Functional Programming 101¶
In this chapter, you will learn more about expressing complex logic in a functional language like Daml. Specifically, you’ll learn about
- Function signatures and functions
- Advanced control flow (
, folds, recursion,when
If you no longer have your chapter 7 and 8 projects set up, and want to look back at the code, please follow the setup instructions in Work with Dependencies to get hold of the code for this chapter.
There is a project template daml-intro-10
for this chapter, but it only contains a single source file with the code snippets embedded in this section.
The Haskell Connection¶
The previous chapters of this introduction to Daml have mostly covered the structure of templates, and their connection to the Daml Ledger Model. The logic of what happens within the do
blocks of choices has been kept relatively simple. In this chapter, we will dive deeper into Daml’s expression language, the part that allows you to write logic inside those do
blocks. But we can only scratch the surface here. Daml borrows a lot of its language from Haskell. If you want to dive deeper, or learn about specific aspects of the language you can refer to standard literature on Haskell. Some recommendations:
- Finding Success and Failure in Haskell (Julie Maronuki, Chris Martin)
- Haskell Programming from first principles (Christopher Allen, Julie Moronuki)
- Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! (Miran Lipovača)
- Programming in Haskell (Graham Hutton)
- Real World Haskell (Bryan O’Sullivan, Don Stewart, John Goerzen)
When comparing Daml to Haskell it’s worth noting:
- Haskell is a lazy language, which allows you to write things like
head [1..]
, meaning “take the first element of an infinite list”. Daml by contrast is strict. Expressions are fully evaluated, which means it is not possible to work with infinite data structures. - Daml has a
syntax for records, and dot syntax for record field access, neither of which present in Haskell. But Daml supports Haskell’s curly brace record notation. - Daml has a number of Haskell compiler extensions active by default.
- Daml doesn’t support all features of Haskell’s type system. For example, there are no existential types or GADTs.
- Actions are called Monads in Haskell.
In Data Types you learnt about one half of Daml’s type system: Data types. It’s now time to learn about the other, which are Function types. Function types in Daml can be spotted by looking for ->
which can be read as “maps to”.
For example, the function signature Int -> Int
maps an integer to another integer. There are many such functions, but one would be:
You can see here that the function declaration and the function definitions are separate. The declaration can be omitted in cases where the type can be inferred by the compiler, but for top-level functions (ie ones at the same level as templates, directly under a module), it’s often a good idea to include them for readability.
In the case of increment
it could have been omitted. Similarly, we could define a function add
without a declaration:
If you do this, and wonder what type the compiler has inferred, you can hover over the function name in the IDE:

What you see here is a slightly more complex signature:
There are two interesting things going on here:
- We have more than one
. - We have a type parameter
with a constraintAdditive a
Function Application¶
Let’s start by looking at the right hand part a -> a -> a
. The ->
is right associative, meaning a -> a -> a
is equivalent to a -> (a -> a)
. Using the “maps to” way of reading ->
we get “a maps to a function that maps a to a”.
And this is indeed what happens. We can define a different version of increment
by partially applying add
If you try this out in your IDE, you’ll see that the compiler infers type Int -> Int
again. It can do so because of the literal 1 : Int
So if we have a function f : a -> b -> c -> d
and a value valA : a
, we get f valA : b -> c -> d
, ie we can apply the function argument by argument. If we also had valB : b
, we would have f valA valB : c -> d
. What this tells you is that function application is left associative: f valA valB == (f valA) valB
Infix Functions¶
Now add
is clearly just an alias for +
, but what is +
? +
is just a function. It’s only special because it starts with a symbol. Functions that start with a symbol are infix by default which means they can be written between two arguments. That’s why we can write 1 + 2
rather than + 1 2
. The rules for converting between normal and infix functions are simple. Wrap an infix function in parentheses to use it as a normal function, and wrap a normal function in backticks to make it infix:
With that knowledge, we could have defined add
more succinctly as the alias that it is:
If we want to partially apply an infix operation we can also do that as follows:
While function application is left associative by default, infix operators can be declared left or right associative and given a precedence. Good examples are the boolean operations &&
and ||
, which are declared right associative with precedences 3, and 2, respectively. This allows you to write True || True && False
and get value True
. See section 4.4.2 of the Haskell 98 report for more on fixities.
