
package topology

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package client

Type Members

  1. class LedgerServerPartyNotifier extends NamedLogging with FlagCloseable

    Listens to changes of the topology stores and notifies the Ledger API server

    Listens to changes of the topology stores and notifies the Ledger API server

    We need to send PartyAddedToParticipant messages to Ledger API server for every successful addition with a known participant ID.

  2. class ParticipantTopologyDispatcher extends ParticipantTopologyDispatcherImplCommon[SyncDomainPersistentState]

    Identity dispatcher, registering identities with a domain

    Identity dispatcher, registering identities with a domain

    The dispatcher observes the participant topology manager and tries to shovel new topology transactions added to the manager to all connected domains.

  3. trait ParticipantTopologyDispatcherCommon extends TopologyDispatcherCommon
  4. trait ParticipantTopologyDispatcherHandle extends AnyRef
  5. abstract class ParticipantTopologyDispatcherImplCommon[S <: SyncDomainPersistentState] extends ParticipantTopologyDispatcherCommon
  6. class ParticipantTopologyManager extends TopologyManager[ParticipantTopologyManagerError] with ParticipantTopologyManagerOps

    Participant side topology manager

  7. sealed trait ParticipantTopologyManagerError extends CantonError
  8. trait ParticipantTopologyManagerObserver extends AnyRef
  9. trait ParticipantTopologyManagerOps extends AnyRef
  10. trait TopologyComponentFactory extends AnyRef
  11. class TopologyComponentFactoryOld extends TopologyComponentFactory
  12. trait TopologyDispatcherCommon extends NamedLogging with FlagCloseable
