Canton Console

Canton offers a console (REPL) where entities can be dynamically started and stopped, and a variety of administrative or debugging commands can be run.

All console commands must be valid Scala (the console is built on Ammonite - a Scala based scripting and REPL framework). Note that we also define a set of implicit type conversions to improve the console usability: notably, whenever a console command requires a DomainAlias, Fingerprint or Identifier, you can instead also call it with a String which will be automatically converted to the correct type (i.e., you can, e.g., write"domain1") instead of"domain1"))).

The examples/ sub-directories contain some sample scripts, with the extension .canton.

Commands are organised by thematic groups. Some commands also need to be explicitly turned on via configuration directives to be accessible.

Some operations are available on both types of nodes, whereas some operations are specific to either participant or domain nodes. For consistency, we organise the manual by node type, which means that some commands will appear twice. However, the detailed explanations are only given within the participant documentation.

Remote Administration

The console works in-process against local nodes. However, you can also run the console separate from the node process, and you can use a single console to administrate many remote nodes.

As an example, you might start Canton in daemon mode using

./bin/canton daemon -c <some config>
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Assuming now that you’ve started a participant, you can access this participant using a remote-participant configuration such as:

canton {
  remote-participants {
    remoteParticipant1 {
      admin-api {
        port = 10012
        address = // is the default value if omitted
      ledger-api {
        port = 10011
        address = // is the default value if omitted
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Naturally, you can then also use the remote configuration to run a script:

./bin/canton daemon -c remote-participant1.conf --bootstrap <some-script>
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Please note that a remote node will support almost all commands except a few that a local node supports.

If you want to generate a skeleton remote configuration of a normal config file, you can use

./bin/canton generate remote-config -c participant1.conf
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However, you might have then to edit the config and adjust the hostname.

For production use cases, in particular if the Admin Api is not just bound to localhost, we recommend to enable TLS with mutual authentication.

Node References

To issue the command on a particular node, you must refer to it via its reference, which is a Scala variable. Named variables are created for all domain entities and participants using their configured identifiers. For example the sample examples/01-simple-topology/simple-topology.conf configuration file references the domain mydomain, and participants participant1 and participant2. These are available in the console as mydomain, participant1 and participant2.

The console also provides additional generic references that allow you to consult a list of nodes by type. The generic node reference supports three subsets of each node type: local, remote or all nodes of that type. For the participants, you can use:

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The generic node references can be used in a Scala syntactic way:

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but the participant references also support some generic commands for actions that often have to be performed for many nodes at once, such as:

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The available node references are:

  • Summary: All domain manager nodes (.all, .local, .remote)
  • Summary: All domain nodes (.all, .local, .remote)
  • Summary: All mediator nodes (.all, .local, .remote)
  • Summary: All nodes (.all, .local, .remote)
  • Summary: All participant nodes (.all, .local, .remote)
  • Summary: All sequencer nodes (.all, .local, .remote)


Canton can be very helpful if you ask for help. Try to type

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to get an overview of the commands and command groups that exist. help() works on every level (e.g. or can be used to search for particular functions (help("list")) or to get detailed help explanation for each command ("list")).

Lifecycle Operations

These are supported by individual and sequences of domains and participants. If called on a sequence, operations will be called sequentially in the order of the sequence. For example:

nodes.local start
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can be used to start all configured local domains and participants.

If the node is running with database persistence, it will support the database migration command (db.migrate). The migrations are performed automatically when the node is started for the first time. However, new migrations added as part of new versions of the software must be run manually using the command. In some rare cases, it may also be necessary to run db.repair_migration before running db.migration - please refer to the description of db.repair_migration for more details. Note that data continuity (and therefore database migration) is only guaranteed to work across minor and patch version updates.

The domain, sequencer and mediator nodes might need extra setup to be fully functional. Check domain bootstrapping for more details.


Console command timeouts can be configured using the respective console command timeout section in the configuration file:

canton.parameters.timeouts.console = {
    bounded = 2.minutes
    unbounded = Inf // infinity
    ledger-command = 2.minutes
    ping = 30.seconds
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The bounded argument is used for all commands that should finish once processing has completed, whereas the unbounded timeout is used for commands where we do not control the processing time. This is used in particular for potentially very long running commands.

Some commands have specific timeout arguments that can be passed explicitly as type TimeoutDuration. For convenience, the console includes by default the implicits of scala.concurrent.duration._ and an implicit conversion from the Scala type scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration to TimeoutDuration. As a result, you can use normal Scala expressions and write timeouts as, timeout = 10.seconds)
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while the implicit conversion will take care of converting it to the right types.

Generally, there is no need to re-configure the timeouts and we recommend to just use the safe default values.

Other Top-level Commands

The following commands are available for convenience:

  • Summary: Leave the console
  • Summary: Help with console commands; type help(“<command>”) for detailed help for <command>
  • Summary: Generate and write a dump of Canton’s state for a bug report
  • Return type:
    • String
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Yields the timeout for running console commands
  • Return type:
  • Description: Yields the timeout for running console commands. When the timeout has elapsed, the console stops waiting for the command result. The command will continue running in the background.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Sets the timeout for running console commands.
  • Arguments:
  • Description: Sets the timeout for running console commands. When the timeout has elapsed, the console stops waiting for the command result. The command will continue running in the background. The new timeout must be positive.
  • Summary: Determine current logging level
  • Arguments:
    • loggerName: String
  • Return type:
    • Option[ch.qos.logback.classic.Level]
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Returns log events for an error with the same trace-id
  • Arguments:
    • traceId: String
  • Return type:
    • Seq[String]
  • Summary: Returns the last errors (trace-id -> error event) that have been logged locally
  • Return type:
    • Map[String,String]
  • Summary: Dynamically change log level (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, OFF, null)
  • Arguments:
    • loggerName: String
    • level: String
utils.auto_close (Testing)
  • Summary: Register AutoCloseable object to be shutdown if Canton is shut down
  • Arguments:
    • closeable: AutoCloseable
  • Summary: Convert contract data to a contract instance.
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: The utils.contract_data_to_instance bridges the gap between participant.ledger_api.acs commands that return various pieces of “contract data” and the command used to add “contract instances” as part of repair workflows. Such workflows (for example migrating contracts from other Daml ledgers to Canton participants) typically consist of extracting contract data using participant.ledger_api.acs commands, modifying the contract data, and then converting the contractData using this function before finally adding the resulting contract instances to Canton participants via Obtain the contractData by invoking .toContractData on the WrappedCreatedEvent returned by the corresponding participant.ledger_api.acs.of_party or of_all call. The ledgerTime parameter should be chosen to be a time meaningful to the domain on which you plan to subsequently invoke on and will be retained alongside the contract instance by the invocation.
  • Summary: Convert a contract instance to contract data.
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: The utils.contract_instance_to_data converts a Canton “contract instance” to “contract data”, a format more amenable to inspection and modification as part of repair workflows. This function consumes the output of the participant.testing commands and can thus be employed in workflows geared at verifying the contents of contracts for diagnostic purposes and in environments in which the “features.enable-testing-commands” configuration can be (at least temporarily) enabled.
  • Summary: Create a participants config for Daml script
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: The generated config can be passed to daml script via the participant-config parameter. More information about the file format can be found in the documentation:
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Reflective inspection of object arguments, handy to inspect case class objects
  • Arguments:
    • obj: T
  • Return type:
    • List[String]
  • Description: Return the list field names of the given object. Helpful function when inspecting the return result.
  • Summary: Reads several Protobuf messages from a file.
  • Arguments:
    • fileName: String
  • Return type:
    • Seq[A]
  • Description: Fails with an exception, if the file can’t be read or parsed.
  • Summary: Reads a ByteString from a file.
  • Arguments:
    • fileName: String
  • Return type:
  • Description: Fails with an exception, if the file can’t be read.
  • Summary: Reads a single Protobuf message from a file.
  • Arguments:
    • fileName: String
  • Return type:
    • A
  • Description: Fails with an exception, if the file can’t be read or parsed.
  • Summary: Wait for a condition to become true, using default timeouts
  • Arguments:
    • condition: => Boolean
  • Description: Wait until condition becomes true, with a timeout taken from the parameters.timeouts.console.bounded configuration parameter.
  • Summary: Reflective inspection of type arguments, handy to inspect case class types
  • Return type:
    • List[String]
  • Description: Return the list of field names of the given type. Helpful function when creating new objects for requests.
  • Summary: Writes a ByteString to a file.
  • Arguments:
    • data:
    • fileName: String
  • Summary: Writes a Protobuf message to a file.
  • Arguments:
    • data: scalapb.GeneratedMessage
    • fileName: String
  • Summary: Writes several Protobuf messages to a file.
  • Arguments:
    • data: Seq[scalapb.GeneratedMessage]
    • fileName: String
ledger_api_utils.create (Testing)
  • Summary: Build create command
  • Arguments:
    • packageId: String
    • module: String
    • template: String
    • arguments: Map[String,Any]
  • Return type:
    • com.daml.ledger.api.v1.commands.Command
ledger_api_utils.exercise (Testing)
  • Summary: Build exercise command from CreatedEvent
  • Arguments:
    • choice: String
    • arguments: Map[String,Any]
    • event: com.daml.ledger.api.v1.event.CreatedEvent
  • Return type:
    • com.daml.ledger.api.v1.commands.Command
ledger_api_utils.exercise (Testing)
  • Summary: Build exercise command
  • Arguments:
    • packageId: String
    • module: String
    • template: String
    • choice: String
    • arguments: Map[String,Any]
    • contractId: String
  • Return type:
    • com.daml.ledger.api.v1.commands.Command
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String

