
This section explains how to lifecycle instruments in Daml Finance. Each tutorial combines a step by step description of different workflows with supporting code.

The following tutorials are available:

  • The Time-based lifecycling tutorial uses a fixed rate bond as an example to demonstrate time-based lifecycling.
  • The Observations tutorial uses a floating rate bond as a sample instrument to show how Observations work. This applies to instruments whose payoff depends on an underlying asset.
  • The Election-based lifecycling tutorial uses a callable bond to explain how to create and process elections. This applies to instruments that require an active choice by one of the stakeholders.

Each tutorial builds on top of the previous ones, so they should ideally be followed in order.

Download the Code for the Tutorials

As a prerequisite, make sure that the Daml SDK is installed on your machine.

Open a terminal and run:

daml new finance-lifecycling --template=finance-lifecycling

This creates a new folder with contents from our template. Navigate to the finance-lifecycling folder and then run the following to download the required Daml Finance packages:


or, if you are using Windows


Finally, you can start Daml Studio to inspect the code and run the project’s scripts:

daml studio