Visualize: Daml Navigator (Deprecated)


Since Daml 2.9.0, daml navigator is deprecated. It will be removed in Daml 3.0.

The Navigator is a front-end that you can use to connect to any Daml Ledger and inspect and modify the ledger. You can use it during Daml development to explore the flow and implications of the Daml models.

The first sections of this guide cover use of the Navigator with the SDK. Refer to Advanced Usage for information on using Navigator outside the context of the SDK.

Starting Navigator

Navigator is included in the SDK. To launch it:

  1. Start Navigator via a terminal window running Daml Assistant by typing daml start
  2. The Navigator web-app is automatically started in your browser. If it fails to start, open a browser window and point it to the Navigator URL
When running daml start you will see the Navigator URL. By default it will be http://localhost:7500/.


Navigator is compatible with these browsers: Safari, Chrome, or Firefox.

Logging In

By default, Navigator shows a drop-down list with the users that have been created via the user management service. During development, it is common to create these users in a Daml script: that you specify in the init-script section of your daml.yaml file so it is executed on daml start. Most of the templates shipped with the Daml SDK already include such a setup script. Only users that have a primary party set will be displayed.

After logging in, you will interact with the ledger as the primary party of that user, meaning that you can see contracts visible to that party and submit commands (e.g. create a contract) as that party.

The party you are logged in as is not displayed directly. However, Navigator provides autocompletion based on the party id which starts with the party id hint so a good option is to set the party id hint to the user id when you allocate the party in your setup script. You can see an example of that in the skeleton template:

  alice <- allocatePartyWithHint "Alice" (PartyIdHint "Alice")
  bob <- allocatePartyWithHint "Bob" (PartyIdHint "Bob")
  aliceId <- validateUserId "alice"
  bobId <- validateUserId "bob"
  createUser (User aliceId (Some alice)) [CanActAs alice]
  createUser (User bobId (Some bob)) [CanActAs bob]

The first step in using Navigator is to use the dropdown list on the Navigator home screen to select from the available users.

The Digital Asset Navigator home screen with dropdown list. The options are alice, bob, eur and us.

The main Navigator screen will be displayed, with contracts that the primary party of this user is entitled to view in the main pane and the option to switch from contracts to templates in the pane at the left. Other options allow you to filter the display, include or exclude archived contracts, and exercise choices as described below.

The Contracts view with a list of contracts displayed as a table. The column headings are ID, Template ID, Time, and Choice.

To change the active user:

  1. Click the name of the current user in the top left corner of the screen.
  2. On the home screen, select a different user.
The upper left corner of the screen, location of the navbar. The current user is displayed next to the date and time.

You can act as different users in different browser windows. Use Chrome’s profile feature and sign in as a different user for each Chrome profile.

Logging in as a Party

Instead of logging in by specifying a user, you can also log in by specifying a party directly. This is useful if you do not want to or cannot (because your ledger does not support user management) create users.

To do so, you can start Navigator with a flag to disable support for user management:

daml navigator --feature-user-management=false

To use this via daml start, you can specify it in your daml.yaml file:

  - --feature-user-management=false

Instead of displaying a list of users on login, Navigator will display a list of parties where each party is identified by its display name.

Alternatively you can specify a fixed list of parties in your daml.yaml file. This will automatically disable user management and display those parties on log in. Note that you still need to allocate those parties before you can log in as them.

  - Alice::12201d00faa0968d7ab81e63ad6ad4ee0d31b08a3581b1d8596e68a1356f27519ccb
  - Bob::12201d00faa0968d7ab81e63ad6ad4ee0d31b08a3581b1d8596e68a1356f27519ccb

Viewing Templates or Contracts

Daml contract ​templates are ​models ​that contain ​the ​agreement ​statement, ​all ​the ​applicable parameters, ​and ​the ​choices ​that ​can ​be ​made ​in ​acting ​on ​that ​data. They ​specify ​acceptable input ​and ​the ​resulting ​output. ​A ​contract ​template ​contains ​placeholders ​rather ​than ​actual names, ​amounts, ​dates, ​and ​so ​on. In ​a contract, ​the ​placeholders ​have ​been ​replaced ​with ​actual ​data.

The Navigator allows you to list templates or contracts, view contracts based on a template, and view template and contract details.

Listing templates

To see what contract templates are available on the ledger you are connected to, choose Templates in the left pane of the main Navigator screen.

The Templates view with a list of templates.

Use the Filter field at the top right to select template IDs that include the text you enter.

Listing contracts

To view a list of available contracts, choose Contracts in the left pane.

The Contracts view, as described previously.

In the Contracts list:

  • Changes to the ledger are automatically reflected in the list of contracts. To avoid the automatic updates, select the Frozen checkbox. Contracts will still be marked as archived, but the contracts list will not change.
  • Filter the displayed contracts by entering text in the Filter field at the top right.
  • Use the Include Archived checkbox at the top to include or exclude archived contracts.