Participant Commands

clear_cache (Testing)
  • Summary: Clear locally cached variables
  • Description: Some commands cache values on the client side. Use this command to explicitly clear the caches of these values.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Check if the local instance is running and is fully initialized
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Check if the local instance is running
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Start the instance
  • Summary: Stop the instance
testing.await_domain_time (Testing)
testing.await_domain_time (Testing)
testing.bong (Testing)
  • Summary: Send a bong to a set of target parties over the ledger. Levels > 0 leads to an exploding ping with exponential number of contracts. Throw a RuntimeException in case of failure.
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
  • Description: Initiates a racy ping to multiple participants, measuring the roundtrip time of the fastest responder, with an optional timeout. Grace-period is the time the bong will wait for a duplicate spent (which would indicate an error in the system) before exiting. If levels > 0, the ping command will lead to a binary explosion and subsequent dilation of contracts, where level determines the number of levels we will explode. As a result, the system will create (2^(L+2) - 3) contracts (where L stands for level). Normally, only the initiator is a validator. Additional validators can be added using the validators argument. The bong command comes handy to run a burst test against the system and quickly leads to an overloading state.
testing.crypto_api (Testing)
testing.fetch_domain_time (Testing)
testing.fetch_domain_time (Testing)
testing.fetch_domain_times (Testing)
testing.find_clean_commitments_timestamp (Testing)
  • Summary: The latest timestamp before or at the given one for which no commitment is outstanding
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: The latest timestamp before or at the given one for which no commitment is outstanding. Note that this doesn’t imply that pruning is possible at this timestamp, as the system might require some additional data for crash recovery. Thus, this is useful for testing commitments; use the commands in the pruning group for pruning. Additionally, the result needn’t fall on a “commitment tick” as specified by the reconciliation interval.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
testing.maybe_bong (Testing)
testing.sequencer_messages (Testing)
  • Summary: Retrieve all sequencer messages
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: Optionally allows filtering for sequencer from a certain time span (inclusive on both ends) and limiting the number of displayed messages. The returned messages will be ordered on most domain ledger implementations if a time span is given. Fails if the participant has never connected to the domain.
testing.state_inspection (Testing)

  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Migrates the instance’s database if using a database storage
  • Summary: Only use when advised - repairs the database migration of the instance’s database
  • Arguments:
    • force: Boolean
  • Description: In some rare cases, we change already applied database migration files in a new release and the repair command resets the checksums we use to ensure that in general already applied migration files have not been changed. You should only use db.repair_migration when advised and otherwise use it at your own risk - in the worst case running it may lead to data corruption when an incompatible database migration (one that should be rejected because the already applied database migration files have changed) is subsequently falsely applied.

  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Returns true if node has been initialized.
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
health.maybe_ping (Testing)
  • Summary: Check if the node is running
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Get human (and machine) readable status info
  • Return type:
  • Summary: Wait for the node to be initialized
  • Summary: Wait for the node to be running

Domain Connectivity

  • Summary: Test whether a participant is connected to and permissioned on a domain where we have a healthy subscription.
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Macro to connect a participant to a domain given by connection
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: The connect macro performs a series of commands in order to connect this participant to a domain. First, register will be invoked with the given arguments, but first registered with manualConnect = true. If you already set manualConnect = true, then nothing else will happen and you will have to do the remaining steps yourselves. Otherwise, if the domain requires an agreement, it is fetched and presented to the user for evaluation. If the user is fine with it, the agreement is confirmed. If you want to auto-confirm, then set the environment variable CANTON_AUTO_APPROVE_AGREEMENTS=yes. Finally, the command will invoke reconnect to startup the connection. If the reconnect succeeded, the registered configuration will be updated with manualStart = true. If anything fails, the domain will remain registered with manualConnect = true and you will have to perform these steps manually. The arguments are: domainAlias - The name you will be using to refer to this domain. Can not be changed anymore. connection - The connection string to connect to this domain. I.e. https://url:port manualConnect - Whether this connection should be handled manually and also excluded from automatic re-connect. domainId - Optionally the domainId you expect to see on this domain. certificatesPath - Path to TLS certificate files to use as a trust anchor. priority - The priority of the domain. The higher the more likely a domain will be used. timeTrackerConfig - The configuration for the domain time tracker. synchronize - A timeout duration indicating how long to wait for all topology changes to have been effected on all local nodes.
  • Summary: Macro to connect a participant to a domain given by connection
  • Arguments:
  • Description: This variant of connect expects a domain connection config. Otherwise the behaviour is equivalent to the connect command with explicit arguments. If the domain is already configured, the domain connection will be attempted. If however the domain is offline, the command will fail. Generally, this macro should only be used to setup a new domain. However, for convenience, we support idempotent invocations where subsequent calls just ensure that the participant reconnects to the domain.
  • Summary: Macro to connect a participant to a locally configured domain given by reference
  • Arguments:
  • Description: The arguments are: domain - A local domain or sequencer reference manualConnect - Whether this connection should be handled manually and also excluded from automatic re-connect. alias - The name you will be using to refer to this domain. Can not be changed anymore. certificatesPath - Path to TLS certificate files to use as a trust anchor. priority - The priority of the domain. The higher the more likely a domain will be used. synchronize - A timeout duration indicating how long to wait for all topology changes to have been effected on all local nodes.
  • Summary: Get the service agreement of the given domain alias and if it has been accepted already.
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • Option[(com.digitalasset.canton.participant.admin.v0.Agreement, Boolean)]
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List the configured domains of this participant
  • Return type:
    • Seq[(com.digitalasset.canton.participant.domain.DomainConnectionConfig, Boolean)]
  • Summary: Reconnect this participant to the given domain
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Description: Idempotent attempts to re-establish a connection to a certain domain. If retry is set to false, the command will throw an exception if unsuccessful. If retry is set to true, the command will terminate after the first attempt with the result, but the server will keep on retrying to connect to the domain. The arguments are: domainAlias - The name you will be using to refer to this domain. Can not be changed anymore. retry - Whether the reconnect should keep on retrying until it succeeded or abort noisly if the connection attempt fails. synchronize - A timeout duration indicating how long to wait for all topology changes to have been effected on all local nodes.
  • Summary: Reconnect this participant to all domains which are not marked as manual start
  • Arguments:
  • Description: The arguments are: ignoreFailures - If set to true (default), we’ll attempt to connect to all, ignoring any failure synchronize - A timeout duration indicating how long to wait for all topology changes to have been effected on all local nodes.
  • Summary: Reconnect this participant to the given local domain
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Description: Idempotent attempts to re-establish a connection to the given local domain. Same behaviour as generic reconnect. The arguments are: ref - The domain reference to connect to retry - Whether the reconnect should keep on retrying until it succeeded or abort noisly if the connection attempt fails. synchronize - A timeout duration indicating how long to wait for all topology changes to have been effected on all local nodes.
  • Summary: Register new domain connection
  • Arguments:
  • Description: When connecting to a domain, we need to register the domain connection and eventually accept the terms of service of the domain before we can connect. The registration process is therefore a subset of the operation. Therefore, register is equivalent to connect if the domain does not require a service agreement. However, you would usually call register only in advanced scripts.


  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
packages.remove (Preview)
  • Summary: Remove the package from Canton’s package store.
  • Arguments:
    • packageId: String
    • force: Boolean
  • Description: The standard operation of this command checks that a package is unused and unvetted, and if so removes the package. The force flag can be used to disable the checks, but do not use the force flag unless you’re certain you know what you’re doing.
  • Summary: Ensure that all vetting transactions issued by this participant have been observed by all configured participants
  • Arguments:
  • Description: Sometimes, when scripting tests and demos, a dar or package is uploaded and we need to ensure that commands are only submitted once the package vetting has been observed by some other connected participant known to the console. This command can be used in such cases.

DAR Management
  • Summary: Downloads the DAR file with the given hash to the given directory
  • Arguments:
    • darHash: String
    • directory: String
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
dars.remove (Preview)
  • Summary: Remove a DAR from the participant
  • Arguments:
    • darHash: String
  • Description: Can be used to remove a DAR from the participant, when: - The main package of the DAR is unused - Other packages in the DAR are either unused or found in another DAR - The main package of the DAR can be automatically un-vetted (or is already not vetted)
  • Summary: Upload a Dar to Canton
  • Arguments:
    • path: String
    • vetAllPackages: Boolean
    • synchronizeVetting: Boolean
  • Return type:
    • String
  • Description: Daml code is normally shipped as a Dar archive and must explicitly be uploaded to a participant. A Dar is a collection of LF-packages, the native binary representation of Daml smart contracts. In order to use Daml templates on a participant, the Dar must first be uploaded and then vetted by the participant. Vetting will ensure that other participants can check whether they can actually send a transaction referring to a particular Daml package and participant. Vetting is done by registering a VettedPackages topology transaction with the topology manager. By default, vetting happens automatically and this command waits for the vetting transaction to be successfully registered on all connected domains. This is the safe default setting minimizing race conditions. If vetAllPackages is true (default), the packages will all be vetted on all domains the participant is registered. If synchronizeVetting is true (default), then the command will block until the participant has observed the vetting transactions to be registered with the domain. Note that synchronize vetting might block on permissioned domains that do not just allow participants to update the topology state. In such cases, synchronizeVetting should be turned off. Synchronize vetting can be invoked manually using $participant.package.synchronize_vettings()

DAR Sharing
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
dars.sharing.requests.list (Preview)
dars.sharing.requests.propose (Preview)
dars.sharing.offers.accept (Preview)
  • Summary: Accept the offer to share a DAR
  • Arguments:
    • shareId: String
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
dars.sharing.offers.reject (Preview)
  • Summary: Reject the offer to share a DAR
  • Arguments:
    • shareId: String
    • reason: String
dars.sharing.whitelist.add (Preview)
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
dars.sharing.whitelist.list (Preview)
  • Summary: List parties that are currently whitelisted to share DARs with me
dars.sharing.whitelist.remove (Preview)

Party Management

The party management commands allow to conveniently enable and disable parties on the local node. Under the hood, they use the more complicated but feature-richer identity management commands.

