
Daml Enterprise license required

Daml Shell (daml-shell)

Daml Shell is a terminal-based application that enables you to inspect a Daml ledger by connecting to a live PQS datastore. With Daml Shell, you can examine current or historical states of the ledger by querying ledger events, transactions, and contracts. The Daml Shell CLI includes extensive help via the help command.

Some of the actions that Daml Shell supports are:

  • Find a specific contract and display it. For example, if you have a contract ID, you can use Daml Shell to inspect the corresponding contract using the contract command.
  • Find all events related to a transaction ID. A transaction is displayed as a series of ledger events (creates, archives, and exercises).
  • Auto-completion for identifiers such as contract IDs, fully qualified names, and package names.
  • List active, inactive, or all contracts for a template using a template FQN.
  • Apply queries and filters to commands to manage the output.
  • Use the compare-contracts command to highlight the delta between two contract IDs for the same template.

To bound a search, specify a minimum and maximum offset value.

Daml Shell leverages PQS as its datastore and connects using JDBC. For more information, see Configuration

Getting started


Daml Shell connects to the PostgreSQL database of a Participant Query Store (PQS). For setup instructions, see the PQS documentation.

Running Daml Shell

You can run Daml Shell from a jar artifact or from a Docker image. See the Release Notes for download instructions.

docker run -it --net host<version-tag> # change --net host if desired


The easiest way to discover commands and filters is to type the help command while Daml Shell is running.

You can recurse into commands by typing help <command> <sub-command> [...]. Auto-completion at the bottom of the screen suggests possible command options.

> help
    help - Display usage instructions

    help [<command>]

    CLI to interact with a PQS database.

    Available commands:
      * active - active contracts
      * archives - archived contracts
      * compare-contracts - compare two contracts
      * connect - connect to JDBC URL
      * contract - contract by ID
      * creates - created contracts
      * disconnect - close database connection
      * exercise - choice by event-id
      * exercises - exercised choices
      * go - upper offset bound
      * help - Display usage instructions
      * net-changes - net contract counts
      * quit - quit the shell
      * set - configure application settings
      * transaction - transaction details

    Available filters:
      * csv - transform table data to csv format
      * export - write output to local file
      * grep - filter output by pattern
      * head - take first n lines
      * tail - take last n lines

    In addition to above built-in filters, any of the available system binaries
    can be used as filters and will receive the command output as stdin


You can pipe command output through one or more filters using the | (pipe) symbol. For example, active Foo:Bar | csv | export ~/my_foos.csv. If the filter is not recognized as a built-in filter, Daml Shell uses the system binary of the same name as the filter if such a binary exists.


You can configure Daml Shell via CLI arguments, environment variables, a configuration file, or interactively using the set command.

Command line arguments

To see available command line options, run Daml Shell with the --help flag:

Usage: daml-shell [options]

  -h, --help               prints this usage text
  --config <file>          HOCON config file with settings as key-value pairs
  --wildcard-char <char>   wildcard character used to abbreviate identifiers. Default: "…"
  --identifier-hash-length <length>
                           Number of characters to render for hashes inside identifiers. Default: 20
  --full-identifiers       Disable identifier shortening.
  --identifier-trim-location <leading|middle|trailing>
                           Where to trim long identifiers. Default: "trailing"
  --disable-color          Disable ANSI colored output.
  --postgres-host <host>   Postgres host to connect to. Implies --connect. Default: "localhost"
  --postgres-port <port>   Postgres port to connect to. Implies --connect. Default: 5432
  --postgres-username <username>
                           Postgres username to connect with. Implies --connect. Default: "postgres"
  --postgres-password <password>
                           Postgres password to connect with. Implies --connect. Default: none
  --postgres-database <name>
                           Postgres database to connect to. Implies --connect. Default: "postgres"
  --postgres-tls-mode <Disable|VerifyCA|VerifyFull>
                           TLS mode for Postgres connection. Implies --connect. Default: "Disable"
  --postgres-tls-cafile <path>
                           Path to the TLS CA file for Postgres connection. Implies --connect. Default: none
  --postgres-tls-cert <path>
                           Path to the TLS certificate file for Postgres connection. Implies --connect. Default: none
  --postgres-tls-key <path>
                           Path to the TLS key file for Postgres connection. Implies --connect. Default: none
  --connect                Auto-connect to the database on startup.

If you specify a --postgres-* flag, Daml Shell will automatically connect to the database on startup.

Configuration file

You can set Daml Shell parameters in a reusable configuration file in HOCON (a JSON superset) using the flag --config <filename>.

