
package topology

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package admin
  2. package client
  3. package processing
  4. package store
  5. package transaction

Type Members

  1. sealed trait AuthenticatedMember extends Member
  2. sealed trait AuthenticatedMemberCode extends KeyOwnerCode
  3. class AuthorizedTopologyManagerX extends TopologyManagerX[AuthorizedStore]
  4. final case class DomainId(uid: UniqueIdentifier) extends NodeIdentity with Product with Serializable
  5. sealed trait DomainMember extends AuthenticatedMember
  6. abstract class DomainOutboxCommon extends DomainOutboxHandle
  7. trait DomainOutboxDispatch[TX, State, +H <: RegisterTopologyTransactionHandleCommon[TX, State], +TS <: TopologyStoreCommon[DomainStore, _, _, TX]] extends NamedLogging with FlagCloseable
  8. trait DomainOutboxDispatchHelperOld extends DomainOutboxDispatchStoreSpecific[GenericSignedTopologyTransaction, State]
  9. trait DomainOutboxDispatchHelperX extends DomainOutboxDispatchStoreSpecific[GenericSignedTopologyTransactionX, State]
  10. trait DomainOutboxDispatchStoreSpecific[TX, State] extends NamedLogging
  11. trait DomainOutboxHandle extends DomainOutboxStatus with FlagCloseable
  12. class DomainOutboxQueue extends NamedLogging

    The DomainOutboxQueue connects a DomainTopologyManagerX and a DomainOutboxX.

    The DomainOutboxQueue connects a DomainTopologyManagerX and a DomainOutboxX. The topology manager enqueues transactions that the domain outbox will pick up and send to the domain to be sequenced and distributed to the nodes in the domain.

    On the one hand, com.digitalasset.canton.topology.DomainOutboxQueue#enqueue may be called at any point to add more topology transactions to the queue. On the other hand, each invocation of com.digitalasset.canton.topology.DomainOutboxQueue#dequeue must be followed by either com.digitalasset.canton.topology.DomainOutboxQueue#requeue or com.digitalasset.canton.topology.DomainOutboxQueue#completeCycle, before com.digitalasset.canton.topology.DomainOutboxQueue#dequeue is called again.

  13. trait DomainOutboxStatus extends AnyRef
  14. class DomainOutboxXDynamicObserver extends TopologyManagerObserver with NamedLogging

    Dynamic version of a TopologyManagerObserver allowing observers to be dynamically added or removed while the TopologyManager stays up.

    Dynamic version of a TopologyManagerObserver allowing observers to be dynamically added or removed while the TopologyManager stays up. (This is helpful for MediatorNodeX failover where domain-outboxes are started and closed.)

  15. class DomainOutboxXFactory extends NamedLogging
  16. class DomainOutboxXFactorySingleCreate extends DomainOutboxXFactory with FlagCloseable
  17. final case class DomainTopologyManagerId(uid: UniqueIdentifier) extends DomainMember with Product with Serializable

    The domain topology manager id

    The domain topology manager id

    The domain manager is the topology manager of the domain. The read side of the domain manager is the IdentityProvidingService.

  18. class DomainTopologyManagerX extends TopologyManagerX[DomainStore]
  19. final case class Identifier extends LengthLimitedStringWrapper with PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    An identifier such as a random or a readable string

  20. sealed trait Identity extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting

    Top level trait representing an identity within the system

  21. final case class KeyCollection(signingKeys: Seq[SigningPublicKey], encryptionKeys: Seq[EncryptionPublicKey]) extends Product with Serializable
  22. sealed trait KeyOwner extends Identity

    An identity within the system that owns a key

    An identity within the system that owns a key

  23. sealed trait KeyOwnerCode extends AnyRef
  24. final case class MediatorGroup(index: MediatorGroupIndex, active: Seq[MediatorId], passive: Seq[MediatorId], threshold: PositiveInt) extends Product with Serializable


    uniquely identifies the group, just like MediatorId for single mediators.


    the active mediators belonging to the group


    the passive mediators belonging to the group


    the minimum size of a quorum

  25. final case class MediatorId(uid: UniqueIdentifier) extends DomainMember with NodeIdentity with Product with Serializable
  26. sealed trait MediatorRef extends PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    This class represents a union of MediatorId and com.digitalasset.canton.sequencing.protocol.MediatorsOfDomain.

    This class represents a union of MediatorId and com.digitalasset.canton.sequencing.protocol.MediatorsOfDomain. It is used throughout the protocol to represent target/source mediator or mediator group in case of a BFT domain

  27. sealed trait Member extends KeyOwner with Product with Serializable

    A member in a domain such as a participant and or domain entities

    A member in a domain such as a participant and or domain entities

    A member can be addressed and talked to on the transaction level through the sequencer. Therefore every member is a KeyOwner. And the sequencer is not a member, as he is one level below, dealing with messages.

