trait ProcessingSteps[SubmissionParam, SubmissionResult, RequestViewType <: ViewType, Result <: SignedProtocolMessageContent, SubmissionError <: WrapsProcessorError] extends AnyRef

Interface for processing steps that are specific to request types. The ProtocolProcessor wires up these steps with the necessary synchronization and state management, including common processing steps.

Every phase has one main entry method (Phase i, step 1), which produces data for the ProtocolProcessor, The phases also have methods to be called using the results from previous methods for each step.


The bundled submission parameters


The bundled submission results


The type of view trees used by the request


The specific type of the result message


The type of errors that can occur during submission processing

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ProcessingSteps
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class CheckActivenessAndWritePendingContracts(activenessSet: ActivenessSet, pendingDataAndResponseArgs: PendingDataAndResponseArgs) extends Product with Serializable

    Phase 3

    Phase 3


    The activeness set for the activeness check


    The implementation-specific arguments needed to create the pending data and response

  2. case class CommitAndStoreContractsAndPublishEvent(commitSet: Option[Future[CommitSet]], contractsToBeStored: Seq[WithTransactionId[SerializableContract]], maybeEvent: Option[TimestampedEvent]) extends Product with Serializable

    Phase 7, step 3:

    Phase 7, step 3:


    scala.None$ if the request should be rejected scala.Some$ a future that will produce the commit set for updating the active contract store


    The contracts to be persisted to the contract store. Must be a subset of the contracts produced in Phase 3, step 2 in CheckActivenessAndWritePendingContracts.


    The event to be published via the com.digitalasset.canton.participant.event.RecordOrderPublisher

  3. type DecryptedView = RequestViewType.View

    The type of decrypted view trees

  4. case class DecryptedViews(views: Seq[(WithRecipients[DecryptedView], Option[Signature])], decryptionErrors: Seq[EncryptedViewMessageError]) extends Product with Serializable

    Phase 3:

    Phase 3:


    The successfully decrypted views and their signatures. Signatures are only present for top-level views (where the submitter metadata is not blinded)


    The decryption errors while trying to decrypt the views

  5. type FullView = RequestViewType.FullView
  6. abstract type PendingDataAndResponseArgs

    The type of data needed to generate the pending data and response in constructPendingDataAndResponse.

    The type of data needed to generate the pending data and response in constructPendingDataAndResponse. The data is created by decryptViews

  7. abstract type PendingSubmissionData

    The data stored for submissions that have been sent out, if any

  8. abstract type PendingSubmissionId

    The type used for look-ups into the PendingSubmissions

  9. abstract type PendingSubmissions

    A store of data on submissions that have been sent out, if any

  10. trait PreparedBatch extends AnyRef

    The actual batch to be sent for a TrackedSubmission

  11. abstract type RejectionArgs

    The type of data needed to create a rejection event in createRejectionEvent.

    The type of data needed to create a rejection event in createRejectionEvent. Created by constructPendingDataAndResponse

  12. type RequestBatch = RequestAndRootHashMessage[OpenEnvelope[EncryptedViewMessage[RequestViewType]]]

    The type of request messages

  13. abstract type RequestError <: WrapsProcessorError

    The type of errors that can occur during request processing

  14. abstract type RequestType <: ProcessingSteps.RequestType

    The type of the request (transaction, transfer-out, transfer-in)

  15. abstract type ResultError <: WrapsProcessorError

    The type of errors that can occur during result processing

  16. case class StorePendingDataAndSendResponseAndCreateTimeout(pendingData: RequestType.PendingRequestData, mediatorResponses: Seq[(MediatorResponse, Recipients)], rejectionArgs: RejectionArgs) extends Product with Serializable

    Phase 3:

    Phase 3:


    The requestType.PendingRequestData to be stored until Phase 7


    The responses to be sent to the mediator


    The implementation-specific arguments needed to create a rejection event on timeout

  17. sealed trait Submission extends AnyRef
  18. abstract type SubmissionResultArgs

    The type of data needed to generate the submission result in createSubmissionResult.

    The type of data needed to generate the submission result in createSubmissionResult. The data is created by updatePendingSubmissions.

  19. abstract type SubmissionSendError

    The submission errors that can occur during sending the batch to the sequencer and updating the pending submission map.

  20. trait TrackedSubmission extends Submission

    Submission to be tracked in-flight and with deduplication.

    Submission to be tracked in-flight and with deduplication.

    The actual batch to be sent is computed only later by TrackedSubmission.prepareBatch so that tracking information (e.g., the chosen deduplication period) can be incorporated into the batch.

  21. trait UntrackedSubmission extends Submission

    Submission to be sent off without tracking the in-flight submission and without deduplication.