Viewing contracts based on a template

You can also view the list of contracts that are based on a particular template.

  1. You will see icons to the right of template IDs in the template list with a number indicating how many contracts are based on this template.
  2. Click the number to display a list of contracts based on that template.

Number of Contracts

The Templates view with the handshake icon and number of contracts for the 12th template on the list highlighted. Here, the number of contracts is one.

List of Contracts

The result of clicking on the number highlighted in the last image - the Contracts view filtered to display only the single contract based on the selected template.

Viewing template and contract details

To view template or contract details, click on a template or contract in the list. The template or contracts detail page is displayed.

Template Details

The Template Details view, showing the Issuer, Owner, Amount, Currency, Observers, and Recipient for a particular template.

Contract Details

The Contract Details view displays the same information as the Template Details view as well as the name of the template the contract is based on and options to Call, Consolidate, Lock, Split, or Transfer the contract.

Using Navigator

Creating contracts

Contracts in a ledger are created automatically when you exercise choices. In some cases, you create a contract directly from a template. This feature can be particularly useful for testing and experimenting during development.

To create a contract based on a template:

  1. Navigate to the template detail page as described above.
  2. Complete the values in the form
  3. Choose the Submit button.
A Template Details form with none of the values filled in.

When the command has been committed to the ledger, the loading indicator in the navbar at the top will display a tick mark.

While loading…

The circular In Progress icon next to the date and time in the navbar.

When committed to the ledger…

The black tickmark icon that indicates completion next to the date and time in the navbar.

Exercising choices

To exercise a choice:

  1. Navigate to the contract details page (see above).
  2. Click the choice you want to exercise in the choice list.
  3. Complete the form.
  4. Choose the Submit button.
The Contract Details view with the Mergeb choice selected.


  1. Navigate to the choice form by clicking the wrench icon in a contract list.
  2. Select a choice.
The wrench icon from the Choice column of the Contract Details view, selected and displaying the list of choices.

You will see the loading and confirmation indicators, as pictured above in Creating Contracts.

Advancing time

It is possible to advance time against the Daml Sandbox. (This is not true of all Daml Ledgers.) This advance-time functionality can be useful when testing, for example, when entering a trade on one date and settling it on a later date.

To advance time:

  1. Click on the ledger time indicator in the navbar at the top of the screen.
  2. Select a new date / time.
  3. Choose the Set button.
The date and time in the navbar, selected and displaying the calendar interface.

Authorizing Navigator

If you are running Navigator against a Ledger API server that verifies authorization, you must provide the access token when you start the Navigator server.

The access token retrieval depends on the specific Daml setup you are working with: please refer to the ledger operator to learn how.

Once you have retrieved your access token, you can provide it to Navigator by storing it in a file and provide the path to it using the --access-token-file command line option.

If the access token cannot be retrieved, is missing or wrong, you’ll be unable to move past the Navigator’s frontend login screen and see the following:

The Digital Asset Navigator home screen with the error message "You don't have the necessary authorization to access. Make sure to start the Navigator server with a valid access token." displayed in red.

Advanced Usage

Customizable table views

Customizable table views is an advanced rapid-prototyping feature, intended for Daml developers who wish to customize the Navigator UI without developing a custom application.

To use customized table views:

  1. Create a file frontend-config.js in your project root folder (or the folder from which you run Navigator) with the content below:

    import { DamlLfValue } from '@da/ui-core';
    export const version = {
      schema: 'navigator-config',
      major: 2,
      minor: 0,
    export const customViews = (userId, party, role) => ({
      customview1: {
        type: "table-view",
        title: "Filtered contracts",
        source: {
          type: "contracts",
          filter: [
              field: "id",
              value: "1",
          search: "",
          sort: [
              field: "id",
              direction: "ASCENDING"
        columns: [
            key: "id",
            title: "Contract ID",
            createCell: ({rowData}) => ({
              type: "text",
            sortable: true,
            width: 80,
            weight: 0,
            alignment: "left"
            key: "",
            title: "Template ID",
            createCell: ({rowData}) => ({
              type: "text",
            sortable: true,
            width: 200,
            weight: 3,
            alignment: "left"
  2. Reload your Navigator browser tab. You should now see a sidebar item titled “Filtered contracts” that links to a table with contracts filtered and sorted by ID.

To debug config file errors and learn more about the config file API, open the Navigator /config page in your browser (e.g., http://localhost:7500/config).

Using Navigator with a Daml Ledger

By default, Navigator is configured to use an unencrypted connection to the ledger. To run Navigator against a secured Daml Ledger, configure TLS certificates using the --pem, --crt, and --cacrt command line parameters. Details of these parameters are explained in the command line help:

daml navigator --help