The Smart Contract Upgrade Model in Depth

This document describes in detail what rules govern package validation upon upload and how contracts, choice arguments and choice results are upgraded or downgraded at runtime. These topics are for a large part covered in Smart Contract Upgrade. This document acts as a thorough reference.

Static Checks

Upgrade static checks are performed once alongside other validity checks when a DAR is uploaded to a participant. DARs deemed invalid for upgrades are rejected.

DAR upgrade checks are broken down into package-level checks, which are in turn broken down into module, template and data type-level checks.


Definition: A utility package is a package with no template definition, no interface definition, no exception definition, and only non-serializable data type definitions. A utility package typically consists of helper functions and constants, but no type definitions.

In the following validity check, packages whose LF version does not support upgrades (1.15 and earlier) and utility packages are ignored.

A DAR is checked against previously uploaded DARs for upgrade validity on upload to a participant. Specifically, for every package with name p and version v present in the uploaded DAR:

  1. The participant looks up versions v_prev and v_next of p in its package database, such that v_prev is the greatest version of p smaller than v, and v_next is the smallest version of p greater than v. Note that they may not always exist.

  2. The participant checks that version v of p is a valid upgrade of version v_prev of p, if it exists.

  3. The participant checks that version v_next of p is a valid upgrade of version v of p, if it exists.

Therefore “being a valid upgrade” for a DAR is context dependent: it depends on what packages are already uploaded on the participant. It also modular: checks are performed at the package level. That is, a new version of a package is rejected as soon as it contains some element which doesn’t properly upgrade its counterpart in the old package, even if some other elements do. Similarly, all packages in a DAR must be pass the check for the DAR to be accepted. If one of the packages fails the check, the entire DAR is rejected.


The modules of the new version of a package must form a superset of the modules of the prior version of that package. In other words, it is valid to add new modules but deleting a module leads to a validation error.


In the file tree below, package v2 is a potentially valid upgrade of package v1, assuming v2/A.daml is a valid upgrade of v1/A.daml.

├── v1
│   ├── daml
│   │   └── A.daml
│   └── daml.yaml
└── v2
    ├── daml
    │   ├── A.daml
    │   └── B.daml
    └── daml.yaml

In the file tree below, package v2 cannot possibly be a valid upgrade of v1 because it doesn’t define module B.

├── v1
│   ├── daml
│   │   ├── A.daml
│   │   └── B.daml
│   └── daml.yaml
└── v2
    ├── daml
    │   └── A.daml
    └── daml.yaml


The templates of the new version of a package must form a superset of the templates of the prior version of that package. In other words, it is valid to add new templates but deleting a template leads to a validation error.


Below, the module on the right is a valid upgrade of the module on the left. But the module on the left is not a valid upgrade of the module on the right because it lacks a definition for template T2.

module M where

template T1
    p : Party
    signatory p
module M where

  template T1
      p : Party
      signatory p

  template T2
      p : Party
      signatory p

Template Parameters

The new version of a template may add new optional parameters at the end of the parameter sequence of the prior version of the template. The types of the parameters that the new template has in common with the prior template must be pairwise valid upgrades of the original types.

Deleting a parameter leads to a validation error.

Adding a parameter in the middle of the parameter sequence leads to a validation error.

As a special case of the two points above, renaming a parameter leads to a validation error.

Adding a non-optional parameter at the end of the parameter leads to a validation error.


Below, the template on the right is a valid upgrade of the template on the left. It adds an optional parameter x1 at the end of the parameter sequence.

template T
      p : Party
      signatory p
template T
      p : Party
      x1 : Optional Int
      signatory p

Below, the template on the right is not a valid upgrade of the template on the left because it adds a new parameter x1 before p instead of adding it at the end of the parameter sequence.

template T
    p : Party
    signatory p
template T
    x1 : Optional Int
    p : Party
    signatory p

Below, the template on the right is not a valid upgrade of the template on the left because it drops parameter x1.

template T
    p : Party
    x1 : Int
    signatory p
template T
    p : Party
    signatory p

Below, the template on the right is not a valid upgrade of the template on the left because it changes the type of x1 from Int to Text. Text is not a valid upgrade of Int.

template T
    p : Party
    x1 : Int
    signatory p
template T
    p : Party
    x1 : Text
    signatory p

Template Keys

The key of the new version of a template must be a valid upgrade of the prior version’s key.