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def authenticateInputContracts(pendingDataAndResponseArgs: PendingDataAndResponseArgs)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): EitherT[Future, RequestError, Unit]
  2. abstract def computeActivenessSetAndPendingContracts(ts: CantonTimestamp, rc: RequestCounter, sc: SequencerCounter, fullViewsWithSignatures: NonEmpty[Seq[(WithRecipients[FullView], Option[Signature])]], malformedPayloads: Seq[MalformedPayload], snapshot: DomainSnapshotSyncCryptoApi, mediator: MediatorRef)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): EitherT[Future, RequestError, CheckActivenessAndWritePendingContracts]

    Phase 3, step 2 (some good views):

    Phase 3, step 2 (some good views):


    The timestamp of the request


    The com.digitalasset.canton.RequestCounter of the request


    The com.digitalasset.canton.SequencerCounter of the request


    The decrypted views from step 1 with the right root hash and their respective signatures


    The decryption errors and decrypted views with a wrong root hash


    Snapshot of the topology state at the request timestamp


    The activeness set and the contracts to store with the in Phase 7, and the arguments for step 2.

  3. abstract def computeFullViews(decryptedViewsWithSignatures: Seq[(WithRecipients[DecryptedView], Option[Signature])]): (Seq[(WithRecipients[FullView], Option[Signature])], Seq[MalformedPayload])

    Converts the decrypted (possible light-weight) view trees to the corresponding full view trees.

    Converts the decrypted (possible light-weight) view trees to the corresponding full view trees. Views that cannot be converted are mapped to ProtocolProcessor.MalformedPayload errors.

  4. abstract def constructPendingDataAndResponse(pendingDataAndResponseArgs: PendingDataAndResponseArgs, transferLookup: TransferLookup, contractLookup: ContractLookup, activenessResultFuture: FutureUnlessShutdown[ActivenessResult], mediator: MediatorRef, freshOwnTimelyTx: Boolean)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): EitherT[FutureUnlessShutdown, RequestError, StorePendingDataAndSendResponseAndCreateTimeout]

    Phase 3, step 3: Yields the pending data and mediator responses for the case that at least one payload is well-formed.

    Phase 3, step 3: Yields the pending data and mediator responses for the case that at least one payload is well-formed.


    Implementation-specific data passed from decryptViews


    Read-only interface of the


    Read-only interface to the


    Future of the result of the activeness check<


    Returns the requestType.PendingRequestData to be stored until Phase 7 and the responses to be sent to the mediator.

  5. abstract def constructResponsesForMalformedPayloads(requestId: RequestId, malformedPayloads: Seq[MalformedPayload])(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Seq[MediatorResponse]

    Phase 3: Yields the mediator responses (i.e.

    Phase 3: Yields the mediator responses (i.e. rejections) for the case that all payloads are malformed.

  6. abstract def createRejectionEvent(rejectionArgs: RejectionArgs)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Either[ResultError, Option[TimestampedEvent]]

    Phase 3, step 4:

    Phase 3, step 4:


    The implementation-specific information needed for the creation of the rejection event

  7. abstract def createSubmissionResult(deliver: Deliver[Envelope[_]], submissionResultArgs: SubmissionResultArgs): SubmissionResult

    Phase 1, step 3:

  8. abstract def decisionTimeFor(parameters: DynamicDomainParametersWithValidity, requestTs: CantonTimestamp): Either[RequestError with ResultError, CantonTimestamp]
  9. abstract def decryptViews(batch: NonEmpty[Seq[OpenEnvelope[EncryptedViewMessage[RequestViewType]]]], snapshot: DomainSnapshotSyncCryptoApi, sessionKeyStore: SessionKeyStore)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): EitherT[Future, RequestError, DecryptedViews]

    Phase 3, step 1:

    Phase 3, step 1:


    The batch of messages in the request to be processed


    Snapshot of the topology state at the request timestamp


    The decrypted views and the errors encountered during decryption

  10. abstract def embedNoMediatorError(error: NoMediatorError): SubmissionError

    Convert com.digitalasset.canton.participant.protocol.ProtocolProcessor.NoMediatorError into a submission error

  11. abstract def embedRequestError(err: RequestProcessingError): RequestError

    Wrap an error in request processing from the generic request processor

  12. abstract def embedResultError(err: ResultProcessingError): ResultError

    Wrap an error in result processing from the generic request processor

  13. abstract def eventAndSubmissionIdForInactiveMediator(ts: CantonTimestamp, rc: RequestCounter, sc: SequencerCounter, fullViews: NonEmpty[Seq[WithRecipients[FullView]]], freshOwnTimelyTx: Boolean)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): (Option[TimestampedEvent], Option[PendingSubmissionId])

    Phase 3, step 2 (some good views, but the chosen mediator is inactive)

    Phase 3, step 2 (some good views, but the chosen mediator is inactive)