parties.await_topology_observed (Preview)
  • Summary: Waits for any topology changes to be observed
  • Arguments:
  • Description: Will throw an exception if the given topology has not been observed within the given timeout.
  • Summary: Enable/add party to participant
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: This function registers a new party with the current participant within the participants namespace. The function fails if the participant does not have appropriate signing keys to issue the corresponding PartyToParticipant topology transaction. Optionally, a local display name can be added. This display name will be exposed on the ledger API party management endpoint. Specifying a set of domains via the WaitForDomain parameter ensures that the domains have enabled/added a party by the time the call returns, but other participants connected to the same domains may not yet be aware of the party. Additionally, a sequence of additional participants can be added to be synchronized to ensure that the party is known to these participants as well before the function terminates.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List parties hosted by this participant
  • Arguments:
    • filterParty: String
    • filterDomain: String
    • asOf: Option[java.time.Instant]
    • limit: Int
  • Return type:
  • Description: Inspect the parties hosted by this participant as used for synchronisation. The response is built from the timestamped topology transactions of each domain, excluding the authorized store of the given node. The search will include all hosted parties and is equivalent to running the list method using the participant id of the invoking participant. filterParty: Filter by parties starting with the given string. filterDomain: Filter by domains whose id starts with the given string. asOf: Optional timestamp to inspect the topology state at a given point in time. limit: How many items to return. Defaults to 100. Example: participant1.parties.hosted(filterParty=”alice”)
  • Summary: List active parties, their active participants, and the participants’ permissions on domains.
  • Arguments:
    • filterParty: String
    • filterParticipant: String
    • filterDomain: String
    • asOf: Option[java.time.Instant]
    • limit: Int
  • Return type:
  • Description: Inspect the parties known by this participant as used for synchronisation. The response is built from the timestamped topology transactions of each domain, excluding the authorized store of the given node. For each known party, the list of active participants and their permission on the domain for that party is given. filterParty: Filter by parties starting with the given string. filterParticipant: Filter for parties that are hosted by a participant with an id starting with the given string filterDomain: Filter by domains whose id starts with the given string. asOf: Optional timestamp to inspect the topology state at a given point in time. limit: Limit on the number of parties fetched (defaults to 100). Example: participant1.parties.list(filterParty=”alice”)
  • Summary: Set party display name
  • Arguments:
  • Description: Locally set the party display name (shown on the ledger-api) to the given value

Key Administration
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List public keys in registry
  • Arguments:
    • filterFingerprint: String
    • filterContext: String
  • Return type:
  • Description: Returns all public keys that have been added to the key registry. Optional arguments can be used for filtering.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Rotate the HMAC secret
  • Arguments:
    • length: Int
  • Description: Replace the stored HMAC secret with a new generated secret of the given length. length: Length of the HMAC secret. Must be at least 128 bits, but less than the internal block size of the hash function.
  • Summary: Upload (load and import) a key pair from file
  • Arguments:
    • filename: String
    • name: Option[String]
certs.generate (Preview)
certs.list (Preview)
certs.load (Preview)
  • Summary: Import X509 certificate in PEM format
  • Arguments:
    • x509Pem: String
  • Return type:
    • String

Topology Administration

The topology commands can be used to manipulate and inspect the topology state. In all commands, we use fingerprints to refer to public keys. Internally, these fingerprints are resolved using the key registry (which is a map of Fingerprint -> PublicKey). Any key can be added to the key registry using the keys.public.load commands.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Initialize the node with a unique identifier
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: Every node in Canton is identified using a unique identifier, which is composed from a user-chosen string and a fingerprint of a signing key. The signing key is the root key of said namespace. During initialisation, we have to pick such a unique identifier. By default, initialisation happens automatically, but it can be turned off by setting the auto-init option to false. Automatic node initialisation is usually turned off to preseve the identity of a participant or domain node (during major version upgrades) or if the topology transactions are managed through a different topology manager than the one integrated into this node.
  • Summary: Upload signed topology transaction
  • Arguments:
    • bytes:
  • Description: Topology transactions can be issued with any topology manager. In some cases, such transactions need to be copied manually between nodes. This function allows for uploading previously exported topology transaction into the authorized store (which is the name of the topology managers transaction store.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List available topology stores
  • Return type:
    • Seq[String]
  • Description: Topology transactions are stored in these stores. There are the following stores: “Authorized” - The authorized store is the store of a topology manager. Updates to the topology state are made by adding new transactions to the “Authorized” store. Both the participant and the domain nodes topology manager have such a store. A participant node will distribute all the content in the Authorized store to the domains it is connected to. The domain node will distribute the content of the Authorized store through the sequencer to the domain members in order to create the authoritative topology state on a domain (which is stored in the store named using the domain-id), such that every domain member will have the same view on the topology state on a particular domain. “<domain-id> - The domain store is the authorized topology state on a domain. A participant has one store for each domain it is connected to. The domain has exactly one store with its domain-id. “Requested” - A domain can be configured such that when participant tries to register a topology transaction with the domain, the transaction is placed into the “Requested” store such that it can be analysed and processed with user defined process.
  • Summary: Change namespace delegation
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: Delegates the authority to authorize topology transactions in a certain namespace to a certain key. The keys are referred to using their fingerprints. They need to be either locally generated or have been previously imported. ops: Either Add or Remove the delegation. signedBy: Optional fingerprint of the authorizing key. The authorizing key needs to be either the authorizedKey for root certificates. Otherwise, the signedBy key needs to refer to a previously authorized key, which means that we use the signedBy key to refer to a locally available CA. authorizedKey: Fingerprint of the key to be authorized. If signedBy equals authorizedKey, then this transaction corresponds to a self-signed root certificate. If the keys differ, then we get an intermediate CA. isRootDelegation: If set to true (default = false), the authorized key will be allowed to issue NamespaceDelegations. synchronize: Synchronize timeout can be used to ensure that the state has been propagated into the node
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List namespace delegation transactions
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: List the namespace delegation transaction present in the stores. Namespace delegations are topology transactions that permission a key to issue topology transactions within a certain namespace. filterStore: Filter for topology stores starting with the given filter string (Authorized, <domain-id>, Requested) useStateStore: If true (default), only properly authorized transactions that are part of the state will be selected. timeQuery: The time query allows to customize the query by time. The following options are supported: TimeQuery.HeadState (default): The most recent known state. TimeQuery.Snapshot(ts): The state at a certain point in time. TimeQuery.Range(fromO, toO): Time-range of when the transaction was added to the store operation: Optionally, what type of operation the transaction should have. State store only has “Add”. filterSigningKey: Filter for transactions that are authorized with a key that starts with the given filter string. filterNamespace: Filter for namespaces starting with the given filter string. filterTargetKey: Filter for namespaces delegations for the given target key.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List identifier delegation transactions
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: List the identifier delegation transaction present in the stores. Identifier delegations are topology transactions that permission a key to issue topology transactions for a certain unique identifier. filterStore: Filter for topology stores starting with the given filter string (Authorized, <domain-id>, Requested) useStateStore: If true (default), only properly authorized transactions that are part of the state will be selected. timeQuery: The time query allows to customize the query by time. The following options are supported: TimeQuery.HeadState (default): The most recent known state. TimeQuery.Snapshot(ts): The state at a certain point in time. TimeQuery.Range(fromO, toO): Time-range of when the transaction was added to the store operation: Optionally, what type of operation the transaction should have. State store only has “Add”. filterSigningKey: Filter for transactions that are authorized with a key that starts with the given filter string. filterUid: Filter for unique identifiers starting with the given filter string.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List owner to key mapping transactions
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: List the owner to key mapping transactions present in the stores. Owner to key mappings are topology transactions defining that a certain key is used by a certain key owner. Key owners are participants, sequencers, mediators and domains. filterStore: Filter for topology stores starting with the given filter string (Authorized, <domain-id>, Requested) useStateStore: If true (default), only properly authorized transactions that are part of the state will be selected. timeQuery: The time query allows to customize the query by time. The following options are supported: TimeQuery.HeadState (default): The most recent known state. TimeQuery.Snapshot(ts): The state at a certain point in time. TimeQuery.Range(fromO, toO): Time-range of when the transaction was added to the store operation: Optionally, what type of operation the transaction should have. State store only has “Add”. filterSigningKey: Filter for transactions that are authorized with a key that starts with the given filter string. filterKeyOwnerType: Filter for a particular type of key owner (KeyOwnerCode). filterKeyOwnerUid: Filter for key owners unique identifier starting with the given filter string. filterKeyPurpose: Filter for keys with a particular purpose (Encryption or Signing)
topology.party_to_participant_mappings.authorize (Preview)
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List party to participant mapping transactions
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: List the party to participant mapping transactions present in the stores. Party to participant mappings are topology transactions used to allocate a party to a certain participant. The same party can be allocated on several participants with different privileges. A party to participant mapping has a request-side that identifies whether the mapping is authorized by the party, by the participant or by both. In order to have a party be allocated to a given participant, we therefore need either two transactions (one with RequestSide.From, one with RequestSide.To) or one with RequestSide.Both. filterStore: Filter for topology stores starting with the given filter string (Authorized, <domain-id>, Requested) useStateStore: If true (default), only properly authorized transactions that are part of the state will be selected. timeQuery: The time query allows to customize the query by time. The following options are supported: TimeQuery.HeadState (default): The most recent known state. TimeQuery.Snapshot(ts): The state at a certain point in time. TimeQuery.Range(fromO, toO): Time-range of when the transaction was added to the store operation: Optionally, what type of operation the transaction should have. State store only has “Add”. filterSigningKey: Filter for transactions that are authorized with a key that starts with the given filter string. filterParty: Filter for parties starting with the given filter string. filterParticipant: Filter for participants starting with the given filter string. filterRequestSide: Optional filter for a particular request side (Both, From, To).
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List participant domain states
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: List the participant domain transactions present in the stores. Participant domain states are topology transactions used to permission a participant on a given domain. A participant domain state has a request-side that identifies whether the mapping is authorized by the participant (From), by the domain (To) or by both (Both). In order to use a participant on a domain, both have to authorize such a mapping. This means that by authorizing such a topology transaction, a participant acknowledges its presence on a domain, whereas a domain permissions the participant on that domain. filterStore: Filter for topology stores starting with the given filter string (Authorized, <domain-id>, Requested) useStateStore: If true (default), only properly authorized transactions that are part of the state will be selected. timeQuery: The time query allows to customize the query by time. The following options are supported: TimeQuery.HeadState (default): The most recent known state. TimeQuery.Snapshot(ts): The state at a certain point in time. TimeQuery.Range(fromO, toO): Time-range of when the transaction was added to the store operation: Optionally, what type of operation the transaction should have. State store only has “Add”. filterSigningKey: Filter for transactions that are authorized with a key that starts with the given filter string. filterDomain: Filter for domains starting with the given filter string. filterParticipant: Filter for participants starting with the given filter string.
  • Summary: Change package vettings
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: A participant will only process transactions that reference packages that all involved participants have vetted previously. Vetting is done by registering a respective topology transaction with the domain, which can then be used by other participants to verify that a transaction is only using vetted packages. Note that all referenced and dependent packages must exist in the package store. By default, only vetting transactions adding new packages can be issued. Removing package vettings and issuing package vettings for other participants (if their identity is controlled through this participants topology manager) or for packages that do not exist locally can only be run using the force = true flag. However, these operations are dangerous and can lead to the situation of a participant being unable to process transactions. ops: Either Add or Remove the vetting. participant: The unique identifier of the participant that is vetting the package. packageIds: The lf-package ids to be vetted. signedBy: Refers to the fingerprint of the authorizing key which in turn must be authorized by a valid, locally existing certificate. If none is given, a key is automatically determined. synchronize: Synchronize timeout can be used to ensure that the state has been propagated into the node force: Flag to enable dangerous operations (default false). Great power requires great care.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List package vetting transactions
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: List the package vetting transactions present in the stores. Participants must vet Daml packages and submitters must ensure that the receiving participants have vetted the package prior to submitting a transaction (done automatically during submission and validation). Vetting is done by authorizing such topology transactions and registering with a domain. filterStore: Filter for topology stores starting with the given filter string (Authorized, <domain-id>, Requested) useStateStore: If true (default), only properly authorized transactions that are part of the state will be selected. timeQuery: The time query allows to customize the query by time. The following options are supported: TimeQuery.HeadState (default): The most recent known state. TimeQuery.Snapshot(ts): The state at a certain point in time. TimeQuery.Range(fromO, toO): Time-range of when the transaction was added to the store operation: Optionally, what type of operation the transaction should have. State store only has “Add”. filterSigningKey: Filter for transactions that are authorized with a key that starts with the given filter string. filterParticipant: Filter for participants starting with the given filter string.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Renew all topology transactions that have been authorized with a previous key using a new key
  • Arguments:
  • Description: Finds all topology transactions that have been authorized by filterAuthorizedKey and renews those topology transactions by authorizing them with the new key authorizeWith. filterAuthorizedKey: Filter the topology transactions by the key that has authorized the transactions. authorizeWith: The key to authorize the renewed topology transactions.

