Contract Keys in Canton

Daml provides a “contract key” mechanism for contracts, similar to primary keys in relational databases. When using multi-domain topologies, Canton will support the full syntax of contract keys, but only a reduced semantics. That is, all valid Daml contracts using keys will run on Canton, but their behavior may deviate from the prescribed one. This document explains the deviation, as well as ways of recovering the full functionality of keys in some scenarios. It assumes a reasonable familiarity with Daml.


This section covers a preview feature, when using contract keys in a multi-domain setup. By default, contract key uniqueness is enabled, and therefore this section does not apply. However, contract key uniqueness will soon be deprecated, as uniqueness can not be enforced among multiple domains. We encourage to build your models already anticipating this change.

Keys have two main functions:

  • Simplifying the modeling of mutable state in Daml.
    Daml contracts are immutable and can be only created and archived. Mutating a contract C is modeled by archiving C and creating a new contract C' which is a modified version of C. Other than keys, Daml offers no means to capture the relation between C and C'. After archiving C, any contract D that contains the contract ID of C is left with a dangling reference. This makes it cumbersome to model mutable state that is split across multiple contracts. Keys provide mutable references in Daml; giving C and C' the same key K allows D to store K as a reference that will start pointing to C' after archiving C.
  • Checking that no active contract with a given key exists at some point in time.
    This mainly serves to provide uniqueness guarantees, which are useful in many cases. One is that they can serve to de-duplicate data coming from external sources. Another one is that they allow “natural” mutable references, e.g., referring to a user by their username or e-mail.

Canton participants and domains can be run in two modes:

  1. In unique-contract-key (UCK) mode, contract keys in Canton provide both functions; there can be at most one active contract for each key on a UCK domain.
    However, only UCK participants can connect to UCK domains and the first UCK domain a UCK participant connects to is the only domain that the participant can connect to in its lifetime. UCK domains and their participants are thus isolated islands that are deprived of Canton’s composability and interoperability features.
  2. In non-unique-keys mode, contract keys in Canton provide the first, but not the second function, at least not without additional effort or restrictions. In particular:
    1. In Canton, two (or more) active contracts with the same key may exist simultaneously on the same or different domains.
    2. If no submitting party is a stakeholder of an active contract instance of template Template with the key k visible on the submitting participant when the participant processes the submission, then a lookupByKey @Template k may return None even if an active contract instance of template Template with the key k exists on the virtual shared ledger at the point in time when the transaction is committed.
    3. A fetchByKey @Template k or an exerciseByKey @Template k or a positive lookupByKey @Template k (returning Some cid) may return any active contract of template Template with key k.

In the remainder of the document we:

Domains with Uniqueness Guarantees

By default, Canton domains and participants are currently configured to provide unique contract key (UCK) semantics. This will be deprecated in the future, as such a uniqueness constraint can not be supported on a distributed system in a useful way. The semantic differences from the ledger model disappear if the transactions are submitted to a participant connected to a Canton domain in UCK mode. The workarounds are therefore not needed.

A UCK participant can connect only to a UCK domain. Moreover, once it has successfully connected to a UCK domain, it will refuse to connect to another domain. Accordingly, conflict detection on a single domain suffices to check for key uniqueness. Participants connected to a UCK domain check for key conflicts whenever they host one of the key maintainers:

  • When a contract is created, they check that there is no other active contract with the same key.
  • When the submitted transaction contains a negative key lookup, the participants check that there is indeed no active contract for the given key.


Daml workflows deployed on a UCK domain are locked into this domain. They cannot use Canton’s composability and interoperability features because the participants will refuse to connect to other domains.

Non Unique Contract Keys Mode

This section explains how contract keys behave on participants connected to Canton domains without unique contract keys. This mode can be activated by setting

canton {
    domains {
        alpha {
            // subsequent changes have no effect and the mode of a node can never be changed
            domain-parameters.unique-contract-keys = false
    participants {
        participant1 {
            // subsequent changes have no effect and the mode of a node can never be changed
            parameters.unique-contract-keys = false
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Non-Unique contract keys is preview only and currently broken. Multiple keys will override each other.

Examples of Semantic Differences

Double Key Creation

Consider the following template:

template Keyed
    sig: Party
    k: Int
    signatory sig
    key (sig, k): (Party, Int)
    maintainer key._1
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The Daml contract key semantics prescribe that no two active Keyed contracts with the same keys should exist. For example, consider the following Daml script:

multiple = script do
  alice <- allocateParty "alice"
  submitMustFail alice $ do
    createCmd (Keyed with sig = alice, k = 1)
    createCmd (Keyed with sig = alice, k = 1)
    pure ()
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Alice’s submission must fail, since it attempts to create two contracts with the key (Alice, 1). In Canton, however, the submission is legal and will succeed (if executed, for example, through Daml Script). Thus, you cannot directly rely on keys to ensure the uniqueness of user-chosen usernames or external identifiers (e.g., order identifiers, health record identifiers, entity identifiers) in Canton.

