
This module contains default implementations for the methods of the Disclosure interface. These are used across multiple templates in the library.



: (HasCreate t, HasField "observers" t PartiesMap, HasFromInterface t I, HasToInterface t I, HasInterfaceTypeRep i, HasToInterface i I, HasToInterface t i) => t -> Optional (PartiesMap -> ContractId i -> Update (ContractId I)) -> SetObservers -> Update (ContractId I)

Default implementation for setObservers. The refUpdate argument is used to update the corresponding contract Reference and can be set to None if your template does not have an accompanying Reference contract.


: (HasCreate t, HasField "observers" t PartiesMap, HasFromInterface t I, HasToInterface t I, HasInterfaceTypeRep i, HasToInterface i I, HasToInterface t i) => t -> Optional (PartiesMap -> ContractId i -> Update (ContractId I)) -> AddObservers -> Update (ContractId I)

Default implementation for addObservers. The refUpdate argument is used to update the corresponding contract Reference and can be set to None if your template does not have an accompanying Reference contract.


: (HasCreate t, HasField "observers" t PartiesMap, HasFromInterface t I, HasToInterface t I, HasInterfaceTypeRep i, HasToInterface i I, HasToInterface t i) => t -> Optional (PartiesMap -> ContractId i -> Update (ContractId I)) -> ContractId I -> RemoveObservers -> Update (Optional (ContractId I))

Default implementation for removeObservers. The refUpdate argument is used to update the corresponding contract Reference and can be set to None if your template does not have an accompanying Reference contract.