Ledger API Access

The following commands on a participant reference provide access to the participant’s Ledger API services.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String

Transaction Service

ledger_api.transactions.by_id (Testing)
  • Summary: Get a (tree) transaction by its ID
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • Option[com.daml.ledger.api.v1.transaction.TransactionTree]
  • Description: Get a transaction tree from the transaction stream by its ID. Returns None if the transaction is not (yet) known at the participant or if the transaction has been pruned via pruning.prune.
ledger_api.transactions.domain_of (Testing)
  • Summary: Get the domain that a transaction was committed over.
  • Arguments:
    • transactionId: String
  • Return type:
  • Description: Get the domain that a transaction was committed over. Throws an error if the transaction is not (yet) known to the participant or if the transaction has been pruned via pruning.prune.
ledger_api.transactions.end (Testing)
  • Summary: Get ledger end
  • Return type:
    • com.daml.ledger.api.v1.ledger_offset.LedgerOffset
ledger_api.transactions.flat (Testing)
  • Summary: Get flat transactions
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • Seq[com.daml.ledger.api.v1.transaction.Transaction]
  • Description: This function connects to the flat transaction stream for the given parties and collects transactions until either completeAfter transaction trees have been received or timeout has elapsed. The returned transactions can be filtered to be between the given offsets (default: no filtering). If the participant has been pruned via pruning.prune and if beginOffset is lower than the pruning offset, this command fails with a NOT_FOUND error.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
ledger_api.transactions.start_measuring (Testing)
  • Summary: Starts measuring throughput at the transaction service
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • AutoCloseable
  • Description: This function will subscribe on behalf of parties to the transaction tree stream and notify various metrics: The metric <name>.<metricSuffix> counts the number of transaction trees emitted. The metric <name>.<metricSuffix>-tx-node-count tracks the number of root events emitted as part of transaction trees. The metric <name>.<metricSuffix>-tx-size tracks the number of bytes emitted as part of transaction trees. To stop measuring, you need to close the returned AutoCloseable. Use the onTransaction parameter to register a callback that is called on every transaction tree.
ledger_api.transactions.subscribe_flat (Testing)
  • Summary: Subscribe to the flat transaction stream
  • Arguments:
    • observer: io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver[com.daml.ledger.api.v1.transaction.Transaction]
    • filter: com.daml.ledger.api.v1.transaction_filter.TransactionFilter
    • beginOffset: com.daml.ledger.api.v1.ledger_offset.LedgerOffset
    • endOffset: Option[com.daml.ledger.api.v1.ledger_offset.LedgerOffset]
    • verbose: Boolean
  • Return type:
    • AutoCloseable
  • Description: This function connects to the flat transaction stream and passes transactions to observer until the stream is completed. Only transactions for parties in filter.filterByParty.keys will be returned. Use filter = TransactionFilter(Map(myParty.toLf -> Filters())) to return all transactions for myParty: PartyId. The returned transactions can be filtered to be between the given offsets (default: no filtering). If the participant has been pruned via pruning.prune and if beginOffset is lower than the pruning offset, this command fails with a NOT_FOUND error.
ledger_api.transactions.subscribe_trees (Testing)
  • Summary: Subscribe to the transaction tree stream
  • Arguments:
    • observer: io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver[com.daml.ledger.api.v1.transaction.TransactionTree]
    • filter: com.daml.ledger.api.v1.transaction_filter.TransactionFilter
    • beginOffset: com.daml.ledger.api.v1.ledger_offset.LedgerOffset
    • endOffset: Option[com.daml.ledger.api.v1.ledger_offset.LedgerOffset]
    • verbose: Boolean
  • Return type:
    • AutoCloseable
  • Description: This function connects to the transaction tree stream and passes transaction trees to observer until the stream is completed. Only transaction trees for parties in filter.filterByParty.keys will be returned. Use filter = TransactionFilter(Map(myParty.toLf -> Filters())) to return all trees for myParty: PartyId. The returned transactions can be filtered to be between the given offsets (default: no filtering). If the participant has been pruned via pruning.prune and if beginOffset is lower than the pruning offset, this command fails with a NOT_FOUND error.
ledger_api.transactions.trees (Testing)
  • Summary: Get transaction trees
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • Seq[com.daml.ledger.api.v1.transaction.TransactionTree]
  • Description: This function connects to the transaction tree stream for the given parties and collects transaction trees until either completeAfter transaction trees have been received or timeout has elapsed. The returned transaction trees can be filtered to be between the given offsets (default: no filtering). If the participant has been pruned via pruning.prune and if beginOffset is lower than the pruning offset, this command fails with a NOT_FOUND error.

Command Service
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
ledger_api.commands.submit (Testing)
  • Summary: Submit command and wait for the resulting transaction, returning the transaction tree or failing otherwise
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • com.daml.ledger.api.v1.transaction.TransactionTree
  • Description: Submits a command on behalf of the actAs parties, waits for the resulting transaction to commit and returns it. If the timeout is set, it also waits for the transaction to appear at all other configured participants who were involved in the transaction. The call blocks until the transaction commits or fails; the timeout only specifies how long to wait at the other participants. Fails if the transaction doesn’t commit, or if it doesn’t become visible to the involved participants in the allotted time. Note that if the optTimeout is set and the involved parties are concurrently enabled/disabled or their participants are connected/disconnected, the command may currently result in spurious timeouts or may return before the transaction appears at all the involved participants.
ledger_api.commands.submit_async (Testing)
  • Summary: Submit command asynchronously
  • Arguments:
    • actAs: Seq[com.digitalasset.canton.topology.PartyId]
    • commands: Seq[com.daml.ledger.api.v1.commands.Command]
    • workflowId: String
    • commandId: String
    • deduplicationPeriod: Option[com.daml.ledger.api.DeduplicationPeriod]
    • submissionId: String
    • minLedgerTimeAbs: Option[java.time.Instant]
  • Description: Provides access to the command submission service of the Ledger APi. See for documentation of the parameters.
ledger_api.commands.submit_flat (Testing)
  • Summary: Submit command and wait for the resulting transaction, returning the flattened transaction or failing otherwise
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • com.daml.ledger.api.v1.transaction.Transaction
  • Description: Submits a command on behalf of the actAs parties, waits for the resulting transaction to commit, and returns the “flattened” transaction. If the timeout is set, it also waits for the transaction to appear at all other configured participants who were involved in the transaction. The call blocks until the transaction commits or fails; the timeout only specifies how long to wait at the other participants. Fails if the transaction doesn’t commit, or if it doesn’t become visible to the involved participants in the allotted time. Note that if the optTimeout is set and the involved parties are concurrently enabled/disabled or their participants are connected/disconnected, the command may currently result in spurious timeouts or may return before the transaction appears at all the involved participants.

Command Completion Service

ledger_api.completions.end (Testing)
  • Summary: Read the current command completion offset
  • Return type:
    • com.daml.ledger.api.v1.ledger_offset.LedgerOffset
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
ledger_api.completions.list (Testing)
  • Summary: Lists command completions following the specified offset
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • Seq[com.daml.ledger.api.v1.completion.Completion]
  • Description: If the participant has been pruned via pruning.prune and if offset is lower than the pruning offset, this command fails with a NOT_FOUND error.
ledger_api.completions.list_with_checkpoint (Testing)
  • Summary: Lists command completions following the specified offset along with the checkpoints included in the completions
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • Seq[(com.daml.ledger.api.v1.completion.Completion, Option[com.daml.ledger.api.v1.command_completion_service.Checkpoint])]
  • Description: If the participant has been pruned via pruning.prune and if offset is lower than the pruning offset, this command fails with a NOT_FOUND error.