Adding or removing a key leads to a validation error.

Changing the key type to one that is not a valid upgrade of the original type leads to a validation error.


Below, the template on the right is a valid upgrade of the template on the left because the key type of the template on the right is a valid upgrade of the key type of the template on the left:

data MyKey = MyKey
    p : Party

template T
    p : Party
    signatory p
    key MyKey p : MyKey
    maintainer key.p
data MyKey = MyKey
    p : Party
    i : Optional Int

template T
    p : Party
    signatory p
    key MyKey p None : MyKey
    maintainer key.p

Below, the template on the right is not a valid upgrade of the template on the left because it adds a key.

template T
    p : Party
    k : Text
    signatory p
template T
    p : Party
    k : Text
    signatory p
    key (p, k): (Party, Text)
    maintainer (fst key)

Below, the template on the right is not a valid upgrade of the template on the left because it deletes its key.

template T
    p : Party
    k : Text
    signatory p
    key (p, k): (Party, Text)
    maintainer (fst key)
template T
    p : Party
    k : Text
    signatory p

Below, the template on the right is not a valid upgrade of the template on the left because it changes the key type for a type that is not a valid upgrade of (Party, Text).

template T
    p : Party
    k : Text
    signatory p
    key (p, k): (Party, Text)
    maintainer (fst key)
template T
    p : Party
    k : Text
    signatory p
    key (p, 2): (Party, Int)
    maintainer (fst key)

Template Choices

The choices of the new version of a template must form a superset of the choices of the prior version of the template template. In other words, it is valid to add new choices but deleting a choice leads to a validation error.


Below, the template on the right is a valid upgrade of the template on the left. It adds a choice C to the previous version of the template. But the template on the left is not a valid upgrade of the template on the right as it deletes a choice.

template T
    p : Party
    signatory p
template T
    p : Party
    signatory p

    choice C : ()
      controller p
        return ()

Template Choices - Parameters

As with template parameters, the new version of a choice may add new optional parameters at the end of the parameter sequence of the prior version of that choice. The types of the parameters that the new choice has in common with the prior choice must be pairwise valid upgrades of the original types.

Deleting a parameter leads to a validation error.

Adding a parameter in the middle of the parameter sequence leads to a validation error.

As a special case of the two points above, renaming a parameter leads to a validation error.

Adding a non-optional parameter at the end of the parameter sequence leads to a validation error.


Below, the choice on the right is a valid upgrade of the choice on the left. It adds an optional parameter x2 at the end of the parameter sequence.

choice C : ()
    x1 : Int
  controller p
    return ()
choice C : ()
    x1 : Int
    x2 : Optional Text
  controller p
    return ()

Below, the choice on the right is not a valid upgrade of the choice on the left because it adds a new parameter x2 before x1 instead of adding it at the end of the parameter sequence.

choice C : ()
    x1 : Int
  controller p
    return ()
choice C : ()
    x2 : Optional Text
    x1 : Int
  controller p
    return ()

Below, the choice on the right is not a valid upgrade of the choice on the left because it adds a new field x2 before x1 instead of adding it at the end of the parameter sequence.

choice C : ()
    x1 : Int
  controller p
    return ()
choice C : ()
    x2 : Optional Text
    x1 : Int
  controller p
    return ()

Below, the choice on the right is not a valid upgrade of the choice on the left because it drops parameter x1.

choice C : ()
    x1 : Int
  controller p
    return ()
choice C : ()
  controller p
    return ()

Below, the choice on the right is not a valid upgrade of the choice on the left because it changes the type of x1 from Int to Text. Text is not a valid upgrade of Int.

choice C : ()
    x1 : Int
  controller p
    return ()
choice C : ()
  controller p
    return ()

Template Choices - Return Type

The return type of the new version of a choice must be a valid upgrade of the return type of the prior version of that choice.

Changing the return type of a choice for a non-valid upgrade leads to a validation error.


Below, the choice on the right is not a valid upgrade of the choice on the left because it changes its return type from () to Int. Int is not a valid upgrade of ().

choice C : ()
  controller p
    return ()
choice C : Int
  controller p
    return 1

Data Types

The serializable data types of the new version of a module must form a superset of the serializable data types of the prior version of that package. In other words, it is valid to add new data types but deleting a data type leads to a validation error.

Changing the variety of a serializable data type leads to a validation error. For instance, one cannot change a record type into a variant type.