Example file content:

# file: application.conf
oldest = "start"
latest = "end"
identifier-hash-length = 20
wildcard-char = "…"
identifier-trim-location = "trailing"
full-identifiers = false
disable-color = false
postgres-host = "localhost"
postgres-port = 5432
postgres-username = "postgres"
postgres-password = "mypassword"
postgres-database = "postgres"
postgres-tls-mode = "Disable"

Interactive configuration

You can configure settings interactively using the set command. Example:

> set identifier-hash-length full
Disabled identifier shortening

Type help set or help set <setting> to learn more about specific settings.


This section provides some basic usage examples.


Daml Shell leverages PQS as its datastore and connects using JDBC. You can set connection parameters via configuration parameters or interactively using a JDBC URL. For more information, see Configuration

To connect interactively, enter the JDBC URL of your PQS PostgreSQL database. For example:

> connect jdbc:postgresql://localhost/postgres?user=postgres&password=postgres

The status bar shows the connected status, the session offset range, and the datastore offset range.



By default, offsets have leading zeroes removed. To see all identifiers in full, including contract ID hashes, run set identifier-hash-length full or set a custom length limit for hashes by running, for example, set identifier-hash-length 15.

Depending on the ledger implementation, offsets may be in hexadecimal format.

The available offset range from the datastore is specified in the Datastore range status field. The offset range for Daml Shell to use to display payload counts and summaries is specified in the Session range status field.

You can move to different offsets by using the go command, which is an alias for set latest. go -2 (go backward two offsets), go +2 (go forward two offsets), go forward (alias go next), go back (alias go backward), go start, and go end are all examples of valid commands.

The net-changes command summarizes the changes effected by the transaction at the current offset. The net-changes command also accepts a target offset argument, or two offset arguments to compare between (see help net-changes).

> net-changes
+6 myproject:PingPong:Cash
-6 myproject:PingPong:CashTransferProposal
+6 myproject:PingPong:IAsset
-6 myproject:PingPong:IAssetTransferProposal

Summary information

Commands such as active, archives, creates, and exercises can be used without argument to see payload counts by fully qualified identifier names. For details, run help <command>.

> active
│ Identifier                     │ Type      │ Count │
│ myproject:PingPong:Cash        │ Template  │    12 │
│ myproject:PingPong:IAsset      │ Interface │    12 │
│ myproject:PingPong:IBounceable │ Interface │   102 │
│ myproject:PingPong:Ping        │ Template  │   102 │

Payloads by fully qualified name

Specify a fully qualified name (FQN) with the command active, archives, creates, or exercises to list all applicable payloads for that FQN.

To return payloads from a particular package only, include the package name in the FQN:

> active myproject:PingPong:Ping

If you omit the package name, payloads from all package names are returned, as long as they have the same name.

> active PingPong:Ping
│ Created at │ Contract ID      │ Contract Key │ Payload                                                                            │
│ 8          │ 0022e89289bda36… │              │ label: one                                                                         │
│            │                  │              │ owner: Alice::12209038d324bf70625c580267d5957cb4c4c03bb7bce294713b48151a4a088afd3b │
│ a          │ 0093dce322a08c8… │              │ label: one copy updated                                                            │
│            │                  │              │ owner: Alice::12209038d324bf70625c580267d5957cb4c4c03bb7bce294713b48151a4a088afd3b │

The auto-completion provides both FQN variants (with and without package name).

Filtering with where clauses

To refine your queries when listing contracts, you can use where clauses to filter on specific payload fields. where clauses use a SQL-like syntax for conditionals and are supported for the active, creates, archives, and exercises commands.

To access nested fields, use dot notation: parent.child.value

Comparison operators

  • = Equal to
  • != Not equal to
  • > Greater than
  • >= Greater than or equal to
  • < Less than
  • <= Less than or equal to
  • like Used for pattern matching, % serves as a wildcard character

Logical operators

  • and: Both conditions must be satisfied
  • or: Either condition may be satisfied

You can use parentheses to group conditions and direct the order of evaluation.

Type casting

To ensure proper comparison, you can optionally cast fields to a specific type using the :: operator. The available casting types are numeric, timestamp, and text.

Field values are sorted and compared lexicographically if no cast is specified.

where clause examples

Here are some examples of how to use where clauses in commands:

  • Filter by a string pattern:

    > active where owner like Alice%

    Lists contracts where the owner field starts with the string Alice.

  • Filter by a nested numeric field:

    > active where deeply.nested.value :: numeric > 1000

    Lists contracts where the nested field value is greater than 1000.