Active Contract Service

ledger_api.acs.await (Testing)
  • Summary: Wait until a contract becomes available
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • (partyId: com.digitalasset.canton.topology.PartyId, companion: com.daml.ledger.client.binding.TemplateCompanion[T], predicate: com.daml.ledger.client.binding.Contract[T] => Boolean, timeout: com.digitalasset.canton.config.TimeoutDuration): com.daml.ledger.client.binding.Contract[T]
  • Description: This function can be used for contracts with a code-generated Scala model. You can refine your search using the filter function argument. The command will wait until the contract appears or throw an exception once it times out.
ledger_api.acs.await_active_contract (Testing)
ledger_api.acs.filter (Testing)
  • Summary: Filter the ACS for contracts of a particular Scala code-generated template
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • (partyId: com.digitalasset.canton.topology.PartyId, templateCompanion: com.daml.ledger.client.binding.TemplateCompanion[T], predicate: com.daml.ledger.client.binding.Contract[T] => Boolean): Seq[com.daml.ledger.client.binding.Contract[T]]
  • Description: To use this function, ensure a code-generated Scala model for the target template exists. You can refine your search using the predicate function argument.
ledger_api.acs.find_generic (Testing)
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
ledger_api.acs.of_all (Testing)
ledger_api.acs.of_party (Testing)

Package Service
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
ledger_api.packages.list (Testing)
  • Summary: List Daml Packages
  • Arguments:
    • limit: Option[Int]
  • Return type:
    • Seq[com.daml.ledger.api.v1.admin.package_management_service.PackageDetails]
ledger_api.packages.upload_dar (Testing)
  • Summary: Upload packages from Dar file
  • Arguments:
    • darPath: String
  • Description: Uploading the Dar can be done either through the ledger Api server or through the Canton admin Api. The Ledger Api is the portable method across ledgers. The Canton admin Api is more powerful as it allows for controlling Canton specific behaviour. In particular, a Dar uploaded using the ledger Api will not be available in the Dar store and can not be downloaded again. Additionally, Dars uploaded using the ledger Api will be vetted, but the system will not wait for the Dars to be successfully registered with all connected domains. As such, if a Dar is uploaded and then used immediately thereafter, a command might bounce due to missing package vettings.

Party Management Service

ledger_api.parties.allocate (Testing)
  • Summary: Allocate new party
  • Arguments:
    • party: String
    • displayName: String
  • Return type:
    • com.daml.ledger.api.v1.admin.party_management_service.PartyDetails
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
ledger_api.parties.list (Testing)
  • Summary: List parties known by the ledger API server
  • Return type:
    • Seq[com.daml.ledger.api.v1.admin.party_management_service.PartyDetails]

Ledger Configuration Service
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
ledger_api.configuration.list (Testing)
  • Summary: Obtain the ledger configuration
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • Seq[com.daml.ledger.api.v1.ledger_configuration_service.LedgerConfiguration]
  • Description: Returns the current ledger configuration and subsequent updates until the expected number of configs was retrieved or the timeout is over.

Ledger Api User Management Service

ledger_api.users.create (Testing)
ledger_api.users.delete (Testing)
  • Summary: Delete user
  • Arguments:
    • id: String
  • Description: Delete a user.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
ledger_api.users.list (Testing)
  • Summary: List users
  • Arguments:
    • filterUser: String
    • pageToken: String
    • pageSize: Int
  • Return type:
  • Description: List users of this participant node filterUser: filter results using the given filter string pageToken: used for pagination (the result contains a page token if there are further pages) pageSize: default page size before the filter is applied
ledger_api.users.rights.grant (Testing)
  • Summary: Grant new rights to a user
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: Users are used to dynamically managing the rights given to Daml applications. This function is used to grant new rights to an existing user. id: the id used to identify the given user actAs: the set of parties this user is allowed to act as readAs: the set of parties this user is allowed to read as participantAdmin: flag (default false) indicating if the user is allowed to use the admin commands of the Ledger Api
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
ledger_api.users.rights.list (Testing)
ledger_api.users.rights.revoke (Testing)

Ledger Api Metering Service

ledger_api.metering.get_report (Testing)
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String


transfer.execute (Preview)
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String (Preview)
  • Summary: Transfer-in a contract in transit to the target domain
  • Arguments:
  • Description: Manually transfers a contract in transit into the target domain. The command returns when the transfer-in has completed successfully. If the transferExclusivityTimeout in the target domain’s parameters is set to a positive value, all participants of all stakeholders connected to both origin and target domain will attempt to transfer-in the contract automatically after the exclusivity timeout has elapsed.
transfer.lookup_contract_domain (Preview)
transfer.out (Preview)

Ledger Pruning

pruning.find_safe_offset (Preview)
  • Summary: Return the highest participant ledger offset whose record time is before or at the given one (if any) at which pruning is safely possible
  • Arguments:
    • beforeOrAt: java.time.Instant
  • Return type:
    • Option[com.daml.ledger.api.v1.ledger_offset.LedgerOffset]
  • Summary: Identify the participant ledger offset to prune up to based on the specified timestamp.
  • Arguments:
    • upToInclusive: java.time.Instant
  • Return type:
    • Option[com.daml.ledger.api.v1.ledger_offset.LedgerOffset]
  • Description: Return the largest participant ledger offset that has been processed before or at the specified timestamp. The time is measured on the participant’s local clock at some point while the participant has processed the the event. Returns None if no such offset exists.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
pruning.locate_offset (Preview)
  • Summary: Identify the participant ledger offset to prune up to.
  • Arguments:
    • n: Long
  • Return type:
    • com.daml.ledger.api.v1.ledger_offset.LedgerOffset
  • Description: Return the participant ledger offset that corresponds to pruning “n” number of transactions from the beginning of the ledger. Errors if the ledger holds less than “n” transactions. Specifying “n” of 1 returns the offset of the first transaction (if the ledger is non-empty).
  • Summary: Prune the ledger up to the specified offset inclusively.
  • Arguments:
    • pruneUpTo: com.daml.ledger.api.v1.ledger_offset.LedgerOffset
  • Description: Prunes the participant ledger up to the specified offset inclusively returning Unit if the ledger has been successfully pruned. Note that upon successful pruning, subsequent attempts to read transactions via ledger_api.transactions.flat or ledger_api.transactions.trees or command completions via ledger_api.completions.list by specifying a begin offset lower than the returned pruning offset will result in a NOT_FOUND error. In the Enterprise Edition, prune performs a “full prune” freeing up significantly more space and also performs additional safety checks returning a NOT_FOUND error if pruneUpTo is higher than the offset returned by find_safe_offset on any domain with events preceding the pruning offset.
pruning.prune_internally (Preview)
  • Summary: Prune only internal ledger state up to the specified offset inclusively.
  • Arguments:
    • pruneUpTo: com.daml.ledger.api.v1.ledger_offset.LedgerOffset
  • Description: Special-purpose variant of the prune command only available in the Enterprise Edition that prunes only partial, internal participant ledger state freeing up space not needed for serving ledger_api.transactions and ledger_api.completions requests. In conjunction with prune, prune_internally enables pruning internal ledger state more aggressively than externally observable data via the ledger api. In most use cases prune should be used instead. Unlike prune, prune_internally has no visible effect on the Ledger API. The command returns Unit if the ledger has been successfully pruned or an error if the timestamp performs additional safety checks returning a NOT_FOUND error if pruneUpTo is higher than the offset returned by find_safe_offset on any domain with events preceding the pruning offset.

Bilateral Commitments

  • Summary: Lookup ACS commitments locally computed as part of the reconciliation protocol
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • Iterable[(com.digitalasset.canton.protocol.messages.CommitmentPeriod, com.digitalasset.canton.topology.ParticipantId, com.digitalasset.canton.protocol.messages.AcsCommitment.CommitmentType)]
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String

Participant Repair

  • Summary: Add specified contracts to specific domain on local participant.
  • Arguments:
  • Description: This is a last resort command to recover from data corruption, e.g. in scenarios in which participant contracts have somehow gotten out of sync and need to be manually created. The participant needs to be disconnected from the specified “domain” at the time of the call, and as of now the domain cannot have had any inflight requests. For each “contractsToAdd”, specify “witnesses”, local parties, in case no local party is a stakeholder. The “ignoreAlreadyAdded” flag makes it possible to invoke the command multiple times with the same parameters in case an earlier command invocation has failed. As repair commands are powerful tools to recover from unforeseen data corruption, but dangerous under normal operation, use of this command requires (temporarily) enabling the “features.enable-repair-commands” configuration. In addition repair commands can run for an unbounded time depending on the number of contracts passed in. Be sure to not connect the participant to the domain until the call returns.
  • Summary: Move contracts with specified Contract IDs from one domain to another.
  • Arguments:
  • Description: This is a last resort command to recover from data corruption in scenarios in which a domain is irreparably broken and formerly connected participants need to move contracts to another, healthy domain. The participant needs to be disconnected from both the “sourceDomain” and the “targetDomain”. Also as of now the target domain cannot have had any inflight requests. Contracts already present in the target domain will be skipped, and this makes it possible to invoke this command in an “idempotent” fashion in case an earlier attempt had resulted in an error. The “skipInactive” flag makes it possible to only move active contracts in the “sourceDomain”. As repair commands are powerful tools to recover from unforeseen data corruption, but dangerous under normal operation, use of this command requires (temporarily) enabling the “features.enable-repair-commands” configuration. In addition repair commands can run for an unbounded time depending on the number of contract ids passed in. Be sure to not connect the participant to either domain until the call returns.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Mark sequenced events as ignored.
  • Arguments:
  • Description: This is the last resort to ignore events that the participant is unable to process. Ignoring events may lead to subsequent failures, e.g., if the event creating a contract is ignored and that contract is subsequently used. It may also lead to ledger forks if other participants still process the ignored events. It is possible to mark events as ignored that the participant has not yet received. The command will fail, if marking events between from and to as ignored would result in a gap in sequencer counters, namely if from <= to and from is greater than maxSequencerCounter + 1, where maxSequencerCounter is the greatest sequencer counter of a sequenced event stored by the underlying participant. The command will also fail, if force == false and from is smaller than the sequencer counter of the last event that has been marked as clean. (Ignoring such events would normally have no effect, as they have already been processed.)
  • Summary: Purge contracts with specified Contract IDs from local participant.
  • Arguments:
  • Description: This is a last resort command to recover from data corruption, e.g. in scenarios in which participant contracts have somehow gotten out of sync and need to be manually purged, or in situations in which stakeholders are no longer available to agree to their archival. The participant needs to be disconnected from the domain on which the contracts with “contractIds” reside at the time of the call, and as of now the domain cannot have had any inflight requests. The “ignoreAlreadyPurged” flag makes it possible to invoke the command multiple times with the same parameters in case an earlier command invocation has failed. As repair commands are powerful tools to recover from unforeseen data corruption, but dangerous under normal operation, use of this command requires (temporarily) enabling the “features.enable-repair-commands” configuration. In addition repair commands can run for an unbounded time depending on the number of contract ids passed in. Be sure to not connect the participant to the domain until the call returns.
  • Summary: Remove the ignored status from sequenced events.
  • Arguments:
  • Description: This command has no effect on ordinary (i.e., not ignored) events and on events that do not exist. The command will fail, if marking events between from and to as unignored would result in a gap in sequencer counters, namely if there is one empty ignored event with sequencer counter between from and to and another empty ignored event with sequencer counter greater than to. An empty ignored event is an event that has been marked as ignored and not yet received by the participant. The command will also fail, if force == false and from is smaller than the sequencer counter of the last event that has been marked as clean. (Unignoring such events would normally have no effect, as they have already been processed.)

