
package authentication

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package grpc

Type Members

  1. class AuthenticationTokenCache extends NamedLogging

    Provides a read and write through cache for authentication tokens while also enforcing expiry timestamps based on the local clock.

  2. class DbMemberAuthenticationStore extends MemberAuthenticationStore with DbStore
  3. trait HasExpiry extends AnyRef
  4. class InMemoryMemberAuthenticationStore extends MemberAuthenticationStore
  5. class MemberAuthenticationService extends NamedLogging with FlagCloseable

    The authentication service issues tokens to members after they have successfully completed the following challenge response protocol and after they have accepted the service agreement of the domain.

    The authentication service issues tokens to members after they have successfully completed the following challenge response protocol and after they have accepted the service agreement of the domain. The tokens are required for connecting to the sequencer.

    In order for a member to subscribe to the sequencer, it must follow a few steps for it to authenticate. Assuming the domain already has knowledge of the member's public keys, the following steps are to be taken:

    1. member sends request to the domain for authenticating 2. domain returns a nonce (a challenge random number) 3. member takes the nonce, concatenates it with the identity of the domain, signs it and sends it back 4. domain checks the signature against the key of the member. if it matches, create a token and return it 5. member will use the token when subscribing to the sequencer
  6. trait MemberAuthenticationServiceFactory extends AnyRef
  7. class MemberAuthenticationServiceOld extends MemberAuthenticationService with TopologyTransactionProcessingSubscriber
  8. trait MemberAuthenticationStore extends AutoCloseable
  9. final case class StoredAuthenticationToken(member: Member, expireAt: CantonTimestamp, token: AuthenticationToken) extends HasExpiry with Product with Serializable
  10. final case class StoredNonce(member: Member, nonce: Nonce, generatedAt: CantonTimestamp, expireAt: CantonTimestamp) extends HasExpiry with Product with Serializable
