCommonData extends HasMemoizedProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[TransferOutCommonData, HashOps]
  36. object TransferOutView extends HasMemoizedProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[TransferOutView, HashOps]
  37. object TransferOutViewTree extends HasProtocolVersionedWithContextAndValidationWithSourceProtocolVersionCompanion[TransferOutViewTree, HashOps]
  38. object ViewCommonData extends HasMemoizedProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[ViewCommonData, (HashOps, ConfirmationPolicy)]
  39. object ViewConfirmationParameters extends Serializable
  40. object ViewParticipantData extends HasMemoizedProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[ViewParticipantData, HashOps]
  41. object ViewPosition extends Serializable
  42. object ViewType extends Serializable
  43. case object Witnesses extends Product with Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