  28. final case class Namespace(fingerprint: Fingerprint) extends PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    A namespace spanned by the fingerprint of a pub-key

    A namespace spanned by the fingerprint of a pub-key

    This is based on the assumption that the fingerprint is unique to the public-key

  29. final case class NodeId(identity: UniqueIdentifier) extends Product with Serializable
  30. sealed trait NodeIdentity extends Identity
  31. final case class ParticipantId(uid: UniqueIdentifier) extends AuthenticatedMember with NodeIdentity with Product with Serializable

    A participant identifier

  32. final case class PartyId(uid: UniqueIdentifier) extends Identity with Product with Serializable

    A party identifier based on a unique identifier

  33. class PartyToParticipantComputations extends NamedLogging
  34. final case class PendingTransactions[TX](transactions: Seq[TX], newWatermark: CantonTimestamp) extends Product with Serializable
  35. trait QueueBasedDomainOutboxDispatchHelperX extends DomainOutboxDispatchHelperX
  36. class QueueBasedDomainOutboxX extends DomainOutboxCommon with QueueBasedDomainOutboxDispatchHelperX with FlagCloseable
  37. final case class SequencerGroup(active: Seq[SequencerId], passive: Seq[SequencerId], threshold: PositiveInt) extends Product with Serializable
  38. final case class SequencerId(uid: UniqueIdentifier) extends DomainMember with NodeIdentity with Product with Serializable
  39. class StoreBasedDomainOutbox extends StoreBasedDomainOutboxCommon[GenericSignedTopologyTransaction, State, RegisterTopologyTransactionHandleCommon[GenericSignedTopologyTransaction, State], TopologyStore[DomainStore]] with DomainOutboxDispatchHelperOld
  40. abstract class StoreBasedDomainOutboxCommon[TX, State, +H <: RegisterTopologyTransactionHandleCommon[TX, State], +DTS <: TopologyStoreCommon[DomainStore, _, _, TX]] extends DomainOutboxCommon with DomainOutboxDispatch[TX, State, H, DTS]
  41. trait StoreBasedDomainOutboxDispatchHelperX extends DomainOutboxDispatchHelperX
  42. class StoreBasedDomainOutboxX extends StoreBasedDomainOutboxCommon[GenericSignedTopologyTransactionX, State, RegisterTopologyTransactionHandleCommon[GenericSignedTopologyTransactionX, State], TopologyStoreX[DomainStore]] with StoreBasedDomainOutboxDispatchHelperX
  43. abstract class TopologyManager[E <: CantonError] extends TopologyManagerStatus with NamedLogging with FlagCloseableAsync
  44. sealed trait TopologyManagerError extends CantonError
  45. trait TopologyManagerObserver extends AnyRef
  46. trait TopologyManagerStatus extends AnyRef
  47. abstract class TopologyManagerX[+StoreID <: TopologyStoreId] extends TopologyManagerStatus with NamedLogging with FlagCloseable
  48. class TopologyStateProcessorX extends NamedLogging

  49. final case class UnauthenticatedMemberId(uid: UniqueIdentifier) extends Member with Product with Serializable
  50. final case class UniqueIdentifier(id: Identifier, namespace: Namespace) extends PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    a unique identifier within a namespace Based on the Ledger API PartyIds/LedgerStrings being limited to 255 characters, we allocate - 64 + 4 characters to the namespace/fingerprint (essentially SHA256 with extra bytes), - 2 characters as delimiters, and - the last 185 characters for the Identifier.

Value Members

  1. object DomainId extends Serializable
  2. object DomainMember extends Serializable
  3. object DomainOutboxStatus
  4. object DomainTopologyManagerId extends Serializable
  5. object Identifier extends Serializable
  6. object KeyCollection extends Serializable
  7. object KeyOwner extends Serializable
  8. object KeyOwnerCode
  9. object MediatorGroup extends Serializable
  10. object MediatorId extends Serializable
  11. object MediatorRef extends Serializable
  12. object Member extends Serializable
  13. object Namespace extends Serializable
  14. object ParticipantId extends Serializable
  15. object PartyId extends Serializable
  16. object SafeSimpleString

    utility class to ensure that strings conform to LF specification minus our internal delimiter

  17. object SequencerId extends Serializable
  18. object TopologyManagerError extends TopologyManagerErrorGroup
  19. object TopologyManagerStatus
  20. object UnauthenticatedMemberId extends Serializable
  21. object UniqueIdentifier extends Serializable