Type Constraints¶
The Additive a =>
part of the signature of add
is a type constraint on the type parameter a
. Additive
here is a typeclass. You already met typeclasses like Eq
and Show
in Data Types. The Additive
typeclass says that you can add a thing. Ie there is a function (+) : a -> a -> a
. Now the way to read the full signature of add
is “Given that a has an instance for the Additive typeclass, a maps to a function which maps a to a”.
Typeclasses in Daml are a bit like interfaces in other languages. To be able to add two things using the +
function, those things need to expose the +
Unlike interfaces, typeclasses can have multiple type parameters. A good example, which also demonstrates the use of multiple constraints at the same time, is the signature of the exercise
Let’s turn this into prose: Given that t
is the type of a template, and that t
has a choice c
with return type r
, map a ContractId
for a contract of type t
to a function that takes the choice arguments of type c
and returns an Update
resulting in type r
That’s quite a mouthful, and does require one to know what meaning the typeclass Choice
gives to parameters t
and r
, but in many cases, that’s obvious from the context or names of typeclasses and variables.
Pattern Matching in Arguments¶
You met pattern matching in Data Types, using case
statements which is one way of pattern matching. However, it can also be convenient to do the pattern matching at the level of function arguments. Think about implementing the function uncurry
takes a function with two arguments (or more, since c
could be a function), and turns it into a function from a 2-tuple to c
. Here are three ways of implementing it, using tuple accessors, case
pattern matching, and function pattern matching:
Using function pattern matching is clearly the most elegant here. We never need the tuple as a whole, just its members. Any pattern matching you can do in case
you can also do at the function level, and the compiler helpfully warns you if you did not cover all cases, which is called “non-exhaustive”.
The above will give you a warning:
This means fromSome
is a partial function. fromSome None
will cause a runtime error.
We can use function level pattern matching together with a feature called Record Wildcards to write the function issueAsset
in chapter 8:
issueAsset : Asset -> Script (ContractId Asset)
issueAsset asset@(Asset with ..) = do
assetHolders <- queryFilter @AssetHolder issuer
(\ah -> (ah.issuer == issuer) && (ah.owner == owner))
case assetHolders of
(ahCid, _)::_ -> submit asset.issuer do
exerciseCmd ahCid Issue_Asset with ..
[] -> abort ("No AssetHolder found for " <> show asset)
The ..
in the pattern match here means bind all fields from the given record to local variables, so we have local variables issuer
, owner
, etc.
The ..
in the second to last line means fill all fields of the new record using local variables of the matching name. So the function succinctly transfers all fields except for owner
, which is set explicitly, from the V1 Asset to the V2 Asset.
Functions Everywhere¶
You have probably already guessed it: Anywhere you can put a value in Daml you can also put a function. Even inside data types:
More commonly, it makes sense to define functions locally, inside a let
clause or similar. A good example of this are the validate
and transfer
functions defined locally in the Trade_Settle
choice of the model from chapter 8:
validate (asset, assetCid) = do
fetchedAsset <- fetch assetCid
"Asset mismatch"
(asset == fetchedAsset with
observers = asset.observers)
mapA_ validate (zip baseAssets baseAssetCids)
mapA_ validate (zip quoteAssets quoteAssetCids)
transfer (assetCid, approvalCid) = do
exercise approvalCid TransferApproval_Transfer with assetCid
transferredBaseCids <- mapA transfer (zip baseAssetCids baseApprovalCids)
transferredQuoteCids <- mapA transfer (zip quoteAssetCids quoteApprovalCids)
You can see that the function signature is inferred from the context here. If you look closely (or hover over the function in the IDE), you’ll see that it has signature
Bear in mind that functions are not serializable, so you can’t use them inside template arguments, or as choice in- or outputs. They also don’t have instances of the Eq
or Show
typeclasses which one would commonly want on data types.
You can probably guess what the mapA
and mapA_
s in the above choice do. They somehow loop through the lists of assets, and approvals, and the functions validate
and transfer
to each, performing the resulting Update
action in the process. We’ll look at that more closely under Looping below.
