Ledger Pruning

Pruning refers to the selective removal of old, stale, or unneeded data from participant, sync domain sequencer, and mediator nodes. Nodes operate continuously for an indefinite amount of time on a limited amount of storage. In addition, privacy demands may require removing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) upon request.

Pruning participant nodes means removing archived contracts (and associated transactions and events). Pruning never removes active (i.e., non-archived) Daml contracts. For sync domain sequencers and mediators, pruning relates to the removal of processed messages. Participants and sync domain sequencers and mediators can have different pruning schedules set.

Enable Automatic Pruning

Enable automatic pruning by specifying a pruning schedule consisting of the following:

  • A cron expression that designates regular pruning “begin times”.
  • A maximum duration specifying pruning “end times” relative to the begin times of the cron expression.
  • A retention period to specify how far to prune relative to the current time.

For example, to run pruning every Saturday starting at 8 am until 4 pm (both in UTC):

participant.pruning.set_schedule("0 0 8 ? * SAT", 8.hours, 90.days)
domain.sequencer.pruning.set_schedule("0 0 8 ? * SAT", 8.hours, 90.days)
domain.mediator.set_schedule("0 0 8 ? * SAT", 8.hours, 90.days)

Refer to the cron specification to customize the pruning schedule. Here are a few examples:

set_schedule("0 0 20 * * ?", 2.hours, retention) // run every evening at 8pm GMT for two hours
set_schedule("0 /5 * * * ?", 1.minute, retention) // run every 5 minutes for one minute
set_schedule("0 0 0 31 12 ? 2023", 1.day, retention) // run for one specific day

For the maximum duration to specify a reliable pruning window “end time”, the leading fields of the cron expression should not be wildcards (*) as illustrated in the examples above. If the hour field is fixed, so should the fields for minute and second.

Schedule format

Cron expressions are formatted as 7 whitespace-separated fields:

Field Type and valid values*
seconds number from 0 to 59
minutes number from 0 to 59
hours number from 0 to 23
day of the month number from 1 to 31
month number from 0 to 11 (0 = January)
the first three letters of the month name (JAN, FEB, MAR, …)
day of the week number from 1 to 7 (1 = Sunday)
the first three letters of the day name (SUN, MON, TUE, …)
year (optional) number from 1900 to 2099

*Ranges specified with “to” are inclusive of both endpoints.

Note that although a day-of-the-month value might be valid according to the above definition, it might not correspond to an actual date in certain months (such as the 31st of November). If you schedule pruning for the 31st of the month, every month with fewer than 31 days will be skipped.

Advanced schedule formatting

  • You can construct lists and ranges of values. For example, the day of the week could be a range like MON-FRI to refer to the days Monday through Friday, or TUE,FRI to refer to Tuesday and Friday exclusively. Or you could use a mix of both, for example, MON,WED-FRI, meaning “Monday, and also Wednesday through Friday.”
  • Use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard that means “all possible values.”
  • Use the question mark (?) as a wildcard that means “any value” in the day-of-the-month and day-of-the-week fields. For example, to specify “every Monday at noon,” use the ? character to indicate that any day of the month is valid: 0 0 12 ? * MON
  • To apply increments to numeric values, use the slash character (/). For example, a value of 1/2 in the hours field means “every two hours starting from 1 AM” (1 AM, 3 AM, 5 AM, …).

Here are some examples of valid schedules:

  • 0 30 * * * * — Every hour at half past
  • 0 5/15 12,18-20 * * * — Every fifteen minutes, starting from five past, at noon and from 6 to 8 PM
  • 0 5/15 12,18-20 ? * MON,THU — Same as above, but only on Monday and Thursday
  • 0 0 22 1 * ? — Every first day of the month at 10 PM

For more information about cron expressions, see the Apache Log4j API documentation.

Monitor Pruning Progress

Monitor the pruning state to determine that the pruning schedule allows participant, mediator, and sequencer pruning to keep up with ledger growth, and is not stuck for one of the reasons described below in the “Common Notes”.

Specifically, monitor the max-event-age metrics describing the age of the “oldest, un-pruned” event (in hours):


The max-event-age metrics should not exceed the value of the pruning schedule retention plus the length of the interval. For example, if your schedule specifies a retention of 30 days and a cron that calls for weekly pruning, max-event-age must remain below 37 days. If for any node the max-event-age metric exceeds this upper limit, you should consider allocating more time for pruning by reducing the interval between pruning windows or by increasing the maximum duration pruning schedule setting.

Best Practices

  • Pruning deletes data from the database, freeing up space, but it does not perform any database maintenance such as table resizing. PostgreSQL supports automatic and manual vacuuming for this purpose, but Oracle lacks such support and relies on the database administrator to manage freed database space.
  • Pruning is an IO-heavy operation and would have an impact on overall system performance (lowering throughput during pruning by as much as 50% in our test environments), hence it is preferable to schedule pruning during maintenance windows such as after taking database backups or during low load.
  • A catastrophic failure of a participant and its backup can be mitigated by rebuilding its state from the sequencer by replaying messages. However, this becomes impossible once the required messages have been pruned from the sequencer. For this reason, the backup strategy for participant nodes should be coordinated with the sequencer’s pruning schedule.
  • For high-availability nodes that share a common database, the pruning schedule has to be set on the active participant replica, the active mediator replica, or the admin sequencer. The sequencer.health.status command helps identify the sequencer that accepts admin changes such as configuring pruning when sequencer.health.status.trySuccess.admin.exists(_.acceptsAdminChanges) is true.
  • Participants, mediators, and sequencers also expose “manual” prune* methods that come with pitfalls. The methods might appear to be hanging unless the range of events and messages specified for pruning is not broken up into sufficiently small chunks. In addition, these manual methods have no built-in mechanism to resume on another node after a high-availability failover. Automatic pruning is recommended instead.

Current Limitations

  • The sequencer will only allow pruning of acknowledged events. As such, if a client such as a participant or mediator stops acknowledging events that have been sent to it, sequencer pruning will be blocked. This is a current limitation.
  • Generally, idle sequencer clients will only acknowledge once they have observed subsequent events. This means that idle clients normally won’t acknowledge the last event. Since each member requests a time-proof once per day, there is a default limitation that a system with idle but connected clients cannot be pruned with a retention window of less than 24 hours. As the topology manager connects to the sequencer but is often idle and only invoked on topology changes, this limitation manifests itself when pruning test environments where aggressive pruning windows of less than 24 hours are used. This can be fixed by adjusting the sync domain-tracker time of the topology manager: canton.domains.mydomain.time-tracker.min-observation-duration = 1h.
  • Pruning of participants requires the participant to have received a commitment from each counter-participant with which it shares a contract. If a participant becomes defunct and stops sending commitments, pruning of the participant will not work. Therefore, before you disable a participant, please make sure that is not involved in any contract. This is a current limitation.

Refer to the Participant Pruning section to learn how pruning affects Daml applications and the Ledger API.