False lookupByKey Negatives

Similarly, your code might rely on the negative case of a lookupByKey:

template Initialization
    sig: Party
    k: Int
    signatory sig

template Orchestrator
    sig: Party
    signatory sig

    nonconsuming choice Initialize: Optional (ContractId Initialization)
        k: Int
      controller sig
          optCid <- lookupByKey @Keyed (sig, k)
          case optCid of
            None -> do
              create Keyed with ..
              time <- getTime
              cid <- create Initialization with sig, k
              pure $ Some cid
            Some _ -> pure None
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When running a process (represented by the Initialization template here), you might use a pattern like above to ensure that it is run only once. The Initialization template does not have a key. Nevertheless, if all processing happens through the Orchestrator template, there will only ever be one Initialization created for the given party and key. For example, the following script creates only one Initialization contract:

lookupNone = script do
  alice <- allocateParty "alice"
  orchestratorId <- submit alice do
    createCmd Orchestrator with sig = alice
  submit alice do
    exerciseCmd orchestratorId Initialize with k = 1
  submit alice do
    exerciseCmd orchestratorId Initialize with k = 1
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In scripts, transactions are executed sequentially. Alice’s second submission above will always find the existing Keyed contract, and thus execute the Some branch of the Initialize choice. In real-world applications, transactions may run concurrently. Assume that initTx1 and initTx2 are run concurrently, and that these are the first two transactions running the Initialize choice. Then, during their preparation, both of them might execute the None branch (i.e., lookupByKey might return a negative result), and thus both might try to create the Initialization contract. However, negative lookupByKey results must be committed to the ledger, and the key consistency requirements prohibit both of them committing. Thus, one of initTx1 and initTx2 might fail, or they both might succeed (if one of them sees the effects of the other and then executes the Some branch), but in either case, only one Initialization contract will be created.

In Canton, however, it is possible that both initTx1 and initTx2 execute the None branch, yet both get committed. For example, if the participant processes the submissions for initTx1 and initTx2 concurrently, neither will see initTx1 the Initialization contract created by initTx2 nor vice versa. Canton orders the transactions only after the commands have been interpreted, and in normal mode it does not check the consistency of negative lookup by keys after ordering any more. Thus, two Initialization contracts may get created.

Semantics of fetchByKey and Positive lookupByKey

Daml also provides a fetchByKey operation. Daml commands are evaluated against some active contract set. When Daml encounters a fetchByKey command, it tries to find an active contract with the given key (and fails if it cannot). Since Daml semantics prescribe that only one such contract may exist, it is clear which one to return. For example, consider the script:

fetchSome = script do
  alice <- allocateParty "alice"
  keyedId1 <- submit alice do
    createCmd Keyed with sig = alice, k = 1
  keyedId2 <- submitMustFail alice do
    createCmd Keyed with sig = alice, k = 1
  (foundId, _) <- submit alice do
    createAndExerciseCmd (KeyedHelper alice) $ FetchByKey (alice, 1)
  assert $ foundId == keyedId1
  optFoundId <- submit alice do
    createAndExerciseCmd (KeyedHelper alice) $ LookupByKey (alice, 1)
  assert $ optFoundId == Some keyedId1
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The script uses a helper template KeyedHelper shown at the end of this section because fetchByKey and lookupByKey cannot be used directly in a Daml script.

Daml’s contract key semantics says that Alice’s second submission must fail, since a contract with the given key already exists. Thus, her third submission will always succeed, and return keyedId1, since this is the only Keyed contract with the key (Alice, 1). Similarly, her fourth submission will also successfully find a contract, which will be keyedId1.

As discussed earlier, Alice’s second submission in the above script will succeed in Canton. Alice’s third and fourth submissions thus may return different contract IDs, with each returning either keyedId1, or keyedId2. Whichever one is returned, a successful fetchByKey and lookupByKey still guarantees that the returned contract is active at the time when the transaction gets committed. As mentioned earlier, negative lookupByKey results may be spurious.

template KeyedHelper
    p: Party
    signatory p

    choice FetchByKey: (ContractId Keyed, Keyed)
      with keyP: (Party, Int)
      controller p
      do fetchByKey @Keyed keyP

    choice LookupByKey: Optional (ContractId Keyed)
      with keyP: (Party, Int)
      controller p
      do lookupByKey @Keyed keyP
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Canton’s Implementation of Keys

Internally, a Canton participant node has a component that provides the gRPC interface (the “Ledger API Server”), and another component that synchronizes participants (the “sync service”). When a command is submitted, the Ledger API Server evaluates the command against its local view, including the resolution of key lookups (lookupByKey and fetchByKey). Submitted commands are evaluated in parallel, both on a single node and across different nodes.

