


: Claim t x a o

Constructs a claim without rights or obligations.


: a -> Claim t x a o

Constructs a claim that delivers one unit of a immediately to the bearer.


: Claim t x a o -> Claim t x a o

Constructs a claim that reverses the obligations of the bearer and their counterparty.


: Claim t x a o -> Claim t x a o -> Claim t x a o

Used to additively combine two claims together. In order to use this, you must import this module qualified or hide the and operator from Prelude.


: Electable t x a o -> Electable t x a o -> Claim t x a o

Gives the bearer the right to choose between the input claims. In order to use this, you must import this module qualified or hide the or operator from Prelude.


: [Claim t x a o] -> Claim t x a o

Used to additively combine a list of claims together. It is equivalent to applying the and builder recursively.


: [Electable t x a o] -> Claim t x a o

Gives the bearer the right to choose between the input claims. It is equivalent to applying the or builder recursively.


: Inequality t x o -> Claim t x a o -> Claim t x a o -> Claim t x a o

Gives the bearer the right to the first claim if predicate is true, else the second claim.


: Observation t x o -> Claim t x a o -> Claim t x a o

Multiplies the input claim by a scaling factor (which can be non-deterministic).


: Inequality t x o -> Claim t x a o -> Claim t x a o

Acquires the input claim on the first instant that predicate is true.


: Inequality t x o -> Text -> Claim t x a o -> Claim t x a o

Gives the bearer the right to enter a claim at any time predicate is true.


: Inequality t x o -> Claim t x a o -> Claim t x a o

Expires the input claim on the first instant that predicate is true.


: (t -> i) -> (i -> t) -> (a -> a’) -> (o -> o’) -> (x -> x’) -> Claim i x a o -> Claim t x’ a’ o’

Replaces parameters in a claims using the input mapping functions. This can be used to e.g. map the time parameter in a claim from Date to Time, or to map the asset type parameter from an abstract Text to a concrete InstrumentKey.


: t -> Inequality t x o

Given t, constructs a predicate that is True for time ≥ t, False otherwise.


: t -> Inequality t x a

Given t, constructs a predicate that is True for time ≤ t, False otherwise.


: Observation t x o -> Observation t x o -> Inequality t x o

Given observations o1 and o2, constructs the predicate o1 o2. In order to use this, you must import this module qualified or hide the (<=) operator from Prelude.


: (Ord t, Ord x, Number x, Divisible x, CanAbort m) => (o -> t -> m x) -> Inequality t x o -> t -> m Bool

Reify the Inequality into an observation function. This function is used to convert an abstract predicate, e.g. S 50.0 to the actual boolean observation function t -> m Bool.