Non-serializable data types are inexistent from the point of view of the upgrade validity check. Turning a non-serializable data type into a serializable one amounts to adding a new data type, which is valid. Turning a serializable data type into a non-serializable one amounts to deleting this data type, which is invalid.


Below, the module on the right is a valid upgrade of the module on the left. It defines an additional serializable data type B.

 module M where

data A = A
module M where

data A = A
data B = B

Below, the module on the right is a valid upgrade of the module on the left. It turns the non-serializable type A into a serializable one. The non-serializable type is invisible to the upgrade validity check so this amounts to adding a new data type to the module on the right.

module M where

data A = A
    x : Int -> Int
module M where

data A = A

Below, the module on the right is not a valid upgrade of the module on the left because it changes the variety of A from record type to variant type.

module M where

data A = A
module M where

data A = A | B

Below, the module on the right is not a valid upgrade of the module on the left because it drops the serializable data type A.

module M where

data A = A
module M where

Below, the module on the right is not a valid upgrade of the module on the left because although it adds an optional field to the record type A, it also turns A into a non-serializable type, which amounts to deleting A from the point of view of the upgrade validity check.

module M where

data A = A
module M where

data A = A
    x : Optional (Int -> Int)

Data Types - Records

The new version of a record may add new optional fields at the end of the field sequence of the prior version of that record. The types of the fields that the new record has in common with the prior record must be pairwise valid upgrades of the original types.

Deleting a field leads to a validation error.

Adding a field in the middle of the field sequence leads to a validation error.

As a special case of the two points above, renaming a field leads to a validation error.

Adding a non-optional field at the end of the field sequence leads to a validation error.


Below, the record on the right is a valid upgrade of the module on the left. It adds an optional field x2 at the end of the field sequence.

data T = T with
  x1 : Int
data T = T with
 x1 : Int
 x2 : Optional Text

Below, the record on the right is not a valid upgrade of the record on the left because it adds a new field x2 before x1 instead of adding it at the end of the field sequence.

data T = T with
  x1 : Int
data T = T with
  x2 : Optional Text
  x1 : Int

Below, the record on the right is not a valid upgrade of the record on the left because it drops field x2.

data T = T with
  x1 : Int
  x2 : Text
data T = T with
  x1 : Int

Below, the record on the right is not a valid upgrade of the record on the left because it changes the type of x1 from Int to Text. Text is not a valid upgrade of Int.

data T = T with
  x1 : Int
data T = T with
  x1 : Text

Data Types - Variants

The new version of a variant may add new constructors at the end of the constructor sequence of the old version of that variant. The argument types of the constructors that the new variant has in common with the prior variant must be pairwise valid upgrades of the original types. This last rule also applies to constructors whose arguments are unnamed records, in which case the rules about record upgrade apply.

Adding an argument to a constructor without arguments leads to a validation error. In particular, adding an optional field to a constructor that previously had no arguments is not allowed.

Adding a constructor in the middle of the constructor sequence leads to a validation error.

Changing the order or the name of the constructor sequence leads to a validation error.

Removing a constructor leads to a validation error.

Enums cannot get upgraded to variants: adding a constructor with an argument at the end of the constructor sequence of an enum leads to a validation error.


Below, the variant on the right is a valid upgrade of the variant on the left. It adds a new constructor C at the end of the constructor sequence.

data T =
  A Int | B Text
data T =
  A Int | B Text | C Bool

Below, the variant on the right is a valid upgrade of the variant on the left. It adds a new optional field to constructor B.

data T =
  A | B { x : Int }
data T =
  A | B { x : Int, y : Optional Text }

Below, the variant on the right is not a valid upgrade of the variant on the left because it adds a new constructor C before B instead of adding it at the end of the constructor sequence.

data T =
  A Int | B Text
data T =
  A Int | C Bool | B Text

Below, the variant on the right is not a valid upgrade of the variant on the left because it changes the order of its constructors.

data T =
  A Int | B Text
data T =
  B Text | A Int

Below, the variant on the right is not a valid upgrade of the variant on the left because it drops constructor B.

data T =
  A Int | B Text
data T =
  A Int

Below, the variant on the right is not a valid upgrade of the variant on the left because it changes the type of B’s argument from Text to Bool. Bool is not a valid upgrade of Text.

data T =
  A Int | B Text
data T =
  A Int | B Bool

Below, the variant on the right is not a valid upgrade of the variant on the left because it adds an argument to constructor B which didn’t have one before.

data T =
  A Int | B
data T =
  A Int | B { x : Optional Text }

Below, the variant on the right is not a valid upgrade of the enum on the left. Enums cannot get upgraded to variants and T as defined on the left is an enum because none of its constructors have arguments.

data T =
  A | B
data T =
  A | B | C Int

Data Types - Enums

For the purpose of upgrade validation, enums can be treated as a special case of variants. The rules of the section on variants apply, only without constructor arguments.

