Canton Console


Canton offers a console where you can run administrative or debugging commands.

When you run the Sandbox using daml start or daml sandbox, you are effectively starting an in-memory instance of Canton with a single sync domain and a single participant.

As such, you can interact with the running Sandbox using the console, just like you would in a production environment.

The purpose of this page is to give a few pointers on how the console can be used to interact with a running Sandbox. For an in-depth guide on how to use this tool against a production, staging or testing environment, consult the main documentation for the Canton console.

Run the Canton Console Against the Sandbox

Once you have a Sandbox running locally (for example after running daml start or daml sandbox) you can start the console with the following command (in a separate terminal):

daml canton-console

Once the console starts (it might take some time the first time) you can quit the session by running the exit command.

Built-in Documentation

The Canton console comes with built-in documentation. You can use the help command to get online documentation for top-level commands. Many objects in the console also have further built-in help that you can access by invoking the help method on them.

For example, you can ask for help on the health object by typing:

Or go more in depth about specific items within that object as in the following example:"status")

Interact With the Sandbox

One of the objects available in the Canton console represents the Sandbox itself. The object is called sandbox and you can use it to interact with the Sandbox. For example, you can list the DARs loaded on the Sandbox by running the following command:


Among the various features available as part of the console, you can manage parties and packages, check the health of the Sandbox, perform pruning operations and more. Consult the built-in documentation mentioned above and the main documentation for the Canton console to learn about further capabilities.