Example project

To try out the Java bindings library, use the examples on GitHub: PingPongReactive or PingPongComponents.

The former example does not use the Reactive Components, and the latter example does. Both examples implement the PingPong application, which consists of:

  • a DAML model with two contract templates, Ping and Pong
  • two parties, Alice and Bob

The logic of the application goes like this:

  1. The application injects a contract of type Ping for Alice.
  2. Alice sees this contract and exercises the consuming choice RespondPong to create a contract of type Pong for Bob.
  3. Bob sees this contract and exercises the consuming choice RespondPing to create a contract of type Ping for Alice.
  4. Points 2 and 3 are repeated until the maximum number of contracts defined in the DAML is reached.

Setting up the example projects

To set up the example projects, clone the public GitHub repository at github.com/digital-asset/ex-java-bindings and follow the setup instruction in the README file.

This project contains three examples of the PingPong application, built with gRPC (non-reactive), Reactive and Reactive Component bindings respectively.

Example project – Ping Pong without reactive components


The entry point for the Java code is the main class src/main/java/examples/pingpong/PingPongMain.java. Look at this class to see:

  • how to connect to and interact with the DAML Ledger via the Java bindings
  • how to use the Reactive layer to build an automation for both parties.

At high level, the code does the following steps:

  • creates an instance of DamlLedgerClient connecting to an existing Ledger

  • connect this instance to the Ledger with DamlLedgerClient.connect()

  • create two instances of PingPongProcessor, which contain the logic of the automation

    (This is where the application reacts to the new Ping or Pong contracts.)

  • run the PingPongProcessor forever by connecting them to the incoming transactions

  • inject some contracts for each party of both templates

  • wait until the application is done


The core of the application is the PingPongProcessor.runIndefinitely().

The PingPongProcessor queries the transactions first via the TransactionsClient of the DamlLedgerClient. Then, for each transaction, it produces Commands that will be sent to the Ledger via the CommandSubmissionClient of the DamlLedgerClient.


The application prints statements similar to these:

Bob is exercising RespondPong on #1:0 in workflow Ping-Alice-1 at count 0
Alice is exercising RespondPing on #344:1 in workflow Ping-Alice-7 at count 9

The first line shows that:

  • Bob is exercising the RespondPong choice on the contract with ID #1:0 for the workflow Ping-Alice-1.
  • Count 0 means that this is the first choice after the initial Ping contract.
  • The workflow ID Ping-Alice-1 conveys that this is the workflow triggered by the second initial Ping contract that was created by Alice.

The second line is analogous to the first one.

Example project – Ping Pong with reactive components


The entry point for the Java code is the main class src/main/java/examples/pingpong/PingPongMain.java. Look at this class to see:

  • how to connect to and interact with the DAML Ledger via the Java bindings
  • how to use the Reactive Components to build an automation for both parties


At high level, this application follows the same steps as the one without Reactive Components except for the PingPongProcessor. In this application, the PingPongProcessor is replaced by the PingPongBot.

The PingPongBot has two important methods:

  • getContractInfo(Record record, TransactionContext context) which is used to get the information useful to the application from a created contract and the context
  • process(LedgerView<ContractInfo> ledgerView) which implements the logic of the application by converting the local view of the Ledger into a stream of Commands


The application prints statements similar to the ones seen in the section above.