Data Types - Type References

A type reference is an identifier that resolves to a type. For instance, consider the following module definitions, from two different packages:

-- In package q
module Dep where

data U = U with x : Int
type A = U
-- In package p
module M where
import qualified Dep

data T = T with x : Dep.A

In the definition of T, Dep.A is a type reference that resolves to the type with qualified name Dep.U in package q.

A reference r2 to a data type upgrades a reference r1 to a data type if and only if:

  • r2 resolves to a type t2 with qualified name q2 in package p2;
  • r1 resolves to a type t1 with qualified name q1 in package p1;
  • The qualified names q2 and q1 are the same;
  • Either the LF versions or p1 and p2 both support upgrades and package p2 is a valid upgrade of package p1, or p2 and p1 are the exact same package.

It is worth noting that even when t2 upgrades t1, r2 only upgrades r1 provided that package p2 is a valid upgrade of package p1 as a whole.


In these examples we assume the existence of packages q-1.0.0 and q-2.0.0 with LF version 1.17, and that the latter is a valid upgrade of the former.

In q-1.0.0: In q-2.0.0:
module Dep where

data U = C1
data V = V
module Dep where

data U = C1 | C2
data V = V

Then below, the module on the right is a valid upgrade of the module on the left.

module Main where

-- imported from q-1.0.0
import qualified Dep

data T = T Dep.U
module Main where

-- imported from q-2.0.0
import qualified Dep

data T = T Dep.U

However below, the module on the right is not a valid upgrade of the module on the left because Dep.V on the right belongs to package q-1.0.0 which is not a valid upgrade of package p-2.0.0, even though the two definitions of V are the same.

module Main where

-- imported from q-2.0.0
import qualified Dep

data T = T Dep.V
module Main where

-- imported from q-1.0.0
import qualified Dep

data T = T Dep.V

Suppose now that q-1.0.0 and q-2.0.0 are both compiled to LF version 1.15 (which does not support upgrades). Then below, the module on the right is not a valid upgrade of the module on the left because the references to U on each side resolve to packages with different IDs.

module Main where

-- imported from q-1.0.0
import qualified Dep

data T = T Dep.U
module Main where

-- imported from q-2.0.0
import qualified Dep

data T = T Dep.U

Data Types - Builtin Types

Builtin scalar types like Int, Text, Party, etc. only upgrade themselves. In other words, it is never valid to replace them with another type.

Data Types - Parameterized Data Types

The upgrade validation for parameterized data types follows the same rules as non-parameterized data types, but also compares type variables. Type variables may be renamed.


Below, the parameterized data type on the right is a valid upgrade of the parameterized data type on the left. As is valid with any record type, it adds an optional field.

data Tree a =
  Tree with
    label : a
    children : [Tree a]
data Tree b =
  Tree with
    label : b
    children : [Tree b]
    cachedSize : Optional Int

Data Types - Applied Parameterized Data Types

A type constructor application T' U1' .. Un' upgrades T U1 .. Un if and only if T' upgrades T and each Ui' upgrades the corresponding Ui.


Below, the module on the right is a valid upgrade of the module on the left. The record type T on the right upgrades the record type T on the left. As a result, the type constructor application List T on the right upgrades the type constructor application List T on the left. Same goes for List and Optional.

module M where

data T = T {}

data Demo = Demo with
  field1 : List T
  field2 : Map T T
  field3 : Optional T
module M where

data T = T { i : Optional Int }

data Demo = Demo with
  field1 : List T
  field2 : Map T T
  field3 : Optional T

Below, the module on the right is a valid upgrade of the module on the left. The parameterized type C on the right upgrades the parameterized type C on the left. As a result, the type constructor application C Int on the right upgrades the type constructor application C Int on the left.

module M where

data C a = C { x : a }

data Demo = Demo with
  field1 : C T
module M where

data C a = C { x : a, y : Optional Int }

data Demo = Demo with
  field1 : C T

Interface and Exception Definitions

Neither interface definitions nor exception definitions can be upgraded. We strongly discourage uploading a package that defines interfaces or exceptions alongside templates, as these templates cannot benefit from smart contract upgrade in the future. Instead, we recommend declaring interfaces and exceptions in a package of their own that defines no template.

