class DbActiveContractStore extends ActiveContractStore with DbStore with DbPrunableByTimeDomain
Active contracts journal
This database table has the following indexes to support scaling query performance: - CREATE index active_contracts_dirty_request_reset_idx ON active_contracts (domain_id, request_counter) used on startup of the SyncDomain to delete all dirty requests. - CREATE index active_contracts_contract_id_idx ON active_contracts (contract_id) used in conflict detection for point wise lookup of the contract status. - CREATE index active_contracts_ts_domain_id_idx ON active_contracts (ts, domain_id) used on startup by the SyncDomain to replay ACS changes to the ACS commitment processor.
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- DbActiveContractStore
- DbPrunableByTimeDomain
- DbPrunableByTime
- DbStore
- HasCloseContext
- PromiseUnlessShutdownFactory
- NamedLogging
- FlagCloseable
- PerformUnlessClosing
- OnShutdownRunner
- AutoCloseable
- ActiveContractStore
- ConflictDetectionStore
- PrunableByTime
- ActiveContractSnapshot
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Instance Constructors
- new DbActiveContractStore(storage: DbStorage, domainId: IndexedDomain, enableAdditionalConsistencyChecks: Boolean, maxContractIdSqlInListSize: PositiveNumeric[Int], batchingParametersConfig: PrunableByTimeParameters, indexedStringStore: IndexedStringStore, protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion, timeouts: ProcessingTimeout, loggerFactory: NamedLoggerFactory)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext)
Value Members
- final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def ##: Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- def advancePruningTimestamp(phase: PruningPhase, timestamp: CantonTimestamp)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Future[Unit]
- Attributes
- protected[canton]
- Definition Classes
- DbPrunableByTime → PrunableByTime
- def archiveContract(cid: LfContractId, toc: TimeOfChange)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): CheckedT[Future, AcsError, AcsWarning, Unit]
Shorthand for
archiveContracts(Seq(cid), toc)
Shorthand for
archiveContracts(Seq(cid), toc)
- Definition Classes
- ActiveContractStore
- def archiveContracts(contractIds: Seq[LfContractId], toc: TimeOfChange)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): CheckedT[Future, AcsError, AcsWarning, Unit]
Marks the given contracts as archived from
's timestamp (inclusive) onwards.Marks the given contracts as archived from
's timestamp (inclusive) onwards.- contractIds
The contract IDs of the contracts to be archived
- toc
The time of change consisting of
- The request counter of the confirmation request that archives the contracts.
- The timestamp on the confirmation request that archives the contracts.
- returns
The future completes when all contract states have been updated. The following irregularities are reported for each contract:
- ActiveContractStore.DoubleContractArchival if the contract is archived a second time.
- ActiveContractStore.SimultaneousDeactivation if the contract is transferred out at the same time or has been archived by a different request at the same time.
- ActiveContractStore.ChangeAfterArchival for every change that occurs after the archival timestamp. This is reported only if no ActiveContractStore.DoubleContractArchival is reported.
- ActiveContractStore.ChangeBeforeCreation if this archival is earlier than the latest creation of the contract.
- Definition Classes
- ActiveContractStore
- final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
- Definition Classes
- Any
- def batchingParameters: Option[PrunableByTimeParameters]
Parameters to control prune batching
Parameters to control prune batching
If defined, then the pruning window will be computed such that it targets the ideal target batch size in order to optimize the load on the database.
This is currently used with the journal stores. Normal pruning of other stores already does batching on its own.
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → PrunableByTime
- def cancelShutdownTask(token: Long): Unit
Removes a shutdown task from the list using a token returned by runOnShutdown
Removes a shutdown task from the list using a token returned by runOnShutdown
- Definition Classes
- OnShutdownRunner
- def changesBetween(fromExclusive: TimeOfChange, toInclusive: TimeOfChange)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Future[LazyList[(TimeOfChange, ActiveContractIdsChange)]]
- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → ActiveContractSnapshot
- def clone(): AnyRef
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
- final def close(): Unit
Blocks until all earlier tasks have completed and then prevents further tasks from being run.
Blocks until all earlier tasks have completed and then prevents further tasks from being run.
