WARNING: the HTTP JSON API described in this document is actively being designed and is subject to breaking changes, including all request and response elements demonstrated below or otherwise implemented by the API. We welcome feedback about the API on our issue tracker or on Slack.

The JSON API provides a significantly simpler way than the Ledger API to access basic active contract set functionality:

  • creating contracts,
  • exercising choices on contracts, and
  • querying the current active contract set.

The goal is to get you up and running writing effective ledger-integrated applications quickly, so we have deliberately excluded complicating concerns, including but not limited to

  • inspecting transactions,
  • asynchronous submit/completion workflows,
  • temporal queries (e.g. active contracts as of a certain time), and
  • ledger metaprogramming (e.g. packages and templates).

For these and other features, use the Ledger API instead.

How to start

Start sandbox from a DAML project directory

$ daml sandbox --wall-clock-time --ledgerid MyLedger ./.daml/dist/quickstart-0.0.1.dar

Start HTTP service from a DAML project directory

$ daml json-api --ledger-host localhost --ledger-port 6865 \
    --http-port 7575 --max-inbound-message-size 4194304 --package-reload-interval 5s \
    --application-id HTTP-JSON-API-Gateway
$ daml json-api --help
Usage: http-json-binary [options]

  --help                   Print this usage text
  --ledger-host <value>    Ledger host name or IP address
  --ledger-port <value>    Ledger port number
  --address <value>        IP address that HTTP JSON API service listens on. Defaults to
  --http-port <value>      HTTP JSON API service port number
  --application-id <value>
                           Optional application ID to use for ledger registration. Defaults to HTTP-JSON-API-Gateway
  --package-reload-interval <value>
                           Optional interval to poll for package updates. Examples: 500ms, 5s, 10min, 1h, 1d. Defaults to 5 seconds
  --max-inbound-message-size <value>
                           Optional max inbound message size in bytes. Defaults to 4194304

Example session

$ daml new iou-quickstart-java quickstart-java
$ cd iou-quickstart-java/
$ daml build
$ daml sandbox --wall-clock-time --ledgerid MyLedger ./.daml/dist/quickstart-0.0.1.dar
$ daml json-api --ledger-host localhost --ledger-port 6865 --http-port 7575

Choosing a party

You specify your party and other settings with JWT. In testing environments, you can use to generate your token.

The default “header” is fine. Under “Payload”, fill in:

  "ledgerId": "MyLedger",
  "applicationId": "foobar",
  "party": "Alice"

Keep in mind: - the value of ledgerId payload field has to match --ledgerid passed to the sandbox. - you can replace Alice with whatever party you want to use.

Under “Verify Signature”, put secret as the secret (_not_ base64 encoded); that is the hardcoded secret for testing.

Then the “Encoded” box should have your token; set HTTP header Authorization: Bearer copy-paste-token-here.

Here are two tokens you can use for testing:

  • {"ledgerId": "MyLedger", "applicationId": "foobar", "party": "Alice"} eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJsZWRnZXJJZCI6Ik15TGVkZ2VyIiwiYXBwbGljYXRpb25JZCI6ImZvb2JhciIsInBhcnR5IjoiQWxpY2UifQ.4HYfzjlYr1ApUDot0a6a4zB49zS_jrwRUOCkAiPMqo0
  • {"ledgerId": "MyLedger", "applicationId": "foobar", "party": "Bob"} eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJsZWRnZXJJZCI6Ik15TGVkZ2VyIiwiYXBwbGljYXRpb25JZCI6ImZvb2JhciIsInBhcnR5IjoiQm9iIn0.2LE3fAvUzLx495JWpuSzHye9YaH3Ddt4d2Pj0L1jSjA

For production use, we have a tool in development for generating proper RSA-encrypted tokens locally, which will arrive when the service also supports such tokens.

POST http://localhost:7575/contracts/search

List currently active contracts that match a given query.

application/json body, formatted according to the /contracts/search query language:

{"%templates": [{"moduleName": "Iou", "entityName": "Iou"}],
 "amount": 999.99}

empty output:

    "status": 200,
    "result": []

output, each contract formatted according to DAML-LF JSON Encoding:

    "status": 200,
    "result": [
            "observers": [],
            "agreementText": "",
            "signatories": [
            "contractId": "#489:0",
            "templateId": {
                "packageId": "ac3a64908d9f6b4453329b3d7d8ddea44c83f4f5469de5f7ae19158c69bf8473",
                "moduleName": "Iou",
                "entityName": "Iou"
            "witnessParties": [
            "argument": {
                "observers": [],
                "issuer": "Alice",
                "amount": "999.99",
                "currency": "USD",
                "owner": "Alice"

POST http://localhost:7575/command/create

Create a contract.

application/json body, argument formatted according to DAML-LF JSON Encoding:

  "templateId": {
    "moduleName": "Iou",
    "entityName": "Iou"
  "argument": {
    "observers": [],
    "issuer": "Alice",
    "amount": "999.99",
    "currency": "USD",
    "owner": "Alice"


    "status": 200,
    "result": {
        "observers": [],
        "agreementText": "",
        "signatories": [
        "contractId": "#56:0",
        "templateId": {
            "packageId": "ac3a64908d9f6b4453329b3d7d8ddea44c83f4f5469de5f7ae19158c69bf8473",
            "moduleName": "Iou",
            "entityName": "Iou"
        "witnessParties": [
        "argument": {
            "observers": [],
            "issuer": "Alice",
            "amount": "999.99",
            "currency": "USD",
            "owner": "Alice"

POST http://localhost:44279/command/exercise

Exercise a choice on a contract.

"contractId": "#56:0" is the value from the create output application/json body:

    "templateId": {
        "moduleName": "Iou",
        "entityName": "Iou"
    "contractId": "#56:0",
    "choice": "Iou_Transfer",
    "argument": {
        "newOwner": "Alice"


    "status": 200,
    "result": [
            "archived": {
                "contractId": "#56:0",
                "templateId": {
                    "packageId": "ac3a64908d9f6b4453329b3d7d8ddea44c83f4f5469de5f7ae19158c69bf8473",
                    "moduleName": "Iou",
                    "entityName": "Iou"
                "witnessParties": [
            "created": {
                "observers": [],
                "agreementText": "",
                "signatories": [
                "contractId": "#301:1",
                "templateId": {
                    "packageId": "ac3a64908d9f6b4453329b3d7d8ddea44c83f4f5469de5f7ae19158c69bf8473",
                    "moduleName": "Iou",
                    "entityName": "IouTransfer"
                "witnessParties": [
                "argument": {
                    "iou": {
                        "observers": [],
                        "issuer": "Alice",
                        "amount": "999.99",
                        "currency": "USD",
                        "owner": "Alice"
                    "newOwner": "Alice"

GET http://localhost:7575/parties


    "status": 200,
    "result": [
            "party": "Alice",
            "isLocal": true