
package submission

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package foo

Type Members

  1. final class ActiveContractKeysPool extends AnyRef

    Keeps track of contract keys of contracts that haven't been used up (archived) yet.

    Keeps track of contract keys of contracts that haven't been used up (archived) yet. Allows to select the next contract key to use up at random.

  2. final case class AllocatedParties(signatoryO: Option[Party], observers: List[Party], divulgees: List[Party], extraSubmitters: List[Party], observerPartySets: List[AllocatedPartySet]) extends Product with Serializable
  3. final case class AllocatedPartySet(mainPartyNamePrefix: String, parties: List[Party]) extends Product with Serializable
  4. final case class BenchtoolTestsPackageInfo(packageId: String) extends Product with Serializable
  5. trait CommandGenerator extends AnyRef
  6. final case class CommandSubmitter(names: Names, benchtoolUserServices: LedgerApiServices, adminServices: LedgerApiServices, partyAllocating: PartyAllocating, metricsFactory: LabeledMetricsFactory, metricsManager: MetricsManager[LatencyNanos], waitForSubmission: Boolean, commandGenerationParallelism: Int = 8, maxInFlightCommandsOverride: Option[Int] = None) extends Product with Serializable
  7. final class DepletingUniformRandomPool[V] extends AnyRef

    A pool of elements supporting two operations: 1.

    A pool of elements supporting two operations: 1. pop() - select an element uniformly at random and remove it from the pool. 2. put() - add an element to the pool

  8. class Distribution[T] extends AnyRef

    Allows to pseudo-randomly pick an index out of a set of indices according to their weights.

  9. final class FibonacciCommandGenerator extends CommandGenerator
  10. final class FooCommandGenerator extends CommandGenerator

  11. class FooSubmission extends AnyRef
  12. final case class FooTemplateDescriptor(name: String, templateId: Identifier, consumingChoiceName: String, nonconsumingChoiceName: String) extends Product with Serializable
  13. class Names extends AnyRef

    Collects identifiers used by the benchtool in a single place.

  14. class PartyAllocating extends AnyRef
  15. trait RandomnessProvider extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object AllocatedParties extends Serializable
  2. object BenchtoolTestsPackageInfo extends Serializable
  3. object CommandSubmitter extends Serializable
  4. object FooCommandGenerator
  5. object FooDivulgerCommandGenerator
  6. object FooTemplateDescriptor extends Serializable

    NOTE: Keep me in sync with Foo.daml

  7. object Names
  8. object RandomnessProvider