- Definition Classes
- FlagCloseable → OnShutdownRunner → AutoCloseable
- implicit val closeContext: CloseContext
- Definition Classes
- HasCloseContext
- def closingTimeout: FiniteDuration
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- FlagCloseable → PerformUnlessClosing
- def containsShutdownTask(token: Long): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- OnShutdownRunner
- def contractSnapshot(contractIds: Set[LfContractId], timestamp: CantonTimestamp)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Future[Map[LfContractId, CantonTimestamp]]
Returns a map to the timestamp when the contract became active for the last time before or at the given timestamp.
Returns a map to the timestamp when the contract became active for the last time before or at the given timestamp. Omits contracts that not active right after the given timestamp.
- timestamp
The timestamp at which the activeness of the contracts shall be determined. Must be before the timestamp that corresponds to the head cursor in the com.digitalasset.canton.participant.protocol.RequestJournal for the state com.digitalasset.canton.participant.protocol.RequestJournal.RequestState.Clean. If this precondition is violated, the returned snapshot may be inconsistent, i.e., it may omit some contracts that were ActiveContractStore.Active at the given time and it may include contracts that were actually ActiveContractStore.Archived or ActiveContractStore.TransferredAway.
- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → ActiveContractSnapshot
- def deleteSince(criterion: RequestCounter)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Future[Unit]
Deletes all activeness changes from requests whose request counter is at least the given one.
Deletes all activeness changes from requests whose request counter is at least the given one. This method must not be called concurrently with creating, archiving, or transferring contracts.
Therefore, this method need not be linearizable w.r.t. creating, archiving, or transferring contracts. For example, if a request
creates a contractc
and another requestrc2
archives it while deleteSince is running for somerc <= rc1, rc2
, then there are no guarantees which of the effects ofrc1
remain. For example,c
could end up being inexistent, active, or archived but never created, even if the writes forrc1
are successful.- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → ActiveContractStore
- def doPrune(beforeAndIncluding: CantonTimestamp, lastPruning: Option[CantonTimestamp])(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Future[Int]
Deletes all entries about archived contracts whose status hasn't changed after the timestamp.
Deletes all entries about archived contracts whose status hasn't changed after the timestamp.
The caller must ensure that the given timestamp is at most the one of the clean cursor in the com.digitalasset.canton.participant.protocol.RequestJournal
- returns
the approximate number of pruned rows, used to adjust the pruning windows to reach optimal batch sizes
- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → ActiveContractStore → PrunableByTime
- val domainId: IndexedDomain
- Attributes
- protected[this]
- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → DbPrunableByTimeDomain
- def domainIdFromIdx(idx: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, loggingContext: ErrorLoggingContext): Future[DomainId]
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- ActiveContractStore
- implicit val ec: ExecutionContext
- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → DbPrunableByTime → PrunableByTime
- final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- implicit def errorLoggingContext(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): ErrorLoggingContext
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- NamedLogging
- def fetchState(id: LfContractId)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Future[Option[StateChange[Status]]]
Short-hand for fetchStates for a single identifier
Short-hand for fetchStates for a single identifier
- Definition Classes
- ConflictDetectionStore
- def fetchStates(contractIds: Iterable[LfContractId])(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Future[Map[LfContractId, ContractState]]
Returns the latest for the given contract IDs along with its com.digitalasset.canton.participant.util.TimeOfChange.
Returns the latest for the given contract IDs along with its com.digitalasset.canton.participant.util.TimeOfChange.
This method is used by the protocol processors for conflict detection. In-flight transactions may have changesets not yet written to the ACS datastore. Since only the
tracks in-flight changesets, this method cannot be used as a source of valid data to other components.If a contract is created or transferred-in and archived or transferred-out at the same com.digitalasset.canton.participant.util.TimeOfChange, the contract is ActiveContractStore.Archived or ActiveContractStore.TransferredAway. A contract cannot be archived and transferred out at the same timestamp.
- returns
The map from contracts in
in the store to their latest state. Nonexistent contracts are excluded from the map.
- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → ActiveContractStore → ConflictDetectionStore
- See also
- final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
- def getDomainIndices(domains: Seq[DomainId]): CheckedT[Future, AcsError, AcsWarning, Map[DomainId, IndexedDomain]]
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- ActiveContractStore
- def hashCode(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
- val indexedStringStore: IndexedStringStore
- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → ActiveContractStore
- def internalPerformUnlessClosingF[A](name: String)(f: => Future[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, traceContext: TraceContext): UnlessShutdown[Future[A]]
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- PerformUnlessClosing
- def isClosing: Boolean
Check whether we're closing.