  • Filter with exact string match (note the use of double quotes):

    > active where label = "loren ipsum"

    Lists contracts where the label field is exactly loren ipsum. Use double quotes with values that contain whitespace characters.

  • Combine different conditions:

    > active where (owner like Bob% or value :: numeric < 100) and myfield = myvalue

    Lists contracts where the owner starts with Bob or the value is less than 100, and myfield is myvalue.


Contract lookup

You can look up contracts by contract ID. Interface views are also displayed, if any.

The contract ID can be copied with the wildcard character (here “…”) included. The wildcard character will be expanded to any matching ID.

> contract 005188b40…
║ Identifier   ║ myproject:PingPong:Ping                                                            ║
║ Type         ║ Template                                                                           ║
║ Created at   ║ a (not yet active)                                                                 ║
║ Archived at  ║ <active>                                                                           ║
║ Contract ID  ║ 005188b40f981533f8f5…                                                              ║
║ Event ID     ║ #1220731030eb9c81d0d0…:1                                                           ║
║ Contract Key ║                                                                                    ║
║ Payload      ║ label: Copy of: this contract supersedes the original contact                      ║
║              ║ owner: Alice::1220b93eaba17d8da363ce7ef1b57d8494910ed4d7c99d2b33887f54832dbb77b5da ║

║ Identifier   ║ myproject:PingPong:IBounceable                                          ║
║ Type         ║ Interface                                                               ║
║ Created at   ║ a (not yet active)                                                      ║
║ Archived at  ║ <active>                                                                ║
║ Contract ID  ║ 005188b40f981533f8f5…                                                   ║
║ Event ID     ║ #1220731030eb9c81d0d0…:1                                                ║
║ Contract Key ║                                                                         ║
║ Payload      ║ ilabel: View of: Copy of: this contract supersedes the original contact ║

You can also compare two contracts in a diff-style output format using the compare-contracts <id1> <id2> command.


Transaction lookup

You can look up transactions by either transaction ID or offset, by running transaction <transaction-id> or transaction at <offset>, respectively. Note the at syntax when looking up by offset.

To display the current transaction at the head of the session offset range, run transaction.

The transaction command shows which contracts were created, which were archived, and what choices were exercised. It also displays the event ID for each of those events, as well as contract IDs and package names.


Exercise lookup

Exercised choices can be looked up in the same manner as contracts, except that exercises are looked up by their event ID rather than by a contract ID. The commands for summaries and lookups mirror the functionality available for contracts.

For example, you can look up exercise counts by FQN:

> exercises
│ Identifier                                      │ Type          │ Count │
│ myproject:PingPong:AcceptIAssetTransferProposal │ Consuming     │    12 │
│ myproject:PingPong:ChangeLabel                  │ Consuming     │     1 │
│ myproject:PingPong:Copy                         │ Non-consuming │     1 │

You can look up exercises for a specific choice:

> exercises PingPong:AcceptIAssetTransferProposal
│ Offset │ Contract ID           │ Argument │ Result                                                                                                                                     │
│ 7b     │ 00604362bf43678ba849… │          │ 004ddbb65e00c8210d978fa13503d877e33d3d83dccc0addea759db1063c089412ca0212205b8a98e1b219436a3a6744eb314e20539b349d61dc09f5e23d880e95b2a1c199 │
│ 7b     │ 00549232a251254b6115… │          │ 00b433b6cb4742f0040f9bab57b809dd478d6a73deeaf08ecdd3c30e2be77d98d1ca021220123f4cad1ba5121fa22e43b83ab4c80c0649f51e8a7e776e01b78bc27544cd02 │
│ 7b     │ 0063bdaacd598bf2c02f… │          │ 005e908b45701072ed4d0dcf30b9b7b6b233278208078d803edf5fd4502872ce7bca0212201bfb6b375d7fa31a4019ade973a948db52c36ba2a5a239a2d909d12e2ef12968 │
│ 7b     │ 00ed039a7747337ddb85… │          │ 005d921fd715007edbbb1b2dfffe56c7d37ba4b6698bdf1357b68749038b3817dcca021220dc08f48d759037f776289c06ae409955f4a2475b3cd0238c3fb5d74da5254e3e │
│ 7b     │ 001207f682120f4798ce… │          │ 00dbe9c12a7ae28f8d12f334ddf9d09bea95a1d55d6a3816f5da5079c71ceb0450ca021220cee4ff410b0e4289301eedeecd82df9f1014796a68c1d4549b8bd72e18464220 │
│ 7b     │ 00d5e4f15c3d07cb0785… │          │ 00df079f466b87b61e8b5a6702e6f5b05fecba05513a5559b1b400e4c89903f277ca02122000bcac7e924d0489d144b245c16ba1c95c20a9c293e59dd9290b94df77742a92 │
│ 7c     │ 004dc3561fc426de4dad… │          │ 005e1f271e5f5d7a39e623f0774b11cc9295d59693fa53d9953aed726f40e03a81ca021220053c09a2f248902fc48c09492e7fd38c8cf25beacdb803f1ad51444af38bb51c │
│ 7c     │ 00ae24d6c2286768a7b2… │          │ 0059352a66da47b5def7e0653f229dbbb797be70d0485792101fe9aad10f396e70ca021220343d49011f6038af41f3e99792fb318e17ce5ab3227660c932f8043aacfed2bf │
│ 7c     │ 000f02cbb781f76c1877… │          │ 0089b90df5e7085ddb05110eccc9d684e86b96631ff74688ac3f6298cde5f92208ca021220e72fc065a90368000388e41dd8be0672a1078e3329346780e9afb353be100c31 │
│ 7c     │ 00126b6f770fb951d666… │          │ 00e9e74240297251e4f9274519ec2cd421fb647af88c13d38bba5f67c67a0f90ffca021220ce3fb55a64f86094dc5fa32e509443ce903fc7f28b2a152a732471819eb56491 │
│ 7c     │ 00ab4ff0b42c625d45c5… │          │ 001c00a896e1e66bdb1acbcdeda5f4e00d8a6131c6a86a672809d9831e857ea2e3ca02122001b6efc6e449a2116bc73e333575eaa4dfcaa69be0655ffd3f4eb5b2777960d2 │
│ 7c     │ 0020ab2446d6cfc3f93f… │          │ 00a936fa54cc6fba294962b6fd6c639947f220ab4539c73b6c5c693522e5c5364aca021220104bc750d4800053c090d5b447a6c49d9a49911a4f654fa72c58650b3348e735 │

To look up individual exercises, use the event ID:

> exercise #12202cc79ccf1f116ebe…:10
║ Event ID     ║ #12202cc79ccf1f116ebe…:10                                                                                                                  ║
║ Choice       ║ myproject:PingPong:AcceptIAssetTransferProposal                                                                                            ║
║ Template FQN ║ myproject:PingPong:IAssetTransferProposal                                                                                                  ║
║ Contract ID  ║ 00d5e4f15c3d07cb0785…                                                                                                                      ║
║ Offset       ║ 7b                                                                                                                                         ║
║ Consuming    ║ true                                                                                                                                       ║
║ Parent       ║                                                                                                                                            ║
║ Argument     ║                                                                                                                                            ║
║ Result       ║ 00df079f466b87b61e8b5a6702e6f5b05fecba05513a5559b1b400e4c89903f277ca02122000bcac7e924d0489d144b245c16ba1c95c20a9c293e59dd9290b94df77742a92 ║

Transforming and exporting command output

You can convert tabular output to CSV by piping it through the csv filter:

> active PingPong:Ping | csv

You can then write this output to a file by piping it through the export filter:

> active PingPong:Ping | csv | export ~/my_pings.csv

The export filter writes any command output to the specified file. You can use it without the csv filter.


Setting offset bounds

The output of creates [<fqn>] and archives [<fqn>] can be bounded by set oldest (for the lower bound) and set latest (for the upper bound). go is an alias for set latest.


Finding transactions that created or archived a contract

Once you know the offsets that a contract was created at (for example, by using the archives command), you can look up the relevant transactions using the transaction at <offset> command.



Why don’t I see any archived contracts?

If you don’t see any archived contracts, PQS might be configured to seed the database from the ACS, which does not include historical offsets, archived contracts, or exercised choices.

To see pre-existing archived contracts, seed the database from the Transaction Stream or Transaction Tree Stream.

For best results, set --pipeline-ledger-start to Genesis when running PQS for the first time (refer to the PQS documentation or --help output).

Why don’t I see any choices?

Choices are only visible on the Ledger API’s Transaction Tree Stream. Set --pipeline-datasource to TransactionTreeStream when running PQS (refer to the PQS documentation or --help output).

If you still don’t see choices, see Why don’t I see any archived contracts?

Why don’t I see any interface views?

Interfaces are only visible on the Ledger API’s Transaction Stream or ACS (not the Transaction Tree Stream).

Set --pipeline-datasource to TransactionStream when running PQS (refer to the PQS documentation or --help output).

Why do all contracts show the same ledger offset?

See Why don’t I see any archived contracts?