Like in most modern languages, Daml also supports inline functions called lambdas. They are defined using (\x y z -> ...)
syntax. For example, a lambda version of increment
would be (\n -> n + 1)
Control Flow¶
In this section, we will cover branching and looping, and look at a few common patterns of how to translate procedural code into functional code.
Until Chapter 7 the only real kind of control flow introduced has been case
, which is a powerful tool for branching.
Chapter 5 also showed a seemingly self-explanatory if..else
statement, but didn’t explain it further. And they are actually the same thing. Let’s implement the function boolToInt : Bool -> Int
which in typical fashion maps True
to 1
and False
to 0
. Here is an implementation using case
If you write this function in the IDE, you’ll get a warning from the linter:
The linter knows the equivalence and suggests a better implementation:
In short: if..else
statements are equivalent to a case
statement, but are easier to read.
Control Flow as Expressions¶
statements and if..else
really are control flow in the sense that they short circuit:
This function behaves as you expect. The error only gets evaluated if an invalid text is passed in.
This is different to functions, where all arguments are evaluated immediately:
In the above, boom
is an error.
But while being proper control flow, case
and if..else
statements are also expressions in the sense that they result in a value when evaluated. You can actually see that in the function definitions above. Since each of the functions is defined just as a case
or if
statement, the value of the evaluated function is just the value of the case
statement. Things that have a value have a type. The if..else
expression in boolToInt2
has type Int
as that’s what the function returns, the case
expression in doError
has type Bool
. To be able to give such expressions an unambiguous type, each branch needs to have the same type. The below function does not compile as one branch tries to return an Int
and the other a Text
If we need functions that can return two (or more) types of things we need to encode that in the return type. For two possibilities, it’s common to use the Either
Branching in Actions¶
The most common case where this becomes important is inside do
blocks. Say we want to create a contract of one type in one case, and of another type in another case. Let’s say we have two template types and want to write a function that creates an S
if a condition is met, and a T
It would be tempting to write a simple if..else
, but it won’t typecheck:
We have two options:
- Use the
trick from above. - Get rid of the return types.
The latter is so common that there is a utility function in DA.Action
to get rid of the return type: void : Functor f => f a -> f ()
also helps express control flow of the type “Create a T
only if a condition is met.
Note that we still need the else
clause of the same type ()
. This pattern is so common, it’s encapsulated in the standard library function DA.Action.when : (Applicative f) => Bool -> f () -> f ()
Despite when
looking like a simple function, the compiler does some magic so that is short circuits evaluation just like if..else
. noop
is a no-op, not an error as one might otherwise expect:
With case
, if..else
, void
and when
, you can express all branching. However, one additional feature you may want to learn is guards. They are not covered here, but can help avoid deeply nested if..else
blocks. Here’s just one example. The Haskell sources at the beginning of the chapter cover this topic in more depth.
Other than branching, the most common form of control flow is looping. Looping is usually used to iteratively modify some state. We’ll use JavaScript in this section to illustrate the procedural way of doing things.
A more general loop looks like this:
The only real difference is that the iterator is explicit in the former, and implicit in the latter.
In both cases, state is being mutated: result
in the former, state
in the latter. Values in Daml are immutable, so it needs to work differently. In Daml we will do this with folds and recursion.
Folds correspond to looping with an explicit iterator: for
and forEach
loops in procedural languages. The most common iterator is a list, as is the case in the sum
function above. For such cases, Daml has the foldl
function. The l
stands for “left” and means the list is processed from the left. There is also a corresponding foldr
which processes from the right.
Let’s give the type parameters semantic names. b
is the state, a
is an item. foldl
s first argument is a function which takes a state and an item and returns a new state. That’s the equivalent of the inner block of the forEach
. It then takes a state, which is the initial state, and a list of items, which is the iterator. The result is again a state. The sum
function above can be translated to Daml almost instantly with those correspondences in mind:
If we wanted to be more verbose, we could replace (+)
with a lambda (\result i -> result + i)
which makes the correspondence to result += i
from the JavaScript clearer.