Resource Management
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Set resource limits for the participant.
  • Arguments:
  • Description: While a resource limit is attained or exceeded, the participant will reject any additional submission with GRPC status ABORTED. Most importantly, a submission will be rejected before it consumes a significant amount of resources. There are two kinds of limits: max_dirty_requests and max_rate. The number of dirty requests of a participant P covers (1) requests initiated by P as well as (2) requests initiated by participants other than P that need to be validated by P. Compared to the maximum rate, the maximum number of dirty requests reflects the load on the participant more accurately. However, the maximum number of dirty requests alone does not protect the system from “bursts”: If an application submits a huge number of commands at once, the maximum number of dirty requests will likely be exceeded. The maximum rate is a hard limit on the rate of commands submitted to this participant through the ledger API. As the rate of commands is checked and updated immediately after receiving a new command submission, an application cannot exceed the maximum rate, even when it sends a “burst” of commands. To determine a suitable value for max_dirty_requests, you should test the system under high load. If you choose a higher value, throughput may increase, as more commands are validated in parallel. If you observe a high latency (time between submission and observing a command completion) or even command timeouts, you should choose a lower value. Once a suitable value for max_dirty_requests has been found, you should include “bursts” into the tests to also find a suitable value for max_rate. Resource limits can only be changed, if the server runs Canton enterprise. In the community edition, the server uses fixed limits that cannot be changed.

  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Set the participant replica to passive
  • Description: Trigger a graceful fail-over from this active replica to another passive replica.

Multiple Participants

This section lists the commands available for a sequence of participants. They can be used on the participant references participants.all, .local or .remote as:

Copy to clipboard
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Upload DARs to participants
  • Arguments:
    • darPath: String
    • vetAllPackages: Boolean
    • synchronizeVetting: Boolean
  • Return type:
    • Map[com.digitalasset.canton.console.ParticipantReference,String]
  • Description: If vetAllPackages is true, the participants will vet the package on all domains they are registered. If synchronizeVetting is true, the command will block until the package vetting transaction has been registered with all connected domains.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Reconnect to domain
  • Arguments:
  • Description: If retry is set to true (default), the command will return after the first attempt, but keep on trying in the background.
  • Summary: Reconnect to all domains for which manualStart = false
  • Arguments:
    • ignoreFailures: Boolean
  • Description: If ignoreFailures is set to true (default), the reconnect all will succeed even if some domains are offline. The participants will continue attempting to establish a domain connection.

Domain Administration Commands

clear_cache (Testing)
  • Summary: Clear locally cached variables
  • Description: Some commands cache values on the client side. Use this command to explicitly clear the caches of these values.
  • Summary: Returns the domain configuration
  • Return type:
    • LocalDomainReference.this.consoleEnvironment.environment.config.DomainConfigType
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Yields the globally unique id of this domain. Throws an exception, if the id has not yet been allocated (e.g., the domain has not yet been started).
  • Return type:
  • Summary: Check if the local instance is running and is fully initialized
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Check if the local instance is running
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Start the instance
  • Summary: Stop the instance

  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Returns true if node has been initialized.
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Check if the node is running
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Get human (and machine) readable status info
  • Return type:
  • Summary: Wait for the node to be initialized
  • Summary: Wait for the node to be running

  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Migrates the instance’s database if using a database storage
  • Summary: Only use when advised - repairs the database migration of the instance’s database
  • Arguments:
    • force: Boolean
  • Description: In some rare cases, we change already applied database migration files in a new release and the repair command resets the checksums we use to ensure that in general already applied migration files have not been changed. You should only use db.repair_migration when advised and otherwise use it at your own risk - in the worst case running it may lead to data corruption when an incompatible database migration (one that should be rejected because the already applied database migration files have changed) is subsequently falsely applied.

  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String


sequencer.authorize_ledger_identity (Preview)
  • Summary: Authorize a ledger identity (e.g. an EthereumAccount) on the underlying ledger.
  • Arguments:
  • Description: Authorize a ledger identity (e.g. an EthereumAccount) on the underlying ledger. Currently only implemented for the Ethereum sequencer and has no effect for other sequencer integrations. See the authorization documentation of the Ethereum sequencer integrations for more detail. “
  • Summary: Disable the provided member at the Sequencer that will allow any unread data for them to be removed
  • Arguments:
  • Description: This will prevent any client for the given member to reconnect the Sequencer and allow any unread/unacknowledged data they have to be removed. This should only be used if the domain operation is confident the member will never need to reconnect as there is no way to re-enable the member. To view members using the sequencer run sequencer.status().”
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Force remove data from the Sequencer including data that may have not been read by offline clients
  • Arguments:
    • dryRun: Boolean
  • Return type:
    • String
  • Description: Will force pruning up until the default retention period by potentially disabling clients that have not yet read data we would like to remove. Disabling these clients will prevent them from ever reconnecting to the Domain so should only be used if the Domain operator is confident they can be permanently ignored. Run with dryRun = true to review a description of which clients will be disabled first. Run with dryRun = false to disable these clients and perform a forced pruning.
  • Summary: Force removing data from the Sequencer including data that may have not been read by offline clients up until the specified time
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • String
  • Description: Similar to the above force_prune command but allows specifying the exact time at which to prune
  • Summary: Force removing data from the Sequencer including data that may have not been read by offline clients up until a custom retention period
  • Arguments:
    • retentionPeriod: scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
    • dryRun: Boolean
  • Return type:
    • String
  • Description: Similar to the above force_prune command but allows specifying a custom retention period
  • Summary: Remove unnecessary data from the Sequencer up until the default retention point
  • Return type:
    • String
  • Description: Removes unnecessary data from the Sequencer that is earlier than the default retention period. The default retention period is set in the configuration of the canton processing running this command under parameters.retention-period-defaults.sequencer. This pruning command requires that data is read and acknowledged by clients before considering it safe to remove. If no data is being removed it could indicate that clients are not reading or acknowledging data in a timely fashion (typically due to nodes going offline for long periods). You have the option of disabling the members running on these nodes to allow removal of this data, however this will mean that they will be unable to reconnect to the domain in the future. To do this run force_prune(dryRun = true) to return a description of which members would be disabled in order to prune the Sequencer. If you are happy to disable the described clients then run force_prune(dryRun = false) to permanently remove their unread data. Once offline clients have been disabled you can continue to run prune normally.
  • Summary: Remove data that has been read up until the specified time
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • String
  • Description: Similar to the above prune command but allows specifying the exact time at which to prune. The command will fail if a client has not yet read and acknowledged some data up to the specified time.
  • Summary: Remove data that has been read up until a custom retention period
  • Arguments:
    • retentionPeriod: scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
  • Return type:
    • String
  • Description: Similar to the above prune command but allows specifying a custom retention period
  • Summary: Status of the sequencer and its connected clients
  • Return type:
  • Description: Provides a detailed breakdown of information required for pruning: - the current time according to this sequencer instance - domain members that the sequencer supports - for each member when they were registered and whether they are enabled - a list of clients for each member, their last acknowledgement, and whether they are enabled

  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Prune the mediator of unnecessary data while keeping data for the default retention period
  • Description: Removes unnecessary data from the Mediator that is earlier than the default retention period. The default retention period is set in the configuration of the canton node running this command under parameters.retention-period-defaults.mediator.
  • Summary: Prune the mediator of unnecessary data while keeping data for the provided retention period
  • Arguments:
    • retentionPeriod: scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
mediator.testing.await_domain_time (Testing)
mediator.testing.fetch_domain_time (Testing)
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String

Key Administration
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List public keys in registry
  • Arguments:
    • filterFingerprint: String
    • filterContext: String
  • Return type:
  • Description: Returns all public keys that have been added to the key registry. Optional arguments can be used for filtering.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Rotate the HMAC secret
  • Arguments:
    • length: Int
  • Description: Replace the stored HMAC secret with a new generated secret of the given length. length: Length of the HMAC secret. Must be at least 128 bits, but less than the internal block size of the hash function.
  • Summary: Upload (load and import) a key pair from file
  • Arguments:
    • filename: String
    • name: Option[String]
certs.generate (Preview)
certs.list (Preview)
certs.load (Preview)
  • Summary: Import X509 certificate in PEM format
  • Arguments:
    • x509Pem: String
  • Return type:
    • String

  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List active parties, their active participants, and the participants’ permissions on domains.
  • Arguments:
    • filterParty: String
    • filterParticipant: String
    • filterDomain: String
    • asOf: Option[java.time.Instant]
    • limit: Int
  • Return type:
  • Description: Inspect the parties known by this participant as used for synchronisation. The response is built from the timestamped topology transactions of each domain, excluding the authorized store of the given node. For each known party, the list of active participants and their permission on the domain for that party is given. filterParty: Filter by parties starting with the given string. filterParticipant: Filter for parties that are hosted by a participant with an id starting with the given string filterDomain: Filter by domains whose id starts with the given string. asOf: Optional timestamp to inspect the topology state at a given point in time. limit: Limit on the number of parties fetched (defaults to 100). Example: participant1.parties.list(filterParty=”alice”)