Check whether we're closing. Susceptible to race conditions; unless you're using this as a flag to the retry lib or you really know what you're doing, prefer
and friends.- Definition Classes
- OnShutdownRunner
- final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Any
- def keepTrackOfOpenFutures: Boolean
track running futures on shutdown
track running futures on shutdown
set to true to get detailed information about all futures that did not complete during shutdown. if set to false, we don't do anything.
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- PerformUnlessClosing
- def kind: String
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- ActiveContractStore → PrunableByTime
- def logger: TracedLogger
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- NamedLogging
- val loggerFactory: NamedLoggerFactory
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → NamedLogging
- def markContractAdded(contract: LfContractId, toc: TimeOfChange)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): CheckedT[Future, AcsError, AcsWarning, Unit]
Shorthand for
markContractAdded(Seq(contract), toc)
Shorthand for
markContractAdded(Seq(contract), toc)
- Definition Classes
- ActiveContractStore
- def markContractCreated(contract: LfContractId, toc: TimeOfChange)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): CheckedT[Future, AcsError, AcsWarning, Unit]
Shorthand for
markContractsCreated(Seq(contract), toc)
Shorthand for
markContractsCreated(Seq(contract), toc)
- Definition Classes
- ActiveContractStore
- def markContractsAdded(contracts: Seq[LfContractId], toc: TimeOfChange)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): CheckedT[Future, AcsError, AcsWarning, Unit]
Marks the given contracts as active from
(inclusive) onwards.Marks the given contracts as active from
(inclusive) onwards.Unlike creation, add can be done several times in the life of a contract. It is intended to use from the repair service.
- Definition Classes
- ActiveContractStore
- def markContractsCreated(contracts: Seq[LfContractId], toc: TimeOfChange)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): CheckedT[Future, AcsError, AcsWarning, Unit]
Marks the given contracts as active from
(inclusive) onwards.Marks the given contracts as active from
(inclusive) onwards.- contracts
The contracts represented as a tuple of contract id and reassignment counter
- toc
The time of change consisting of
- The request counter of the confirmation request that created the contracts
- The timestamp of the confirmation request that created the contracts.
- returns
The future completes when all contract states have been updated. The following irregularities are reported for each contract:
- ActiveContractStore.DoubleContractCreation if the contract is created a second time.
- ActiveContractStore.SimultaneousActivation if the contract is transferred in at the same time or has been created by a different request at the same time.
- ActiveContractStore.ChangeBeforeCreation for every change that occurs before the creation timestamp. This is reported only if no ActiveContractStore.DoubleContractCreation is reported.
- ActiveContractStore.ChangeAfterArchival if this creation is later than the earliest archival of the contract.
- Definition Classes
- ActiveContractStore
- def markContractsCreatedOrAdded(contracts: Seq[LfContractId], toc: TimeOfChange, isCreation: Boolean)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): CheckedT[Future, AcsError, AcsWarning, Unit]
- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → ActiveContractStore
- def maxSleepMillis: Long
How often to poll to check that all tasks have completed.
How often to poll to check that all tasks have completed.
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- PerformUnlessClosing
- def mkPromise[A](description: String, futureSupervisor: FutureSupervisor, logAfter: Duration = 10.seconds, logLevel: Level = Level.DEBUG)(implicit elc: ErrorLoggingContext, ec: ExecutionContext): PromiseUnlessShutdown[A]
Use this method to create a PromiseUnlessShutdown that will automatically be cancelled when the close context is closed.
Use this method to create a PromiseUnlessShutdown that will automatically be cancelled when the close context is closed. This allows proper clean up of stray promises when the node is transitioning to a passive state.
Note: you should *not* invoke
on the returned promise but rather usetrySuccess
. The reason is that the call tosuccess
may fail in case of shutdown.- Definition Classes
- PromiseUnlessShutdownFactory
- implicit def namedLoggingContext(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): NamedLoggingContext
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- NamedLogging
- final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- def noTracingLogger: Logger
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- NamedLogging
- final def notify(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
- final def notifyAll(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
- def onCloseFailure(e: Throwable): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- PerformUnlessClosing
- def onClosed(): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- PerformUnlessClosing
- final def onFirstClose(): Unit
Blocks until all earlier tasks have completed and then prevents further tasks from being run.