The evaluated command is then sent to the sync service, which runs Canton’s commit protocol. The protocol provides a linear ordering of all transactions on a single domain, and participants check all transactions for conflicts, with an earlier-transaction-wins policy. As participants only see parts of transactions (the joint projection of the parties they host), they only check conflicts on contracts for which they host stakeholders. During conflict detection, positive key lookups (that find a contract ID based on a key) are treated as ordinary fetch commands on the found contract ID, and the contract ID is checked to still be active. Negative key lookups, on the other hand, are never checked by Canton (a malicious submitter, for example, can always successfully claim that the lookup was negative). Similarly, contract creations are not checked for duplicate keys. Logically, both of these checks would require checking a “there is no such key” statement. Canton does not check such statements. While adding the check to the individual participants is straightforward, it is hard to get meaningful guarantees from such local checks because each participant has only a limited view of the entire virtual global ledger. For example, the check could pass locally on a participant even though there exists a contract with the given key on some domain that the participant is not connected to. Similarly, since the processing of different domains runs in parallel, it is unclear how to consistently handle the case where transactions on different domains create two contracts with the same key.

For integrity, the participants also re-evaluate the submitted command (or, more precisely, the subtransaction in the joint projection of the parties they host). The commit protocol ensures that any two involved participants will evaluate the key lookups in the same way as the Ledger API Server of the submitting participant. That is, if there are two active contracts with the key k, the protocol insures that a fetchByKey k will return the same contract on all participants.

Once the sync protocol commits a transaction, it informs the Ledger API server, which then atomically updates its set of active contracts. The transactions are passed to the Ledger API server in the order in which they are recorded on the ledger.

Workarounds for Recovering Uniqueness

Since some form of uniqueness for ledger data is necessary in many cases, we list some strategies to achieve it in Canton without being locked into a UCK domain. The strategies’ applicability depends on your contracts and the deployment setup of your application. In general, none of the strategies apply to the case where creations and deletions of contracts with keys are delegated.

Setting: Single Maintainer, Single Participant Node

Often, contracts may have a single maintainer (e.g., an “operator” that wants to have unique user names for its users). In the simplest case, the maintainer party will be hosted on just one participant node. This setting allows some simple options for recovering uniqueness.

Command ID Deduplication

The Ledger API server deduplicates commands based on their IDs. Note, however, that the IDs are deduplicated only within a configured window of time. This can simplify the uniqueness bookkeeping of your application as follows. Before your application sends a command that creates a contract with the key k, it should first check that no contract with the key k exists in a recent ACS snapshot (obtained from the Ledger API). Then, it should use a command ID that is a deterministic function of k to send the command. This protects you from the race condition of creating the key twice concurrently, without having to keep track of commands in flight. Caveats to keep in mind are:

  • you need to know exactly which contracts with keys each of your commands will create
  • your commands may only create contracts with a single key k
  • only the maintainer party may submit commands that create contracts with keys (i.e., do not delegate the creation to other parties).

However, these conditions are often true in simple cases (e.g., commands that create new users).

Generator Contract

Another approach is to funnel all creations of the keyed contracts through a “generator” contract. An example generator for the Keyed template is shown below.

template Generator
    sig: Party
    signatory sig

    choice Generate : (ContractId Generator, ContractId Keyed)
        k: Int
      controller sig
          existing <- lookupByKey @Keyed (sig, k)
          keyed <- case existing of
            Some cid -> pure cid
            None ->
              create Keyed with ..
          gen <- create this
          pure (gen, keyed)
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The main difference from the Orchestrator contract is that the Generate choice is consuming. Caveats to keep in mind are:

  • Your application must ensure that you only ever create one Generator contract (e.g., by creating one when initializing the application for the first time).
  • All commands that create the Keyed contract must be issued by the maintainer (in particular, do not delegate choices on the Generator contract to other parties).
  • You must not create Keyed contracts by any other means other than exercising the Generate choice.
  • The Generate choice as shown above will not abort the command if the contract with the given key already exists, it will just return the existing contract. However, this is easy to change.
  • This approach relies on a particular internal behavior of Canton (as discussed below). While we don’t expect the behavior to change, we do not currently make strong guarantees that it will not change.
  • If the participant is connected to multiple domains, the approach may fail in future versions of Canton. To be future-proof, you should only use it in the settings when your participant is connected to a single domain.