  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String

Topology Administration

Topology commands run on the domain topology manager immediately affect the topology state of the domain, which means that all changes are immediately pushed to the connected participants.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Initialize the node with a unique identifier
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: Every node in Canton is identified using a unique identifier, which is composed from a user-chosen string and a fingerprint of a signing key. The signing key is the root key of said namespace. During initialisation, we have to pick such a unique identifier. By default, initialisation happens automatically, but it can be turned off by setting the auto-init option to false. Automatic node initialisation is usually turned off to preseve the identity of a participant or domain node (during major version upgrades) or if the topology transactions are managed through a different topology manager than the one integrated into this node.
  • Summary: Upload signed topology transaction
  • Arguments:
    • bytes:
  • Description: Topology transactions can be issued with any topology manager. In some cases, such transactions need to be copied manually between nodes. This function allows for uploading previously exported topology transaction into the authorized store (which is the name of the topology managers transaction store.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List available topology stores
  • Return type:
    • Seq[String]
  • Description: Topology transactions are stored in these stores. There are the following stores: “Authorized” - The authorized store is the store of a topology manager. Updates to the topology state are made by adding new transactions to the “Authorized” store. Both the participant and the domain nodes topology manager have such a store. A participant node will distribute all the content in the Authorized store to the domains it is connected to. The domain node will distribute the content of the Authorized store through the sequencer to the domain members in order to create the authoritative topology state on a domain (which is stored in the store named using the domain-id), such that every domain member will have the same view on the topology state on a particular domain. “<domain-id> - The domain store is the authorized topology state on a domain. A participant has one store for each domain it is connected to. The domain has exactly one store with its domain-id. “Requested” - A domain can be configured such that when participant tries to register a topology transaction with the domain, the transaction is placed into the “Requested” store such that it can be analysed and processed with user defined process.
  • Summary: Change namespace delegation
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: Delegates the authority to authorize topology transactions in a certain namespace to a certain key. The keys are referred to using their fingerprints. They need to be either locally generated or have been previously imported. ops: Either Add or Remove the delegation. signedBy: Optional fingerprint of the authorizing key. The authorizing key needs to be either the authorizedKey for root certificates. Otherwise, the signedBy key needs to refer to a previously authorized key, which means that we use the signedBy key to refer to a locally available CA. authorizedKey: Fingerprint of the key to be authorized. If signedBy equals authorizedKey, then this transaction corresponds to a self-signed root certificate. If the keys differ, then we get an intermediate CA. isRootDelegation: If set to true (default = false), the authorized key will be allowed to issue NamespaceDelegations. synchronize: Synchronize timeout can be used to ensure that the state has been propagated into the node
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List namespace delegation transactions
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: List the namespace delegation transaction present in the stores. Namespace delegations are topology transactions that permission a key to issue topology transactions within a certain namespace. filterStore: Filter for topology stores starting with the given filter string (Authorized, <domain-id>, Requested) useStateStore: If true (default), only properly authorized transactions that are part of the state will be selected. timeQuery: The time query allows to customize the query by time. The following options are supported: TimeQuery.HeadState (default): The most recent known state. TimeQuery.Snapshot(ts): The state at a certain point in time. TimeQuery.Range(fromO, toO): Time-range of when the transaction was added to the store operation: Optionally, what type of operation the transaction should have. State store only has “Add”. filterSigningKey: Filter for transactions that are authorized with a key that starts with the given filter string. filterNamespace: Filter for namespaces starting with the given filter string. filterTargetKey: Filter for namespaces delegations for the given target key.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List identifier delegation transactions
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: List the identifier delegation transaction present in the stores. Identifier delegations are topology transactions that permission a key to issue topology transactions for a certain unique identifier. filterStore: Filter for topology stores starting with the given filter string (Authorized, <domain-id>, Requested) useStateStore: If true (default), only properly authorized transactions that are part of the state will be selected. timeQuery: The time query allows to customize the query by time. The following options are supported: TimeQuery.HeadState (default): The most recent known state. TimeQuery.Snapshot(ts): The state at a certain point in time. TimeQuery.Range(fromO, toO): Time-range of when the transaction was added to the store operation: Optionally, what type of operation the transaction should have. State store only has “Add”. filterSigningKey: Filter for transactions that are authorized with a key that starts with the given filter string. filterUid: Filter for unique identifiers starting with the given filter string.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List owner to key mapping transactions
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: List the owner to key mapping transactions present in the stores. Owner to key mappings are topology transactions defining that a certain key is used by a certain key owner. Key owners are participants, sequencers, mediators and domains. filterStore: Filter for topology stores starting with the given filter string (Authorized, <domain-id>, Requested) useStateStore: If true (default), only properly authorized transactions that are part of the state will be selected. timeQuery: The time query allows to customize the query by time. The following options are supported: TimeQuery.HeadState (default): The most recent known state. TimeQuery.Snapshot(ts): The state at a certain point in time. TimeQuery.Range(fromO, toO): Time-range of when the transaction was added to the store operation: Optionally, what type of operation the transaction should have. State store only has “Add”. filterSigningKey: Filter for transactions that are authorized with a key that starts with the given filter string. filterKeyOwnerType: Filter for a particular type of key owner (KeyOwnerCode). filterKeyOwnerUid: Filter for key owners unique identifier starting with the given filter string. filterKeyPurpose: Filter for keys with a particular purpose (Encryption or Signing)
topology.party_to_participant_mappings.authorize (Preview)
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List party to participant mapping transactions
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: List the party to participant mapping transactions present in the stores. Party to participant mappings are topology transactions used to allocate a party to a certain participant. The same party can be allocated on several participants with different privileges. A party to participant mapping has a request-side that identifies whether the mapping is authorized by the party, by the participant or by both. In order to have a party be allocated to a given participant, we therefore need either two transactions (one with RequestSide.From, one with RequestSide.To) or one with RequestSide.Both. filterStore: Filter for topology stores starting with the given filter string (Authorized, <domain-id>, Requested) useStateStore: If true (default), only properly authorized transactions that are part of the state will be selected. timeQuery: The time query allows to customize the query by time. The following options are supported: TimeQuery.HeadState (default): The most recent known state. TimeQuery.Snapshot(ts): The state at a certain point in time. TimeQuery.Range(fromO, toO): Time-range of when the transaction was added to the store operation: Optionally, what type of operation the transaction should have. State store only has “Add”. filterSigningKey: Filter for transactions that are authorized with a key that starts with the given filter string. filterParty: Filter for parties starting with the given filter string. filterParticipant: Filter for participants starting with the given filter string. filterRequestSide: Optional filter for a particular request side (Both, From, To).
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List participant domain states
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: List the participant domain transactions present in the stores. Participant domain states are topology transactions used to permission a participant on a given domain. A participant domain state has a request-side that identifies whether the mapping is authorized by the participant (From), by the domain (To) or by both (Both). In order to use a participant on a domain, both have to authorize such a mapping. This means that by authorizing such a topology transaction, a participant acknowledges its presence on a domain, whereas a domain permissions the participant on that domain. filterStore: Filter for topology stores starting with the given filter string (Authorized, <domain-id>, Requested) useStateStore: If true (default), only properly authorized transactions that are part of the state will be selected. timeQuery: The time query allows to customize the query by time. The following options are supported: TimeQuery.HeadState (default): The most recent known state. TimeQuery.Snapshot(ts): The state at a certain point in time. TimeQuery.Range(fromO, toO): Time-range of when the transaction was added to the store operation: Optionally, what type of operation the transaction should have. State store only has “Add”. filterSigningKey: Filter for transactions that are authorized with a key that starts with the given filter string. filterDomain: Filter for domains starting with the given filter string. filterParticipant: Filter for participants starting with the given filter string.
  • Summary: Change package vettings
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: A participant will only process transactions that reference packages that all involved participants have vetted previously. Vetting is done by registering a respective topology transaction with the domain, which can then be used by other participants to verify that a transaction is only using vetted packages. Note that all referenced and dependent packages must exist in the package store. By default, only vetting transactions adding new packages can be issued. Removing package vettings and issuing package vettings for other participants (if their identity is controlled through this participants topology manager) or for packages that do not exist locally can only be run using the force = true flag. However, these operations are dangerous and can lead to the situation of a participant being unable to process transactions. ops: Either Add or Remove the vetting. participant: The unique identifier of the participant that is vetting the package. packageIds: The lf-package ids to be vetted. signedBy: Refers to the fingerprint of the authorizing key which in turn must be authorized by a valid, locally existing certificate. If none is given, a key is automatically determined. synchronize: Synchronize timeout can be used to ensure that the state has been propagated into the node force: Flag to enable dangerous operations (default false). Great power requires great care.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List package vetting transactions
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
  • Description: List the package vetting transactions present in the stores. Participants must vet Daml packages and submitters must ensure that the receiving participants have vetted the package prior to submitting a transaction (done automatically during submission and validation). Vetting is done by authorizing such topology transactions and registering with a domain. filterStore: Filter for topology stores starting with the given filter string (Authorized, <domain-id>, Requested) useStateStore: If true (default), only properly authorized transactions that are part of the state will be selected. timeQuery: The time query allows to customize the query by time. The following options are supported: TimeQuery.HeadState (default): The most recent known state. TimeQuery.Snapshot(ts): The state at a certain point in time. TimeQuery.Range(fromO, toO): Time-range of when the transaction was added to the store operation: Optionally, what type of operation the transaction should have. State store only has “Add”. filterSigningKey: Filter for transactions that are authorized with a key that starts with the given filter string. filterParticipant: Filter for participants starting with the given filter string.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Renew all topology transactions that have been authorized with a previous key using a new key
  • Arguments:
  • Description: Finds all topology transactions that have been authorized by filterAuthorizedKey and renews those topology transactions by authorizing them with the new key authorizeWith. filterAuthorizedKey: Filter the topology transactions by the key that has authorized the transactions. authorizeWith: The key to authorize the renewed topology transactions.

Domain Manager Administration Commands

clear_cache (Testing)
  • Summary: Clear locally cached variables
  • Description: Some commands cache values on the client side. Use this command to explicitly clear the caches of these values.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Yields the globally unique id of this domain. Throws an exception, if the id has not yet been allocated (e.g., the domain has not yet been started).
  • Return type:
  • Summary: Check if the local instance is running and is fully initialized
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Check if the local instance is running
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Start the instance
  • Summary: Stop the instance


  • Summary: Authorize external Mediator node.
  • Arguments:
  • Description: Use this command to reinstigate an external mediator node that has been offboarded via offboard_mediator.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Initialize domain
  • Arguments:
  • Description: This command triggers domain initialization and should be called once the initial topology data has been authorized and sequenced. This is called as part of the setup.bootstrap command, so you are unlikely to need to call this directly.
  • Summary: Offboard external Mediator node.
  • Arguments:
  • Description: Use this command to offboard an onboarded external mediator node. It removes the topology transaction that authorizes the given mediator ID to act as a mediator on the domain. If you afterwards want to authorize an offboarded mediator again, use authorize_mediator. You must apply force to offboard the last mediator of a domain.

