package api
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- final case class CantonAdminToken(secret: String) extends Product with Serializable
- class CantonAdminTokenAuthService extends AuthService
AuthService interceptor used for internal canton services
AuthService interceptor used for internal canton services
Internal Canton services such as the PingService or the DarService require access to the Ledger-Api server. However, if the Ledger-Api server is configured with JWT, they will fail. But we can't expect that Canton obtains an oauth token from a third party service during startup.
Therefore, we create on each startup a master token which is only ever shared internally.
- class CantonExternalClockBackend extends TimeServiceBackend with NamedLogging with NoTracing
Time service backend for testing only to enable the ledger api server to work with the Canton sim-clock or remote clock
- class CantonTimeServiceBackend extends TimeServiceBackend with NamedLogging with NoTracing
Optional time services backend for demos and testing only to enable an "advanceable clock" based on the environment's sim-clocks.
Optional time services backend for demos and testing only to enable an "advanceable clock" based on the environment's sim-clocks. Canton only supports advancing time, not going backwards in time.
- sealed trait LedgerApiJdbcUrl extends AnyRef
- class LedgerApiStorage extends AutoCloseable
Configuration and actions for the ledger-api persistence, Actions are synchronous as they use the underlying jdbc driver directly and there is no simple version of async calls available.
Configuration and actions for the ledger-api persistence, Actions are synchronous as they use the underlying jdbc driver directly and there is no simple version of async calls available. Given these are only used for one off rare actions this is currently sufficient. Just be aware these operations will block.
- class StartableStoppableLedgerApiDependentServices extends AutoCloseable with NamedLogging
Holds and manages the lifecycle of all Canton services that use the Ledger API and hence depend on the Ledger API server to be up.
Holds and manages the lifecycle of all Canton services that use the Ledger API and hence depend on the Ledger API server to be up.
The services are started on participant initialization iff the participant comes up as an active replica, otherwise they are started when the participant transitions to active. On transition to passive participant state, these services are shutdown.
It is also used to close and restart the services when the Ledger API server needs to be taken down temporarily (e.g. for ledger pruning).
- class StartableStoppableLedgerApiServer extends FlagCloseableAsync with NamedLogging
The StartableStoppableLedgerApi enables a canton participant node to start and stop the ledger API server depending on whether the participant node is a High Availability active or passive replica.
Value Members
- object CantonAdminToken extends Serializable
- object CantonLedgerApiServerWrapper extends NoTracing
Wrapper of ledger API server to manage start, stop, and erasing of state.
- object JwtTokenUtilities
some helpers in other to use with ad-hoc JWT authentication
- object LedgerApiJdbcUrl
Canton's storage is configured using Slick's configuration.
Canton's storage is configured using Slick's configuration. This offers an expansive set of options allowing you to configure a connection pool, data source, or JDBC driver. The ledger-api configuration however only takes a JDBC url. LedgerApiJdbcUrl generator attempts to scrape together enough from Slick's configuration to generate a jdbc url for the targeted database (currently either H2 or Postgres). It also adds a schema specification to point the ledger-api server at a distinct schema from canton allowing it to be managed separately. Although it is expected a JDBC url will be generated for almost all circumstances, if this process fails or an advanced configuration is required the com.digitalasset.canton.config.DbParametersConfig.ledgerApiJdbcUrl configuration can be explicitly set and this will be used instead. This manually configured url **must** specify using the schema of
. - object LedgerApiStorage