Blocks until all earlier tasks have completed and then prevents further tasks from being run.
- Definition Classes
- PerformUnlessClosing → OnShutdownRunner
- Annotations
- @SuppressWarnings()
- def packageUsage(pkg: PackageId, contractStore: ContractStore)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Future[Option[LfContractId]]
Returns Some(contractId) if an active contract belonging to package
exists, otherwise returns None.Returns Some(contractId) if an active contract belonging to package
exists, otherwise returns None. The returned contractId may be any active contract from packagepkg
. The most recent contract state is used.- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → ActiveContractSnapshot
- val partitionColumn: String
- Attributes
- protected[this]
- Definition Classes
- DbPrunableByTimeDomain → DbPrunableByTime
- def partitionKey: IndexedDomain
- Attributes
- protected[this]
- Definition Classes
- DbPrunableByTimeDomain → DbPrunableByTime
- def performUnlessClosing[A](name: String)(f: => A)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): UnlessShutdown[A]
Performs the task given by
unless a shutdown has been initiated.Performs the task given by
unless a shutdown has been initiated. The shutdown will only begin afterf
completes, but other tasks may execute concurrently withf
, if started using this function, or one of the other variants (performUnlessClosingF and performUnlessClosingEitherT). The tasks are assumed to take less than closingTimeout to complete.DO NOT CALL
as part off
, because it will result in a deadlock.- f
The task to perform
- returns
scala.None$ if a shutdown has been initiated. Otherwise the result of the task.
- Definition Classes
- PerformUnlessClosing
- def performUnlessClosingCheckedT[A, N, R](name: String, onClosing: => Checked[A, N, R])(etf: => CheckedT[Future, A, N, R])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, traceContext: TraceContext): CheckedT[Future, A, N, R]
- Definition Classes
- PerformUnlessClosing
- def performUnlessClosingEitherT[E, R](name: String, onClosing: => E)(etf: => EitherT[Future, E, R])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, traceContext: TraceContext): EitherT[Future, E, R]
Performs the EitherT[Future] given by
unless a shutdown has been initiated, in which case the provided error is returned instead.Performs the EitherT[Future] given by
unless a shutdown has been initiated, in which case the provided error is returned instead. Bothetf
and the error are lazy;etf
is only evaluated if there is no shutdown, the error only if we're shutting down. The shutdown will only begin afteretf
completes, but other tasks may execute concurrently withetf
, if started using this function, or one of the other variants (performUnlessClosing and performUnlessClosingF). The tasks are assumed to take less than closingTimeout to complete.DO NOT CALL
as part ofetf
, because it will result in a deadlock.- etf
The task to perform
- Definition Classes
- PerformUnlessClosing
- def performUnlessClosingEitherTF[E, R](name: String, onClosing: => E)(etf: => EitherT[Future, E, Future[R]])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, traceContext: TraceContext): EitherT[Future, E, Future[R]]
- Definition Classes
- PerformUnlessClosing
- def performUnlessClosingEitherU[E, R](name: String)(etf: => EitherT[Future, E, R])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, traceContext: TraceContext): EitherT[FutureUnlessShutdown, E, R]
- Definition Classes
- PerformUnlessClosing
- def performUnlessClosingEitherUSF[E, R](name: String)(etf: => EitherT[FutureUnlessShutdown, E, R])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, traceContext: TraceContext): EitherT[FutureUnlessShutdown, E, R]
- Definition Classes
- PerformUnlessClosing
- def performUnlessClosingF[A](name: String)(f: => Future[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, traceContext: TraceContext): FutureUnlessShutdown[A]
Performs the Future given by
unless a shutdown has been initiated.Performs the Future given by
unless a shutdown has been initiated. The future is lazy and not evaluated during shutdown. The shutdown will only begin afterf
completes, but other tasks may execute concurrently withf
, if started using this function, or one of the other variants (performUnlessClosing and performUnlessClosingEitherT). The tasks are assumed to take less than closingTimeout to complete.DO NOT CALL
as part off
, because it will result in a deadlock.- f
The task to perform
- returns
The future completes with com.digitalasset.canton.lifecycle.UnlessShutdown.AbortedDueToShutdown if a shutdown has been initiated. Otherwise the result of the task wrapped in com.digitalasset.canton.lifecycle.UnlessShutdown.Outcome.