  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Returns true if node has been initialized.
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Check if the node is running
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Get human (and machine) readable status info
  • Return type:
  • Summary: Wait for the node to be initialized
  • Summary: Wait for the node to be running

  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Migrates the instance’s database if using a database storage
  • Summary: Only use when advised - repairs the database migration of the instance’s database
  • Arguments:
    • force: Boolean
  • Description: In some rare cases, we change already applied database migration files in a new release and the repair command resets the checksums we use to ensure that in general already applied migration files have not been changed. You should only use db.repair_migration when advised and otherwise use it at your own risk - in the worst case running it may lead to data corruption when an incompatible database migration (one that should be rejected because the already applied database migration files have changed) is subsequently falsely applied.

Key Administration
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List public keys in registry
  • Arguments:
    • filterFingerprint: String
    • filterContext: String
  • Return type:
  • Description: Returns all public keys that have been added to the key registry. Optional arguments can be used for filtering.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Rotate the HMAC secret
  • Arguments:
    • length: Int
  • Description: Replace the stored HMAC secret with a new generated secret of the given length. length: Length of the HMAC secret. Must be at least 128 bits, but less than the internal block size of the hash function.
  • Summary: Upload (load and import) a key pair from file
  • Arguments:
    • filename: String
    • name: Option[String]
certs.generate (Preview)
certs.list (Preview)
certs.load (Preview)
  • Summary: Import X509 certificate in PEM format
  • Arguments:
    • x509Pem: String
  • Return type:
    • String

  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: List active parties, their active participants, and the participants’ permissions on domains.
  • Arguments:
    • filterParty: String
    • filterParticipant: String
    • filterDomain: String
    • asOf: Option[java.time.Instant]
    • limit: Int
  • Return type:
  • Description: Inspect the parties known by this participant as used for synchronisation. The response is built from the timestamped topology transactions of each domain, excluding the authorized store of the given node. For each known party, the list of active participants and their permission on the domain for that party is given. filterParty: Filter by parties starting with the given string. filterParticipant: Filter for parties that are hosted by a participant with an id starting with the given string filterDomain: Filter by domains whose id starts with the given string. asOf: Optional timestamp to inspect the topology state at a given point in time. limit: Limit on the number of parties fetched (defaults to 100). Example: participant1.parties.list(filterParty=”alice”)


  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String

Sequencer Administration Commands

clear_cache (Testing)
  • Summary: Clear locally cached variables
  • Description: Some commands cache values on the client side. Use this command to explicitly clear the caches of these values.
  • Summary:
    This function attempts to deploy the Solidity sequencer smart contract to the configured (Besu) network.
    On success, it returns the contract address, the block height of the deployed sequencer contract and the absolute path to where the contract config file was written to. See the Ethereum demo for an example use of this function.
  • Arguments:
    • sequencerNames: Seq[String]
  • Return type:
    • (String, java.math.BigInteger, Option[java.nio.file.Path])
  • Description: This function attempts to deploy the Solidity sequencer smart contract to the configured (Besu) network. If any sequencerNames are given to the function, it will also generate the mix-in configuration for these sequencers that configures the sequencer to use the contract that was deployed and write the configuration to a tmp directory. In this case, the absolute path to the file will be returned as java.nio.Path. If no sequencer names are given, None is returned. On success, it returns the contract address and block height of the deployed sequencer contract, and optionally an absolute path as described above. Note that this function can’t be run over gRPC but needs to be used in a local Canton console. This function can only be executed when using an Ethereum sequencer and it will use the configured values in the EthereumLedgerNodeConfig (e.g. the configured TLS, authorization and client settings) when deploying the contract. Please refer to the Ethereum demo for an example use of this function.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Yields the globally unique id of this sequencer. Throws an exception, if the id has not yet been allocated (e.g., the sequencer has not yet been started).
  • Return type:
  • Summary: Check if the local instance is running and is fully initialized
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Check if the local instance is running
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Start the instance
  • Summary: Stop the instance


sequencer.authorize_ledger_identity (Preview)
  • Summary: Authorize a ledger identity (e.g. an EthereumAccount) on the underlying ledger.
  • Arguments:
  • Description: Authorize a ledger identity (e.g. an EthereumAccount) on the underlying ledger. Currently only implemented for the Ethereum sequencer and has no effect for other sequencer integrations. See the authorization documentation of the Ethereum sequencer integrations for more detail. “
  • Summary: Disable the provided member at the Sequencer that will allow any unread data for them to be removed
  • Arguments:
  • Description: This will prevent any client for the given member to reconnect the Sequencer and allow any unread/unacknowledged data they have to be removed. This should only be used if the domain operation is confident the member will never need to reconnect as there is no way to re-enable the member. To view members using the sequencer run sequencer.status().”
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Force remove data from the Sequencer including data that may have not been read by offline clients
  • Arguments:
    • dryRun: Boolean
  • Return type:
    • String
  • Description: Will force pruning up until the default retention period by potentially disabling clients that have not yet read data we would like to remove. Disabling these clients will prevent them from ever reconnecting to the Domain so should only be used if the Domain operator is confident they can be permanently ignored. Run with dryRun = true to review a description of which clients will be disabled first. Run with dryRun = false to disable these clients and perform a forced pruning.
  • Summary: Force removing data from the Sequencer including data that may have not been read by offline clients up until the specified time
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • String
  • Description: Similar to the above force_prune command but allows specifying the exact time at which to prune
  • Summary: Force removing data from the Sequencer including data that may have not been read by offline clients up until a custom retention period
  • Arguments:
    • retentionPeriod: scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
    • dryRun: Boolean
  • Return type:
    • String
  • Description: Similar to the above force_prune command but allows specifying a custom retention period
  • Summary: Remove unnecessary data from the Sequencer up until the default retention point
  • Return type:
    • String
  • Description: Removes unnecessary data from the Sequencer that is earlier than the default retention period. The default retention period is set in the configuration of the canton processing running this command under parameters.retention-period-defaults.sequencer. This pruning command requires that data is read and acknowledged by clients before considering it safe to remove. If no data is being removed it could indicate that clients are not reading or acknowledging data in a timely fashion (typically due to nodes going offline for long periods). You have the option of disabling the members running on these nodes to allow removal of this data, however this will mean that they will be unable to reconnect to the domain in the future. To do this run force_prune(dryRun = true) to return a description of which members would be disabled in order to prune the Sequencer. If you are happy to disable the described clients then run force_prune(dryRun = false) to permanently remove their unread data. Once offline clients have been disabled you can continue to run prune normally.
  • Summary: Remove data that has been read up until the specified time
  • Arguments:
  • Return type:
    • String
  • Description: Similar to the above prune command but allows specifying the exact time at which to prune. The command will fail if a client has not yet read and acknowledged some data up to the specified time.
  • Summary: Remove data that has been read up until a custom retention period
  • Arguments:
    • retentionPeriod: scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
  • Return type:
    • String
  • Description: Similar to the above prune command but allows specifying a custom retention period
  • Summary: Status of the sequencer and its connected clients
  • Return type:
  • Description: Provides a detailed breakdown of information required for pruning: - the current time according to this sequencer instance - domain members that the sequencer supports - for each member when they were registered and whether they are enabled - a list of clients for each member, their last acknowledgement, and whether they are enabled

  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Returns true if node has been initialized.
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Check if the node is running
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Get human (and machine) readable status info
  • Return type:
  • Summary: Wait for the node to be initialized
  • Summary: Wait for the node to be running

  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Migrates the instance’s database if using a database storage
  • Summary: Only use when advised - repairs the database migration of the instance’s database
  • Arguments:
    • force: Boolean
  • Description: In some rare cases, we change already applied database migration files in a new release and the repair command resets the checksums we use to ensure that in general already applied migration files have not been changed. You should only use db.repair_migration when advised and otherwise use it at your own risk - in the worst case running it may lead to data corruption when an incompatible database migration (one that should be rejected because the already applied database migration files have changed) is subsequently falsely applied.

Mediator Administration Commands

clear_cache (Testing)
  • Summary: Clear locally cached variables
  • Description: Some commands cache values on the client side. Use this command to explicitly clear the caches of these values.
  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Yields the mediator id of this mediator. Throws an exception, if the id has not yet been allocated (e.g., the mediator has not yet been initialised).
  • Return type:
  • Summary: Check if the local instance is running and is fully initialized
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Check if the local instance is running
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Start the instance
  • Summary: Stop the instance

  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Prune the mediator of unnecessary data while keeping data for the default retention period
  • Description: Removes unnecessary data from the Mediator that is earlier than the default retention period. The default retention period is set in the configuration of the canton node running this command under parameters.retention-period-defaults.mediator.
  • Summary: Prune the mediator of unnecessary data while keeping data for the provided retention period
  • Arguments:
    • retentionPeriod: scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration

  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Returns true if node has been initialized.
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Check if the node is running
  • Return type:
    • Boolean
  • Summary: Get human (and machine) readable status info
  • Return type:
  • Summary: Wait for the node to be initialized
  • Summary: Wait for the node to be running

  • Summary: Help for specific commands (use help() or help(“method”) for more information)
  • Arguments:
    • methodName: String
  • Summary: Migrates the instance’s database if using a database storage
  • Summary: Only use when advised - repairs the database migration of the instance’s database
  • Arguments:
    • force: Boolean
  • Description: In some rare cases, we change already applied database migration files in a new release and the repair command resets the checksums we use to ensure that in general already applied migration files have not been changed. You should only use db.repair_migration when advised and otherwise use it at your own risk - in the worst case running it may lead to data corruption when an incompatible database migration (one that should be rejected because the already applied database migration files have changed) is subsequently falsely applied.

Code-Generation in Console

The Daml SDK provides code-generation utilities which create Java or Scala bindings for Daml models. These bindings are a convenient way to interact with the ledger from the console in a typed fashion. The linked documentation explains how to create these bindings using the daml command. The Scala bindings are not officially supported, so should not be used for application development.

Once you have successfully built the bindings, you can then load the resulting jar into the Canton console using the magic Ammonite import trick within console scripts:

interp.load.cp(os.Path("codegen.jar", base = os.pwd))

@ // the at triggers the compilation such that we can use the imports subsequently

import ...
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