Interface Instances

Interface instances may be upgraded. Note however that the type signature of their methods and view cannot change between two versions of an instance since they are fixed by the interface definition, which is non-upgradable. Hence, the only thing that can change between two versions of an instance is the bodies of its methods and view.

Adding or deleting an interface leads to a validation error.


Assume an interface I with view type IView and a method m.

data IView = IView { i : Int }

interface I where
  viewtype IView

Then, below, the instance of I for template T on the right is a valid upgrade of the instance on the left. It changes the view expression and the body of method m.

template T
    p : Party
    i : Int
    signatory p

    interface instance I for T where
      view = IView i
      m = i
template T
    p : Party
    i : Int
    j : Optional Int
    signatory p

    interface instance I for T where
      view = IView (fromOptional i j)
      m = fromOptional i j

Below, the template on the right is not a valid upgrade of the template on the left because it removes the instance of I for template T2.

template T2
    p : Party
    i : Int
    signatory p

    interface instance I for T2 where
      view = IView i
      m = i
template T2
    p : Party
    i : Int
    signatory p

Below, the template on the right is not a valid upgrade of the template on the left because it adds a new instance of I for template T3.

template T3
    p : Party
    i : Int
    signatory p
template T3
    p : Party
    i : Int
    signatory p

    interface instance I for T3 where
      view = IView i
      m = i

Data Transformation: Runtime Semantics

A template version is selected whenever a contract is fetched, a choice is exercised, or an interface value is converted to a template value, according to a set of rules detailed below. We call this template the target template.

The contract is then transformed into a value that fits the type of the target template. Then, its metadata (signatories, stakeholders, key, maintainers) is recomputed using the code of the target template and compared against the existing metadata stored on the ledger: it is not allowed to change. The ensure clause of the contract is also re-evaluated: it must evaluate to True.

In addition, when a choice is exercised, its arguments are transformed into values that fit the type signature of the choice in the target template. The result of the exercise is then possibly transformed back to some other target type by the client (e.g. the generated java client code).

Below, we detail the rules governing target template selection, then explain how transformations are performed, and finally detail the rules of metadata re-computation.

Static Target Template Selection

In a non-interface fetch or exercise triggered by the body of a choice, the target template is determined by the dependencies of the package that defines the choice. In other words, it is statically known.

Interface fetches and exercises, on the other hand, are subject to dynamic target template selection, as detailed in the next section. However, operations acting on interface values — as opposed to IDs — are static. Their mode of operation is detailed below.

Daml contracts are represented by one of two sorts of values at runtime: template values or interface values.

  • Template values are those whose concrete template type is statically known. They are obtained by directly constructing a template record, or by a call to fetch. Their runtime representation is a simple record.

  • Interface values are those whose concrete template type is not fully statically known, aside from the fact that it implements a given interface. They are obtained by applying toInterface to a template value. At runtime, they are represented by a pair consisting of:

    • a record: the contract;
    • a template type: the runtime type of that record.

    For instance, if c is a contract of type T and T implements the interface I, then toInterface c evaluates to the pair (c, T).

    Note that the type of interface values is opaque: while it is useful to conceptualize interface values as pairs for defining the runtime semantics of the language, their actual implementation may vary and is not exposed to the user.

Let us assume an interface value iv = (c, T). Then fromInterface @U iv evaluates as follow.

  • If U upgrades T, then it evaluates to Some c' where c' is the result of transforming c into a value of type U.
  • Otherwise, it evaluates to None.

Let us assume an interface value iv = (c, T) and an interface type I. Then create @I iv evaluates as follow.

  • If T does not implement I then an error is thrown.
  • Otherwise create @T c is evaluated.

Example 1

Assume two versions of a package called dep, defining a template U and its upgrade.

