package domain
Linear Supertypes
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- domain
- AnyRef
- Any
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- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- type CommandId = @@[, CommandIdTag]
- sealed trait CommandIdTag extends AnyRef
- final case class Commands(ledgerId: Option[LedgerId], workflowId: Option[WorkflowId], applicationId:, commandId: CommandId, submissionId: Option[SubmissionId], actAs: Set[Party], readAs: Set[Party], submittedAt: Timestamp, deduplicationPeriod: DeduplicationPeriod, commands: ApiCommands, disclosedContracts: ImmArray[DisclosedContract], domainId: Option[DomainId] = None, packagePreferenceSet: Set[PackageId] = Set.empty, packageMap: Map[PackageId, (PackageName, PackageVersion)] = Map.empty) extends PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable
- sealed abstract class ConfigurationEntry extends Product with Serializable
Configuration entry describes a change to the current configuration.
- sealed trait DisclosedContract extends Product with Serializable
- type EventId = @@[LedgerString, EventIdTag]
- sealed trait EventIdTag extends AnyRef
- sealed abstract class Feature extends Product with Serializable
- final case class Filters(inclusive: Option[InclusiveFilters]) extends Product with Serializable
- final case class IdentityProviderConfig(identityProviderId: Id, isDeactivated: Boolean = false, jwksUrl: JwksUrl, issuer: String, audience: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable
- sealed trait IdentityProviderId extends AnyRef
- final case class InclusiveFilters(templateFilters: Set[TemplateFilter], interfaceFilters: Set[InterfaceFilter]) extends Product with Serializable
- final case class InterfaceFilter(interfaceId: Identifier, includeView: Boolean, includeCreatedEventBlob: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
- final case class JwksUrl(value: String) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
- type LedgerId = @@[String, LedgerIdTag]
- sealed trait LedgerIdTag extends AnyRef
- sealed abstract class LedgerOffset extends Product with Serializable
- final case class NonUpgradableDisclosedContract(templateId: TypeConName, contractId: ContractId, argument: Value, createdAt: Timestamp, keyHash: Option[Hash], driverMetadata: Bytes) extends DisclosedContract with Product with Serializable
- final case class ObjectMeta(resourceVersionO: Option[Long], annotations: Map[String, String]) extends Product with Serializable
- sealed abstract class PackageEntry extends Product with Serializable
- type ParticipantId = @@[, ParticipantIdTag]
- sealed trait ParticipantIdTag extends AnyRef
- final case class PartyDetails(party: Party, displayName: Option[String], isLocal: Boolean, metadata: ObjectMeta, identityProviderId: IdentityProviderId) extends Product with Serializable
- type SubmissionId = @@[, SubmissionIdTag]
- sealed trait SubmissionIdTag extends AnyRef
- final case class TemplateFilter(templateTypeRef: TypeConRef, includeCreatedEventBlob: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
- final case class TransactionFilter(filtersByParty: Map[Party, Filters]) extends Product with Serializable
- type TransactionId = @@[, TransactionIdTag]
- sealed trait TransactionIdTag extends AnyRef
- final case class UpgradableDisclosedContract(version: TransactionVersion, templateId: TypeConName, packageName: Option[PackageName], contractId: ContractId, argument: Value, createdAt: Timestamp, keyHash: Option[Hash], signatories: Set[Party], stakeholders: Set[Party], keyMaintainers: Option[Set[Party]], keyValue: Option[Value], driverMetadata: Bytes) extends DisclosedContract with Product with Serializable
- final case class User(id: UserId, primaryParty: Option[Party], isDeactivated: Boolean = false, metadata: ObjectMeta = ObjectMeta.empty, identityProviderId: IdentityProviderId = IdentityProviderId.Default) extends Product with Serializable
- sealed abstract class UserRight extends Product with Serializable
- type Value = daml.lf.value.Value
- type WorkflowId = @@[, WorkflowIdTag]
- sealed trait WorkflowIdTag extends AnyRef
Value Members
- val CommandId: TagOf[CommandIdTag]
- val EventId: TagOf[EventIdTag]
- val LedgerId: TagOf[LedgerIdTag]
- val ParticipantId: TagOf[ParticipantIdTag]
- val SubmissionId: TagOf[SubmissionIdTag]
- val TransactionId: TagOf[TransactionIdTag]
- val WorkflowId: TagOf[WorkflowIdTag]
- implicit val eventIdOrdering: Ordering[EventId]
- def optionalLedgerId(raw: String): Option[LedgerId]
- object Commands extends Serializable
- object ConfigurationEntry extends Serializable
- object Feature extends Serializable
- object Filters extends Serializable
- object IdentityProviderId
- object JwksUrl extends Serializable
- object LedgerOffset extends Serializable
- object Logging
- object ObjectMeta extends Serializable
- object PackageEntry extends Serializable
- object TemplateFilter extends Serializable
- object UserRight extends Serializable