Almost all loops with explicit iterators can be translated to folds, though we have to take a bit of care with performance when it comes to translating for
Translating the for
into a forEach
is easy if you can get your hands on an array containing values [0..(l-1)]
. And that’s literally how you do it in Daml, using ranges. [0..(l-1)]
is shorthand for enumFromTo 0 (l-1)
, which returns the list you’d expect.
Daml also has an operator (!!) : [a] -> Int -> a
which returns an element in a list. You may now be tempted to write sumArrs
like this:
But you should immediately forget again that you just learnt about (!!)
. Lists in Daml are linked lists, which makes access using (!!)
slow and idiosyncratic. The way to do this in Daml is to get rid of the i
altogether and instead merge the lists first, and then iterate over the “zipped” up lists:
zip : [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
takes two lists, and merges them into a single list where the first element is the 2-tuple containing the first elements to the two input lists, and so on. It drops any left-over elements of the longer list, thus making the min
logic unnecessary.
You’ve probably noticed that what we’ve done in this second version of sumArr
is pretty standard, we have taken a list zip arr1 arr2
applied a function \(x, y) -> x + y
to each element, and returned the list of results. This operation is called map : (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
. We can now write sumArr
even more nicely:
As a rule of thumb: Use map
if the result has the same shape as the input and you don’t need to carry state from one iteration to the next. Use folds if you need to accumulate state in any way.
If there is no explicit iterator, you can use recursion. Let’s try to write a function that reverses a list, for example. We want to avoid (!!)
so there is no sensible iterator here. Instead, we use recursion:
You may be tempted to make reverseWorker
a local definition inside reverse
, but Daml only supports recursion for top-level functions so the recursive part recurseWorker
has to be its own top-level function.
Folds and Maps in Action Contexts¶
The folds and map
function above are pure in the sense introduced in Add Constraints to a Contract: The functions used to map or process items have no side-effects. In day-to-day Daml that’s the exception rather than the rule. If you have looked at the chapter 8 models, you’ll have noticed mapA
, mapA_
, and forA
all over the place. A good example are the mapA
in the testMultiTrade
Here we have a list of relationships (type [Relationship]
and a function setupRelationship : Relationship -> Script (ContractId AssetHolder)
. We want the AssetHolder
contracts for those relationships, ie something of type [ContractId AssetHolder]
. Using the map function almost gets us there. map setupRelationship rels : [Update (ContractId AssetHolder)]
. This is a list of Update
actions, each resulting in a ContractId AssetHolder
. What we need is an Update
action resulting in a [ContractId AssetHolder]
. The list and Update
are the wrong way around for our purposes.
Intuitively, it’s clear how to fix this: we want the compound action consisting of performing each of the actions in the list in turn. There’s a function for that, of course. sequence : : Applicative m => [m a] -> m [a]
implements that intuition and allows us to take the Update
out of the list. So we could write sequence (map setupRelationship rels)
. This is so common that it’s encapsulated in the mapA
function, a possible implementation of which is
The A
in mapA
stands for “Action” of course, and you’ll find that many functions that have something to do with “looping” have an A
equivalent. The most fundamental of all of these is foldlA : Action m => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> [a] -> m b
, a left fold with side effects. Here the inner function has a side-effect indicated by the m
so the end result m b
also has a side effect: the sum of all the side effects of the inner function.
Have a go at implementing foldlA
in terms of foldl
and sequence
and mapA
in terms of foldA
. Here are some possible implementations:
is just mapA
with its arguments reversed. This is useful for readability if the list of items is already in a variable, but the function is a lengthy lambda.
Lastly, you’ll have noticed that in some cases we used mapA_
, not mapA
. The underscore indicates that the result is not used. mapA_ fn xs fn = void (mapA fn xs)
. The Daml Linter will alert you if you could use mapA_
instead of mapA
, and similarly for forA_
Next Up¶
You now know the basics of functions and control flow, both in pure and Action contexts. The Chapter 8 example shows just how much can be done with just the tools you have encountered here, but there are many more tools at your disposal in the Daml Standard Library. It provides functions and typeclasses for many common circumstances and in Introduction to the Daml Standard Library, you’ll get an overview of the library and learn how to search and browse it.