In dep-1.0.0: In dep-2.0.0:
module Dep where

template U
    p : Party
    signatory p
module Dep where

template U
    p : Party
    t : Optional Text
    signatory p

Assume then some package q which depends on version 1.0.0 of dep.

name: q
version: 1.0.0
- dep-1.0.0.dar

Package q defines a template S with a choice that fetches a contract of type U.

import qualified Dep

template S
    p : Party
    signatory p

    choice GetU : Dep.U
        cid : ContractId Dep.U
        controller p
        do fetch cid

Finally assume a ledger that contains a contract of type S written by q and a contract of type U written by dep-2.0.0.

Contract ID Type Contract
4321 q:T T { p = 'Alice' }
8765 dep-2.0.0:U U { p = 'Bob', t = None }

When exercising choice GetU 8765 on contract 4321 with package preference dep-2.0.0, we trigger a fetch of contract 5678. Because package q depends on version 1.0.0 of dep, the target type for U is the one defined in package dep-1.0.0. Contract 5678 is thus downgraded to U { p = 'Bob'} upon retrieval. Note that the command preference for version 2.0.0 of package dep bears no incidence here.

Example 2

Assume an interface I with view type IView and a method m.

data IView = IView {}

interface I where
  viewtype IView

Assume then two versions of a template T that implements I.

template T
    p : Party
    signatory p

    interface instance I for T where
      view = IView {}
template T
    p : Party
    i : Optional Int
    signatory p

    interface instance I for T where
      view = IView {}

Finally, assume that the module defining the first version of T is imported as V1, and the module defining the second version of T is imported as V2. The expression fromInterface @V2.T (toInterface @I (V1.T 'Alice')) evaluates as follows:

  • toInterface @I (@V1.T alice) evaluates to the interface value (V1.T { p = 'Alice' }, V1.T).
  • The type V2.T upgrades V1.T so fromInterface proceeds to transform (V1.T { p = 'Alice' }) into a value of type V2.T
  • The entire expression thus evaluates to V2.T { p = 'Alice', i = None }.

Dynamic Target Template Selection

In a top-level exercise triggered by a Ledger API command, or in an interface fetch or exercise triggered from the body of a choice, the rules of package preference detailed in dynamic package resolution determine the target template at runtime.

Example 1

Assume a package p with two versions. The new version adds an optional text field.

In p-1.0.0: In p-2.0.0:
template T
    p : Party
    signatory p
template T
    p : Party
    t : Optional Text
    signatory p

Also assume a ledger that contains a contract of type T written by p-1.0.0, and another contract of written by p-2.0.0.

Contract ID Type Contract
1234 p-1.0.0:T T { p = 'Alice' }
5678 p-2.0.0:T T { p = 'Bob', t = Some "Hello" }


  • Fetching contract 1234 with package preference p-1.0.0 retrieves the contract and leaves it unchanged, returning T { p = 'Alice' }.
  • Fetching contract 1234 with package preference p-2.0.0 retrieves the contract and successfully transforms it to the target template type, returning T { p = 'Alice', t = None }.
  • Fetching contract 5678 with package preference p-1.0.0 retrieves the contract and fails to downgrade it to the target template type, returning an error.
  • Fetching contract 5678 with package preference p-2.0.0 retrieves the contract and leaves it unchanged, returning T { p = 'Bob', t = Some "Hello" }.

Example 2

Assume an interface I with a choice GetInt

data IView = IView {}

interface I where
  viewtype IView
  getInt : Int

  choice GetInt : Int
      p : Party
    controller p
      pure (getInt this)

Now, assume two versions of a package called inst, defining a template Inst and its upgrade. The two versions of the template instantiate interface I, but their getInt method return different values.

In inst-1.0.0: In inst-2.0.0:
template Inst
    p : Party
    signatory p

    interface instance I for T where
      view = IView
      getInt = 1
template Inst
    p : Party
    signatory p

    interface instance I for T where
      view = IView
      getInt = 2

Assume then some package client which defines a template whose choice Go exercises choice GetInt by interface.

template Client
    p : Party
    icid : ContractId I
    signatory p

    choice Go : Int
      controller p
        exercise icid (GetInt p)

Finally assume a ledger that contains a contract of type Inst written by inst-1.0.0, and a contract of type Client written by client.

Contract ID Type Contract
0123 inst-1.0.0:Inst Inst { p = 'Alice' }
0456 client:Client Client { p = 'Alice' }


  • When exercising choice Go on contract 0456 with package preference inst-1.0.0, we trigger an exercise by interface of contract 0123. Because inst-1.0.0 is prefered, contract 0123 is upgraded to a value of type inst-1.0.0::Inst and its getInt method is executed. The result of the exercise is thus the value 1.
  • When exercising choice Go on contract 0456 but with package preference inst-2.0.0 this time, inst-2.0.0:Inst is picked as the target template for 0123 and thus the exercise returns the value 2. Note that the fact that the exercise stored on the ledger is of type inst-1.0.0:Inst bears no incidence on the getInt method that is eventually executed.

