interface Factory
Factory interface to instantiate elections on generic instruments.
viewtype V
Choice Archive
Controller: Signatories of implementing template
Returns: ()
(no fields)
Choice Create
Create a new Election.
Controller: actors
Returns: ContractId I
Field Type Description actors Parties Parties calling the Create
choice.elector Party Parties on behalf of which the election is made. counterparty Party Faces the elector
in theHolding
.provider Party Party that signs the election (together with the elector). id Id The identifier for an election. description Text A description of the instrument. claimType ElectionTypeEnum The election type corresponding to the elected sub-tree. electorIsOwner Bool True
if election is on behalf of the owner of the holding,False
otherwise.electionTime Time Time at which the election is put forward. observers PartiesMap Observers of the election. amount Decimal Number of instrument units to which the election applies. instrument InstrumentKey The instrument to which the election applies. Method create’ : Create -> Update (ContractId I)
Implementation of