package mediator

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package admin
  2. package service
  3. package store
  4. package topology

Type Members

  1. class DefaultMediatorEventDeduplicator extends MediatorEventDeduplicator with NamedLogging
  2. final case class EnterpriseMediatorConfig(pruning: MediatorPruningConfig = MediatorPruningConfig()) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration for the mediator in enterprise.

    Configuration for the mediator in enterprise.


    mediator pruning configuration

  3. class EnterpriseMediatorRuntime extends MediatorRuntime with NamedLogging
  4. class EnterpriseMediatorRuntimeFactory extends MediatorRuntimeFactory
  5. final case class FinalizedResponse(requestId: RequestId, request: MediatorRequest, version: CantonTimestamp, verdict: Verdict)(requestTraceContext: TraceContext) extends ResponseAggregator with Product with Serializable
  6. class GrpcEnterpriseMediatorAdministrationService extends EnterpriseMediatorAdministrationService with GrpcPruningScheduler with HasPruningScheduler with NamedLogging
  7. class MediatorNode extends MediatorNodeCommon
  8. class MediatorNodeBootstrap extends CantonNodeBootstrapBase[MediatorNode, MediatorNodeConfig, MediatorNodeParameters, MediatorNodeMetrics] with MediatorNodeBootstrapCommon[MediatorNode, MediatorNodeConfig]
  9. trait MediatorNodeBootstrapCommon[T <: CantonNode, NC <: LocalNodeConfig with MediatorNodeConfigCommon] extends AnyRef
  10. class MediatorNodeCommon extends CantonNode with NamedLogging with HasUptime
  11. final case class MediatorNodeConfig(adminApi: EnterpriseAdminServerConfig = EnterpriseAdminServerConfig(), storage: EnterpriseStorageConfig = EnterpriseStorageConfig.Memory(), crypto: EnterpriseCryptoConfig = EnterpriseCryptoConfig(), init: InitConfig = InitConfig(identity = None), replication: ReplicationConfig = ReplicationConfig(), timeTracker: DomainTimeTrackerConfig = DomainTimeTrackerConfig(), sequencerClient: SequencerClientConfig = SequencerClientConfig(), caching: CachingConfigs = CachingConfigs(), parameters: MediatorNodeParameterConfig = MediatorNodeParameterConfig(), mediator: EnterpriseMediatorConfig = EnterpriseMediatorConfig(), monitoring: NodeMonitoringConfig = NodeMonitoringConfig()) extends MediatorNodeConfigCommon with ConfigDefaults[DefaultPorts, MediatorNodeConfig] with Product with Serializable

    Mediator Node configuration

    Mediator Node configuration


    all nodes must provided a init config however the mediator cannot auto initialize itself so defaults autoInit to false


    configuration for how time is tracked on the connected domain using the sequencer

  12. abstract class MediatorNodeConfigCommon extends EnterpriseLocalNodeConfig
  13. final case class MediatorNodeParameterConfig(devVersionSupport: Boolean = false, betaVersionSupport: Boolean = false, dontWarnOnDeprecatedPV: Boolean = false, initialProtocolVersion: ProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion.latestStable, batching: BatchingConfig = BatchingConfig(), watchdog: Option[WatchdogConfig] = None) extends ProtocolConfig with LocalNodeParametersConfig with Product with Serializable

    Various parameters for non-standard mediator settings

    Various parameters for non-standard mediator settings


    if true, then this mediator will not emit a warning when connecting to a sequencer using a deprecated protocol version.

  14. final case class MediatorNodeParameters(general: General, protocol: Protocol) extends CantonNodeParameters with HasGeneralCantonNodeParameters with HasProtocolCantonNodeParameters with Product with Serializable
  15. final case class MediatorPruningConfig(maxPruningBatchSize: PositiveInt = PositiveInt.tryCreate(50000), pruningMetricUpdateInterval: Option[PositiveDurationSeconds] = config.PositiveDurationSeconds.ofHours(1L).some) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration for enterprise sequencer pruning

    Configuration for enterprise sequencer pruning


    maximum number of events to prune from a mediator at a time, used to break up batches internally


    How frequently to update the max-event-age pruning progress metric in the background. A setting of None disables background metric updating.

  16. class MediatorPruningScheduler extends EnterpriseScheduler with HasCloseContext with PruningScheduler with HasPruningSchedulerStore with UpdatePruningMetric
  17. class MediatorReplicaManager extends ReplicaManager

    Manages replicas of a single Mediator instance.

    Manages replicas of a single Mediator instance. Passive instances are currently entirely passive and have no components running at runtime. When becoming active a MediatorRuntime is started and connected to the admin services. When becoming passive the running MediatorRuntime is shutdown and the admin services are disconnected.

    If the admin services are called while passive every method will return an unavailable response.

  18. class MediatorReplicaManagerException extends RuntimeException

    An unexpected error occurred while transitioning between replica states

  19. trait MediatorRuntime extends FlagCloseable

    Mediator component and its supporting services

  20. trait MediatorRuntimeFactory extends AnyRef
  21. sealed trait MediatorVerdict extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  22. final case class RemoteMediatorConfig(adminApi: ClientConfig) extends NodeConfig with Product with Serializable
  23. final case class ResponseAggregation[VKEY](requestId: RequestId, request: MediatorRequest, version: CantonTimestamp, state: Either[MediatorVerdict, Map[VKEY, ViewState]])(requestTraceContext: TraceContext)(implicit viewKeyOps: ViewKey[VKEY]) extends ResponseAggregator with PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    Aggregates the responses for a request that the mediator has processed so far.

    Aggregates the responses for a request that the mediator has processed so far.


    If the com.digitalasset.canton.protocol.messages.MediatorRequest has been finalized, this will be a Left otherwise a Right which shows which transaction view hashes are not confirmed yet.


    We retain the original trace context from the initial confirmation request for raising timeouts to help with debugging. this ideally would be the same trace context throughout all responses could not be in a distributed setup so this is not validated anywhere. Intentionally supplied in a separate parameter list to avoid being included in equality checks.

  24. trait ResponseAggregator extends HasLoggerName with Product with Serializable
  25. trait ViewKey[VKEY] extends Pretty[VKEY] with Product with Serializable