Example 3

Assume now a package r with two versions. They define a template with a choice, and version 2.0.0 adds an optional field to the parameters of the choice. The return type of the choice is also upgraded.

In r-1.0.0: In r-2.0.0:
module M where

data Ret = Ret with

template V
    p : Party
    signatory p

    choice C : Ret
        i : Int
      controller p
      do return Ret
module M where

data Ret = Ret with
  j : Optional Int

template V
     p : Party
     signatory p

     choice C : Ret
         i : Int
         j : Optional Int
       controller p
       do return Ret with j = j

Also assume a ledger that contains a contract of type V written by r-1.0.0.

Contract ID Type Contract
9101 r-1.0.0:V V { p = 'Alice' }


  • Exercising C with i=1 on contract 9101 with package preference r-2.0.0 will execute the code of C as defined in r-2.0.0. The parameter sequence i=1 is thus transformed into the parameter sequence i=1, j=None to match its parameter types. The exercise then returns the value Ret with j=None. It is up to the client code (e.g. the caller of the ledger API) to transform this to a value that fits the return type it expects. For instance, a client which only knows about version 1.0.0 of package r would expect a value of type Ret and would thus transform the value Ret with j=None back to Ret.
  • Exercising C with i=1 on contract 9101 with package preference r-1.0.0 will execute the code of C as defined in r-1.0.0. The parameter sequence requires therefore no transformation. The exercise returns the value Ret.
  • Exercising C with i=1 j=Some 2 on contract 9101 with package preference r-2.0.0 will execute the code of C as defined in r-2.0.0. Again, the parameter sequence no transformation. The exercise returns the value Ret with j=Some 2.
  • Exercising C with i=1 j=Some 2 on contract 9101 with package preference r-1.0.0 will fail with a runtime error as the parameter sequence i=1 j=Some 2 cannot be downgraded to the parameter sequence of C as defined in r-1.0.0.

Transformation Rules

Once the target type has been determined, the data transformation rules themselves follow the upgrading rules of protocol buffers.

Records and Parameters

Given a record type and its upgrade, referred to respectively as T-v1 and T-v2 in the following,

data T = T with
  x1 : T1
  xn : Tn
data T = T with
  x1 : T1'
  xn : Tn'
  y1 : Optional U1
  ym : Optional Um
  • A T-v1 value T { x1 = v1, ..., xn = vn } is upgraded to a T-v2 value by setting the additional fields to None and upgrading recursively. The transformation results in a value T { x1 = v1', ..., xn = vn', y1 = None, ..., ym = None }, where v1'... vn' is the result of upgrading to T1' ... Tn'.
  • A T-v2 value of the shape T { x1 = v1, ..., xn = vn, y1 = None, ..., ym = None } is downgraded to a T-v1 value by dropping additional fields and downgrading recursively. The transformation results in a value T { x1 = v1', ..., xn = vn' } where v1'... vn' is the result of downgrading v1 ... vn to T1 ... Tn.
  • Attempting to downgrade a T-v2 value where at least one yi is a Some _ results in a runtime error.

The same transformation rules apply to template parameters and choice parameters.

Variants and Enums

Given a variant type and its upgrade, referred to respectively as V-v1 and V-v2 in the following,

data V =
  = C1 T1
  | ...
  | Cn Tn
data V =
  = C1 T1'
  | ...
  | Cn Tn'
  | D1 U1
  | ...
  | Dm Um
  • A V-v1 value Ci vi is upgraded to a V-v2 value by upgrading vi recursively. The transformation results in a value Ci vi' where vi' is the result of upgrading vi to Ti'.
  • A V-v2 value Ci vi is downgraded to a V-v1 value by downgrading vi recursively. The transformation results in a value Ci vi' where vi' is the result of downgrading vi to Ti.
  • Attempting to downgrade a V-v2 value of the form Dj vj results in a runtime error.

The same transformation rules apply to enum types, constructor arguments aside.