    The timestamp of the request


    The com.digitalasset.canton.RequestCounter of the request


    The com.digitalasset.canton.SequencerCounter of the request


    The decrypted views from step 1 with the right root hash


    The optional rejection event to be published in the event log, and the optional submission ID corresponding to this request

  14. abstract def getCommitSetAndContractsToBeStoredAndEvent(eventE: Either[EventWithErrors[Deliver[DefaultOpenEnvelope]], SignedContent[Deliver[DefaultOpenEnvelope]]], resultE: Either[MalformedMediatorRequestResult, Result], pendingRequestData: RequestType.PendingRequestData, pendingSubmissions: PendingSubmissions, hashOps: HashOps)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): EitherT[Future, ResultError, CommitAndStoreContractsAndPublishEvent]

    Phase 7, step 2:

    Phase 7, step 2:


    The signed com.digitalasset.canton.sequencing.protocol.Deliver event containing the mediator result. It is ensured that the event contains exactly one com.digitalasset.canton.protocol.messages.MediatorResult


    The unpacked mediator result that is contained in the event


    The requestType.PendingRequestData produced in Phase 3


    The data stored on submissions in the PendingSubmissions


    The com.digitalasset.canton.participant.protocol.conflictdetection.CommitSet, the contracts from Phase 3 to be persisted to the contract store, and the event to be published

  15. abstract def getSubmissionDataForTracker(views: Seq[FullView]): Option[SubmissionData]

    Return the submission data needed by the SubmissionTracker to decide on transaction validity

  16. abstract def participantResponseDeadlineFor(parameters: DynamicDomainParametersWithValidity, requestTs: CantonTimestamp): Either[RequestError with ResultError, CantonTimestamp]
  17. abstract def pendingSubmissions(state: SyncDomainEphemeralState): PendingSubmissions

    Selector to get the PendingSubmissions, if any

  18. abstract def postProcessResult(verdict: Verdict, pendingSubmission: PendingSubmissionData)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Unit

    Phase 7, step 4:

    Phase 7, step 4:

    Called after the request reached the state com.digitalasset.canton.participant.protocol.RequestJournal.RequestState.Clean in the request journal, if the participant is the submitter. Also called if a timeout occurs with com.digitalasset.canton.protocol.messages.Verdict.MediatorRejectV1.


    The verdict on the request

  19. abstract def postProcessSubmissionForInactiveMediator(declaredMediator: MediatorRef, timestamp: CantonTimestamp, pendingSubmission: PendingSubmissionData)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Unit

    Phase 3, step 2 (submission where the chosen mediator is inactive)

    Phase 3, step 2 (submission where the chosen mediator is inactive)

    Called if the chosen mediator is inactive and eventAndSubmissionIdForInactiveMediator returned a submission ID that was pending.


    The PendingSubmissionData for the submission ID returned by eventAndSubmissionIdForInactiveMediator

    See also


  20. abstract def prepareSubmission(param: SubmissionParam, mediator: MediatorRef, ephemeralState: SyncDomainEphemeralStateLookup, recentSnapshot: DomainSnapshotSyncCryptoApi)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): EitherT[FutureUnlessShutdown, SubmissionError, Submission]

    Phase 1, step 1:

    Phase 1, step 1:


    The parameter object encapsulating the parameters of the submit method


    Read-only access to the


    A recent snapshot of the topology state to be used for submission

  21. abstract def removePendingSubmission(pendingSubmissions: PendingSubmissions, pendingSubmissionId: PendingSubmissionId): Option[PendingSubmissionData]

    Phase 1, step 4; and Phase 7, step 1:

    Phase 1, step 4; and Phase 7, step 1:

    Remove the pending submission from the pending submissions. Called when sending the submission failed or did not lead to a result in time or a result has arrived for the request.

  22. abstract def requestKind: String

    The kind of request, used for logging and error reporting

  23. abstract val requestType: RequestType
  24. abstract def submissionDescription(param: SubmissionParam): String

    Extract a description for a submission, used for logging and error reporting

  25. abstract def submissionIdOfPendingRequest(pendingData: RequestType.PendingRequestData): PendingSubmissionId

    Extract the submission ID that corresponds to a pending request, if any

  26. abstract def updatePendingSubmissions(pendingSubmissions: PendingSubmissions, submissionParam: SubmissionParam, pendingSubmissionId: PendingSubmissionId): EitherT[Future, SubmissionSendError, SubmissionResultArgs]

    Phase 1, step 2:

    Phase 1, step 2:


    Stateful store to be updated with data on the pending submission


    Implementation-specific details on the submission, used for logging


    The key used for updates to the pendingSubmissions

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  5. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  6. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  7. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  8. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  9. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  10. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  11. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  12. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  13. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  14. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  15. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  16. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  17. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  18. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  19. object DecryptedViews extends Serializable

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated @Deprecated

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