A usage example script is below.

generator = script do
  alice <- allocateParty "Alice"
  -- Your application must ensure that the following command runs at most once
  gen <- submit alice $
    createCmd Generator with sig = alice
  (gen, keyed) <- submit alice $
    exerciseCmd gen Generate with k = 1
  (gen, keyed1) <- submit alice $
    exerciseCmd gen Generate with k = 1
  assert $ keyed1 == keyed
  submit alice $
    exerciseCmd keyed Archive
  (gen, keyed2) <- submit alice $
    exerciseCmd gen Generate with k = 1
  assert $ keyed2 /= keyed
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To understand why this works, first read how keys are implemented in Canton. With this in mind, since the Generate choice is consuming, if you issue two or more concurrent commands that use the Generate choice, at most one of them will succeed (as the Generator contract will be archived when the first transaction commits). Thus, all accepted commands will be evaluated sequentially by the Ledger API server. As the server writes the results of accepted commands to its database atomically, the Keyed contract created by one command that uses Generate will either be visible to the following command that uses Generate, or it will have been archived by some other, unrelated command in between.

Setting: Single Maintainer, Multiple Participants

Ensuring uniqueness with multiple participants is more complicated, and adds more restrictions on how you operate on the contract.

The main approach is to track all “allocations” and “deallocations” of a key through a helper contract.

template KeyState
    sig: Party
    k: Int
    allocated: Bool
    signatory sig

    choice Allocate : (ContractId KeyState, ContractId Keyed)
      controller sig
          assert $ not allocated
          newState <- create this with allocated = True
          keyed <- create Keyed with ..
          pure (newState, keyed)

    choice Deallocate : ContractId KeyState
      controller sig
          assert $ allocated
          (cid, _) <- fetchByKey @Keyed (sig, k)
          exercise cid Archive
          create this with allocated = False
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  • Before creating a contract with the key k for the first time, your application must create the matching KeyState contract with allocated set to False. Such a contract must be created at most once. Most likely, you will want to choose a “master” participant on which you create such contracts.
  • Do not delegate choices on the Keyed contract to parties other than the maintainers.
  • You must never send a command that creates or archives the Keyed contract directly. Instead, you must use the Allocate and Deallocate choices on the KeyState contract. The only exception are consuming choices on the Keyed contract that immediately recreate a Keyed contract with the same key. These choices may also be delegated.

A usage example script is below.

state = script do
  alice <- allocateParty "Alice"
  -- Your application must ensure that the following command executes at most once
  state <- submit alice $
    createCmd KeyState with sig = alice, k = 1, allocated = False
  (state, keyed) <- submit alice $
    exerciseCmd state Allocate
  submitMustFail alice $
    exerciseCmd state Allocate
  -- If you archive the keyed contract without going through the
  -- KeyState, you must also recreate it in the same transaction.
  -- For example, if Keyed had consuming choices, the choices' bodies
  -- would have to recreate another Keyed contract with the same key
  submit alice $ do
    exerciseCmd keyed Archive
    createCmd Keyed with sig = alice, k = 1
    pure ()
  state <- submit alice $
    exerciseCmd state Deallocate
  (state, keyed2) <- submit alice $
    exerciseCmd state Allocate
  assert $ keyed2 /= keyed
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An alternative to this approach, if you want to use a consuming choice ch on the Keyed template that doesn’t recreate key, is to record the contract ID of the KeyState contract in the Keyed contract. You can then call Deallocate from ch, but you must first modify Deallocate to not perform a lookupByKey.

Setting: Multiple Maintainers

Achieving uniqueness for contracts with multiple maintainers is more difficult, and the maintainers must trust each other. To handle this case, follow the KeyState approach from the previous section. The main difference is that the KeyState contracts must have multiple signatories. Thus you must follow the usual Daml pattern of collecting signatories. Be aware that you must still structure this such that you only ever create one KeyState contract.

Formal Semantics of Keys in Canton

In terms of the Daml ledger model, Canton’s virtual shared ledger satisfies key consistency only when it represents a single UCK domain. In general, Canton’s virtual shared ledger violates key consistency. That is, NoSuchKey k actions may happen on the ledger even when there exists an active contract with the key k. Similarly, Create actions for a contract with the key k may appear on the ledger even if another active contract with the key k exists.

In terms of Daml evaluation, i.e., the translation of Daml into the ledger model transactions, the following changes:

  • When evaluated against an active contract set, a fetchByKey k may result in a Fetch c action for any active contract c with the key k (in Canton, there can be multiple such contracts). In the current implementation, it will favor the most recently created contract within the single transaction. However, this is not guaranteed to hold in future versions of Canton. If no contract with key k is active, it will fail as usual.
  • Similarly, lookupByKey k may result in a Fetch c for any active contract c with the key k of which the submitter is a stakeholder. If no such contract exists, it results in a NoSuchKey k as usual.
  • Likewise, an exerciseByKey k may result in an Exercise on any contract c with the key k. It fails if no contract with key k is active.