Reference: Exceptions

Exceptions are a Daml feature which provides a way to handle certain errors that arise during interpretation instead of aborting the transaction, and to roll back the state changes that lead to the error.

There are two types of errors:

Builtin Errors

Exception type Thrown on
GeneralError Calls to error and abort
ArithmeticError Arithmetic errors like overflows and division by zero
PreconditionFailed ensure statements that return False
AssertionFailed Failed assert calls (or other functions from DA.Assert)

Note that other errors cannot be handled via exceptions, e.g., an exercise on an inactive contract will still result in a transaction abort.

User-defined Exceptions

Users can define their own exception types which can be thrown and caught. The definition looks similar to templates, and just like with templates, the definition produces a record type of the given name as well as instances to make that type throwable and catchable.

In addition to the record fields, exceptions also need to define a message function.

exception MyException
    field1 : Int
    field2 : Text
    message "MyException(" <> show field1 <> ", " <> show field2 <> ")"
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Throw Exceptions

There are two ways to throw exceptions:

  1. Inside of an Action like Update or Script you can use throw from DA.Exception. This works for any Action that is an instance of ActionThrow.
  2. Outside of ActionThrow you can throw exceptions using throwPure.

If both are an option, it is generally preferable to use throw since it is easier to reason about when exactly the exception will get thrown.

Catch Exceptions

Exceptions are caught in try-catch blocks similar to those found in languages like Java. The try block defines the scope within which errors should be handled while the catch clauses defines which types of errors are handled and how the program should continue. If an exception gets caught, the subtransaction between the try and the the point where the exception is thrown is rolled back. The actions under rollback nodes are still validated, so, e.g., you can never fetch a contract that is inactive at that point or have two contracts with the same key active at the same time. However, all ledger state changes (creates, consuming exercises) are rolled back to the state before the rollback node.

Each try-catch block can have multiple catch clauses with the first one that applies taking precedence.

In the example below the create of T will be rolled back and the first catch clause applies which will create an Error contract.

         try do
           _ <- create (T p)
           throw MyException with
             field1 = 0
             field2 = "42"
           (MyException field1 field2) ->
             create Error with
               p = p
               msg = "MyException"
           (ArithmeticError _) ->
             create Error with
               p = p
               msg = "ArithmeticError"
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