- Definition Classes
- PerformUnlessClosing
- def performUnlessClosingUSF[A](name: String)(f: => FutureUnlessShutdown[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, traceContext: TraceContext): FutureUnlessShutdown[A]
- Definition Classes
- PerformUnlessClosing
- val processingTime: TimedLoadGauge
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → DbPrunableByTime
- final def prune(limit: CantonTimestamp)(implicit errorLoggingContext: ErrorLoggingContext, closeContext: CloseContext): Future[Unit]
Prune all unnecessary data relating to events before the given timestamp.
Prune all unnecessary data relating to events before the given timestamp.
The meaning of "unnecessary", and whether the limit is inclusive or exclusive both depend on the particular store. The store must implement the actual pruning logic in the doPrune method.
- Definition Classes
- PrunableByTime
- def pruningStatus(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Future[Option[PruningStatus]]
Returns the latest timestamp at which pruning was started or completed.
Returns the latest timestamp at which pruning was started or completed. For com.digitalasset.canton.pruning.PruningPhase.Started, it is guaranteed that no pruning has been run on the store after the returned timestamp. For com.digitalasset.canton.pruning.PruningPhase.Completed, it is guaranteed that the store is pruned at least up to the returned timestamp (inclusive). That is, another pruning with the returned timestamp (or earlier) has no effect on the store. Returns scala.None$ if no pruning has ever been started on the store.
- Definition Classes
- DbPrunableByTime → PrunableByTime
- val pruning_status_table: String
The table name to store the pruning timestamp in.
The table name to store the pruning timestamp in. The table must define the following fields:
- partitionColumn primary key
stores the com.digitalasset.canton.pruning.PruningPhasets
stores the -
- Attributes
- protected[this]
- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → DbPrunableByTime
- def purgeContract(cid: LfContractId, toc: TimeOfChange)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): CheckedT[Future, AcsError, AcsWarning, Unit]
Shorthand for
purgeContracts(Seq(cid), toc)
Shorthand for
purgeContracts(Seq(cid), toc)
- Definition Classes
- ActiveContractStore
- def purgeContracts(contractIds: Seq[LfContractId], toc: TimeOfChange)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): CheckedT[Future, AcsError, AcsWarning, Unit]
Marks the given contracts as inactive from
(inclusive) onwards.Marks the given contracts as inactive from
(inclusive) onwards.Unlike archival, purge can be done several times in the life of a contract. It is intended to use from the repair service.
- Definition Classes
- ActiveContractStore
- def purgeOrArchiveContracts(contracts: Seq[LfContractId], toc: TimeOfChange, isArchival: Boolean)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): CheckedT[Future, AcsError, AcsWarning, Unit]
Depending on the
, will archive (effect of a Daml transaction) or purge (repair service)Depending on the
, will archive (effect of a Daml transaction) or purge (repair service)- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → ActiveContractStore
- def runOnShutdown[T](task: RunOnShutdown)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Long
Same as runOnShutdown_ but returns a token that allows you to remove the task explicitly from being run using cancelShutdownTask
Same as runOnShutdown_ but returns a token that allows you to remove the task explicitly from being run using cancelShutdownTask
- Definition Classes
- OnShutdownRunner
- def runOnShutdown_[T](task: RunOnShutdown)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Unit
Register a task to run when shutdown is initiated.
Register a task to run when shutdown is initiated.
You can use this for example to register tasks that cancel long-running computations, whose termination you can then wait for in "closeAsync".
- Definition Classes
- OnShutdownRunner
- def runStateChanged(waitingState: Boolean = false): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- OnShutdownRunner
- Annotations
- @VisibleForTesting()
- implicit val setParameterDiscriminator: SetParameter[IndexedDomain]
- Attributes
- protected[this]
- Definition Classes
- DbPrunableByTimeDomain → DbPrunableByTime
- def snapshot(rc: RequestCounter)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Future[SortedMap[LfContractId, RequestCounter]]
Returns all contracts that were active right after the given request counter, and when the contract became active for the last time before or at the given request counter.
Returns all contracts that were active right after the given request counter, and when the contract became active for the last time before or at the given request counter.
