Data Types¶
- type C
- = Claim Date Decimal Deliverable Observable
- type O
- = Observation Date Decimal Observable
- createCalculationPeriodicSchedule
: CalculationPeriodDates -> PeriodicSchedule
Create a schedule for calculation periods.
- createPaymentPeriodicSchedule
: SwapStream -> PeriodicSchedule
Create a schedule for payment periods.
- getCalendarsAndAdjust
: Date -> BusinessDayAdjustments -> Party -> Party -> Update Date
Retrieve holiday calendars and adjust a date as specified in a BusinessDayAdjustments FpML element
- adjustDateAccordingToBusinessDayAdjustments
: Date -> BusinessDayAdjustments -> Party -> Party -> Update Date
Adjust a date as specified in a BusinessDayAdjustments FpML element (or not at all if NoAdjustment)
- applyPaymentDaysOffset
: [SchedulePeriod] -> PaymentDates -> [HolidayCalendarData] -> [SchedulePeriod]
Adjust payment schedule according to paymentDaysOffset (if available).
- getSingleStubRate
: StubFloatingRate -> Date -> Optional O
Define observable part of claim when one specific floating rate is provided for a stub period.
- getInterpolatedStubRate
: StubFloatingRate -> StubFloatingRate -> SchedulePeriod -> HolidayCalendarData -> BusinessDayConventionEnum -> Date -> Optional O
Linearly interpolates two rates within a period, as specified in https://www.isda.org/a/aWkgE/Linear-interpolation-04022022.pdf
- getStubRateFloating
: [StubFloatingRate] -> SchedulePeriod -> HolidayCalendarData -> BusinessDayConventionEnum -> Date -> Optional O
Get the floating stub rate to be used for a stub period.
- getStubRate
: StubCalculationPeriodAmount -> Bool -> SchedulePeriod -> HolidayCalendarData -> BusinessDayConventionEnum -> Bool -> Date -> Optional O
Get the stub rate to be used for a stub period. Currently, three main options from the FpML schema are supported:
- A fix stubRate.
- One or two floating rates for the stub.
- No specific stub rate defined -> use the same rate as is used for regular periods.
- alignPaymentSchedule
: [SchedulePeriod] -> [SchedulePeriod] -> Update [SchedulePeriod]
Align the payment schedule with the calculation schedule.
- verifyFxScheduleAndGetId
- : [SchedulePeriod] -> SwapStream -> Party -> Party -> FxLinkedNotionalSchedule -> Update (Optional Text, Optional Decimal, Optional [Date])
- getFxRateId
- : [SchedulePeriod] -> SwapStream -> Party -> Party -> Update (Optional Text, Optional Decimal, Optional [Date])
- getRateFixingsAndCalendars
- : SwapStream -> ResetDates -> [SchedulePeriod] -> Party -> Party -> Update ([Date], HolidayCalendarData)
- calculateFixPaymentClaimsFromSwapStream
: FixedRateSchedule -> SwapStream -> PeriodicSchedule -> [SchedulePeriod] -> [SchedulePeriod] -> Bool -> Bool -> Deliverable -> Party -> Party -> Optional Text -> Optional [Date] -> [(Decimal, Bool)] -> Update [TaggedClaim]
Create claims from swapStream that describes a fixed coupon stream.
- calculatePrincipalExchangePaymentClaims
: [SchedulePeriod] -> Bool -> Deliverable -> Optional Text -> [(Decimal, Bool)] -> [Date] -> PrincipalExchanges -> TaggedClaim
Create principal exchange claims.
- roundRate
: Decimal -> Rounding -> Decimal
Apply rounding convention to the rate used in a calculation period. Takes a Rounding FpML object as an input: https://www.fpml.org/spec/fpml-5-11-3-lcwd-1/html/confirmation/schemaDocumentation/schemas/fpml-shared-5-11_xsd/complexTypes/FloatingRateCalculation/finalRateRounding.html
- checkRefRateCompounding
: FloatingRateCalculation -> (Bool, Optional DayCountConventionEnum)
Check whether a FloatingRateCalculation uses a reference rate that needs to be compounded. Seems there is no FpML element that specificies this, but that it is implicit in the rate name, for example "USD-SOFR-COMPOUND" If it is a compounded reference rate, also return the daycount convention that was used for the corresponding reference index, e.g. Act360 in the case of the SOFR Index.
- calculateFloatingPaymentClaimsFromSwapStream
: FloatingRateCalculation -> SwapStream -> PeriodicSchedule -> [SchedulePeriod] -> [SchedulePeriod] -> Bool -> Bool -> Deliverable -> Party -> Party -> Optional Text -> Optional [Date] -> [(Decimal, Bool)] -> Update [TaggedClaim]
Create claims from swapStream that describes a floating coupon stream.
- calculateClaimsFromSwapStream
: SwapStream -> PeriodicSchedule -> [SchedulePeriod] -> [SchedulePeriod] -> Optional SwapStream -> Bool -> Bool -> Deliverable -> Party -> Party -> Update [TaggedClaim]
Create claims from swapStream that describes a fixed or floating coupon stream.