package v0

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class AcknowledgeRequest(member: String, timestamp: Option[Timestamp]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[AcknowledgeRequest] with Product with Serializable


    Who is the acknowledgement being sent on behalf of


    The timestamp in sequencer time that they are acknowledging and will not re-read earlier events. It is expected that the caller has a received an event with this timestamp but this is not validated.

  2. final case class Authentication() extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Authentication] with Product with Serializable
  3. final case class AwaitTimeRequest(domainId: Option[String], timestamp: Option[Timestamp]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[AwaitTimeRequest] with Product with Serializable


    optional - must be specified for participants but can be defaulted for domain entities as they only have one possible domain


    the domain time to wait for

  4. final case class Challenge() extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Challenge] with Product with Serializable
  5. final case class FetchTimeRequest(domainId: Option[String], freshnessBound: Option[Duration]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[FetchTimeRequest] with Product with Serializable


    optional - must be specified for participants but can be defaulted for domain entities as they only have one possible domain

  6. final case class FetchTimeResponse(timestamp: Option[Timestamp]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[FetchTimeResponse] with Product with Serializable
  7. final case class GetServiceAgreementRequest() extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetServiceAgreementRequest] with Product with Serializable
  8. final case class GetServiceAgreementResponse(agreement: Option[ServiceAgreement]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetServiceAgreementResponse] with Product with Serializable


    Optional, present if the domain requires a service agreement

  9. final case class Hello() extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Hello] with Product with Serializable
  10. final case class SendAsyncResponse(error: Option[Error]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SendAsyncResponse] with Product with Serializable


    Defined iff the response is an error.

  11. final case class SendAsyncSignedResponse(error: Option[Error]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SendAsyncSignedResponse] with Product with Serializable

    Changes compared to SendAsyncResponse: added Internal and Generic.

    Changes compared to SendAsyncResponse: added Internal and Generic. Note: Generic is not used yet, it is introduced for upgradability purposes.


    Defined iff the response is an error.

  12. final case class SendAsyncUnauthenticatedVersionedRequest(submissionRequest: ByteString) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SendAsyncUnauthenticatedVersionedRequest] with Product with Serializable


    Contains a versioned SubmissionRequest of v0 or higher.

  13. final case class SendAsyncVersionedRequest(signedSubmissionRequest: ByteString) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SendAsyncVersionedRequest] with Product with Serializable


    Contains a versioned SignedContent of v0 or higher which itself contains a versioned SubmissionRequest of v0 or higher.

  14. final case class SequencedEventTrafficState(extraTrafficRemainder: Long, extraTrafficConsumed: Long) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SequencedEventTrafficState] with Product with Serializable


    Remaining extra traffic at the time of this event


    Total extra traffic consumed at the time of this event

  15. sealed abstract class SequencerApiType extends GeneratedEnum
  16. final case class SequencerConnect() extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SequencerConnect] with Product with Serializable
  17. final case class SequencerConnection(type: Type, alias: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SequencerConnection] with Product with Serializable

    Client configuration for how members should connect to the sequencer of a domain.

    Client configuration for how members should connect to the sequencer of a domain.

  18. final case class SubscriptionRequest(member: String, counter: Long) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SubscriptionRequest] with Product with Serializable


    the counter indicates the next event to receive e.g. requesting events from 0 will send the first event (index 0) when it exists. a subscription request acts as an implicit ack for events with a lower counter value.

  19. final case class SubscriptionResponse(signedSequencedEvent: Option[SignedContent], traceContext: Option[TraceContext]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SubscriptionResponse] with Product with Serializable


    optional, canton trace context DO NOT RENAME this field, as the ApiRequestLogger uses reflection to read this field. We typically use a header to transfer this information however streamed items do not have per item/message headers, so we instead in this instance set it in the body. optional, canton trace context

  20. final case class VersionedSubscriptionResponse(signedSequencedEvent: ByteString, traceContext: Option[TraceContext], trafficState: Option[SequencedEventTrafficState]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[VersionedSubscriptionResponse] with Product with Serializable


    Contains a versioned SignedContent of v0 or higher


    optional, canton trace context DO NOT RENAME this field, as the ApiRequestLogger uses reflection to read this field. We typically use a header to transfer this information however streamed items do not have per item/message headers, so we instead in this instance set it in the body. optional, canton trace context


    Traffic state for the subscribed member Optional value which is set if the sequencer enforces traffic limits


Value Members

  1. object AcknowledgeRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[AcknowledgeRequest] with StableProtoVersion
  2. object Authentication extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Authentication]
  3. object AwaitTimeRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[AwaitTimeRequest]
  4. object Challenge extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Challenge]
  5. object DomainServiceProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  6. object DomainTimeServiceGrpc
  7. object DomainTimeServiceProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  8. object FetchTimeRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[FetchTimeRequest]
  9. object FetchTimeResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[FetchTimeResponse]
  10. object GetServiceAgreementRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetServiceAgreementRequest]
  11. object GetServiceAgreementResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetServiceAgreementResponse]
  12. object Hello extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Hello]
  13. object HelloProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  14. object HelloServiceGrpc
  15. object SendAsyncResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SendAsyncResponse]
  16. object SendAsyncSignedResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SendAsyncSignedResponse]
  17. object SendAsyncUnauthenticatedVersionedRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SendAsyncUnauthenticatedVersionedRequest]
  18. object SendAsyncVersionedRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SendAsyncVersionedRequest]
  19. object SequencedEventTrafficState extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SequencedEventTrafficState]
  20. object SequencerApiType extends GeneratedEnumCompanion[SequencerApiType]
  21. object SequencerAuthenticationServiceGrpc
  22. object SequencerAuthenticationServiceProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  23. object SequencerConnect extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SequencerConnect]
  24. object SequencerConnectServiceGrpc
  25. object SequencerConnectServiceProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  26. object SequencerConnection extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SequencerConnection] with StorageProtoVersion
  27. object SequencerConnectionProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  28. object SequencerServiceGrpc
  29. object SequencerServiceProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  30. object ServiceAgreementProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  31. object SubscriptionRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SubscriptionRequest] with StableProtoVersion
  32. object SubscriptionResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SubscriptionResponse]
  33. object VersionedSubscriptionResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[VersionedSubscriptionResponse]

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object DomainServiceGrpc

    (Since version ) Marked as deprecated in proto file