- rc
The request counter at which the snapshot shall be taken. Must be before the request counter that corresponds to the head cursor in the com.digitalasset.canton.participant.protocol.RequestJournal for the state com.digitalasset.canton.participant.protocol.RequestJournal.RequestState.Clean. If this precondition is violated, the returned snapshot may be inconsistent, i.e., it may omit some contracts that were ActiveContractStore.Active at the given counter and it may include contracts that were actually ActiveContractStore.Archived or ActiveContractStore.TransferredAway.
- returns
A map from contracts to the latest request counter (no later than the given
) when they became active again. It contains exactly those contracts that were active right after the given request counter. If a contract is created or transferred-in and archived or transferred-out at the same request counter, it does not show up in any snapshot. The map is sorted by cats.kernel.Order[
- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → ActiveContractSnapshot
- def snapshot(timestamp: CantonTimestamp)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Future[SortedMap[LfContractId, CantonTimestamp]]
Returns all contracts that were active right after the given timestamp, and when the contract became active for the last time before or at the given timestamp.
Returns all contracts that were active right after the given timestamp, and when the contract became active for the last time before or at the given timestamp.
- timestamp
The timestamp at which the snapshot shall be taken. Must be before the timestamp that corresponds to the head cursor in the com.digitalasset.canton.participant.protocol.RequestJournal for the state com.digitalasset.canton.participant.protocol.RequestJournal.RequestState.Clean. If this precondition is violated, the returned snapshot may be inconsistent, i.e., it may omit some contracts that were ActiveContractStore.Active at the given time and it may include contracts that were actually ActiveContractStore.Archived or ActiveContractStore.TransferredAway.
- returns
A map from contracts to the latest timestamp (no later than the given
) when they became active again. It contains exactly those contracts that were active right after the given timestamp. If a contract is created or transferred-in and archived or transferred-out at the same timestamp, it does not show up in any snapshot. The map is sorted by cats.kernel.Order[
- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → ActiveContractSnapshot
- val storage: DbStorage
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → DbStore
- final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- val timeouts: ProcessingTimeout
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → FlagCloseable
- def toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- def transferInContract(contractId: LfContractId, toc: TimeOfChange, sourceDomain: SourceDomainId)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): CheckedT[Future, AcsError, AcsWarning, Unit]
- Definition Classes
- ActiveContractStore
- def transferInContracts(transferIns: Seq[(LfContractId, SourceDomainId, TimeOfChange)])(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): CheckedT[Future, AcsError, AcsWarning, Unit]
Marks the given contracts as transferred in from
's timestamp (inclusive) onwards.Marks the given contracts as transferred in from
's timestamp (inclusive) onwards.- transferIns
The contract IDs to transfer-in, each with its source domain and time of change.
- returns
The future completes when the contract states have been updated. The following irregularities are reported:
- ActiveContractStore.SimultaneousActivation if a transfer-in from another domain or a creation has been added with the same timestamp.
- ActiveContractStore.ChangeAfterArchival if this timestamp is after the earliest archival of the contract.
- ActiveContractStore.ChangeBeforeCreation if this timestamp is before the latest creation of the contract.
- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → ActiveContractStore
- def transferOutContract(contractId: LfContractId, toc: TimeOfChange, targetDomain: TargetDomainId)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): CheckedT[Future, AcsError, AcsWarning, Unit]
- Definition Classes
- ActiveContractStore
- def transferOutContracts(transferOuts: Seq[(LfContractId, TargetDomainId, TimeOfChange)])(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): CheckedT[Future, AcsError, AcsWarning, Unit]
Marks the given contracts as ActiveContractStore.TransferredAway from
's timestamp (inclusive) onwards.Marks the given contracts as ActiveContractStore.TransferredAway from
's timestamp (inclusive) onwards.- transferOuts
The contract IDs to transfer out, each with its target domain and time of change.
- returns
The future completes when the contract state has been updated. The following irregularities are reported:
- ActiveContractStore.SimultaneousDeactivation if a transfer-out to another domain or a creation has been added with the same timestamp.
- ActiveContractStore.ChangeAfterArchival if this timestamp is after the earliest archival of the contract.
- ActiveContractStore.ChangeBeforeCreation if this timestamp is before the latest creation of the contract.
- Definition Classes
- DbActiveContractStore → ActiveContractStore
- final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
- final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
- final def wait(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])