Other Types

Types that aren’t records or variants are “pass-through” for the upgrade and downgrade transformations:

  • Values of scalar types are trivially transformed to themselves.
  • The payload of an Optional is recursively transformed.
  • The elements of Lists are recursively transformed.
  • The keys and values of Maps are recursively transformed.


For a given contract, metadata is every information outside of the contract parameters that is stored on the ledger for this contract. Namely:

  • The contract signatories;
  • The contract stakeholders (the union of signatories and observers);
  • The contract key;
  • The maintainers of the contract key.

The metadata of two contracts are equivalent if and only if:

  • their signatories are equal;
  • their stakeholders are equal;
  • their keys, after transformation to the maximum version of the two contracts, are equal;
  • their maintainers are equal.

Upon retrieval and after conversion, the metadata of a contract is recomputed using the code of the target template. It is a runtime error if the recomputed metadata is not equivalent to that of the original contract.

Note: A given implementation may choose to perform the equivalence check differently from what is described above, as long as the result is semantically equivalent.

Example 1

Below the template on the right is a valid upgrade of the template on the left.

In p-1.0.0: In p-2.0.0:
template T
    sig : Party
    signatory sig
template T
    sig : Party
    additionalSig : Optional Party
    signatory sig, fromOptional [] additionalSig

Assume a ledger that contains a contract of type T written by p-1.0.0.

Contract ID Type Contract
1234 p-1.0.0:T T { sig = ['Alice'] }

Fetching contract 1234 with target type p-2.0.0:T retrieves the contract and successfully transforms it into a value of type p-2.0.0:T: T { sig = 'Alice', additionalSig = None }. The signatories of this transformed contract are then computed using the expression sig, fromOptional [] additionalSig, which evaluate to the list ['Alice']. This list is then compared to signatories of the original contract stored on the ledger: ['Alice']. They match and thus the upgrade is valid.

On the other hand, below, the template on the right is not a valid upgrade of the template on the left.

In p-1.0.0: In p-2.0.0:
template T
    sig : Party
    signatory sig
template T
    sig : Party
    signatory sig, sig

Assume the same ledger as above. Fetching contract 1234 with target type p-2.0.0:T retrieves the contract and again successfully transforms it into the value T { sig = 'Alice', additionalSig = None }. The signatories of this transformed contract are then computed using the expression sig, sig, which evaluate to the list ['Alice', 'Alice']. This list is then compared to signatories of the original contract stored on the ledger: ['Alice']. They do not match and thus the upgrade is rejected at runtime.

Example 2

Below the module on the right is a valid upgrade of the module on the left:

In p-1.0.0: In p-2.0.0:
module M where

data MyKey = MyKey
    p : Party

template T
    sig : Party
    signatory sig
    key MyKey p : MyKey
    maintainer key.p
module M where

data MyKey = MyKey
    p : Party
    i : Optional Int

template T
    sig : Party
    i : Optional Int
    signatory sig
    key MyKey p i : MyKey
    maintainer key.p

Assume a ledger that contains a contract of type T written by p-1.0.0.

Contract ID Contract Type Contract Key Contract
1234 p-1.0.0:T MyKey { p = 'Alice' } T { sig = 'Alice' }

Fetching contract 1234 with package preference p-2.0.0 retrieves the contract and successfully transforms it into a value of type p-2.0.0:T: T { sig = 'Alice', i = None }. The key of this transformed contract is then computed using the expression MyKey p i, which evaluates to the value MyKey { p = 'Alice', i = None }. This value is then compared against the key of the original contract after transformation to a value of type p-2.0.0:MyKey: MyKey { p = 'Alice', i = None }. The two values match and thus the upgrade is valid.

On the other hand, below, the module on the right is not a valid upgrade of the module on the left:

In p-1.0.0: In p-2.0.0:
module M where

data MyKey = MyKey
    p : Party

template T
    sig : Party
    signatory sig
    key MyKey p : MyKey
    maintainer key.p
module M where

data MyKey = MyKey
    p : Party
    i : Optional Int

template T
    sig : Party
    signatory sig
    key MyKey p (Some 0) : MyKey
    maintainer key.p

Assume the same ledger as above. Fetching contract 1234 with package preference p-2.0.0 retrieves the the contract and again successfully transforms it into the value T { sig = 'Alice' }. The key of this transformed contract is then computed using the expression MyKey p (Some 0), which evaluates to the value MyKey { p = 'Alice', i = Some 0 }. This value is then compared against the original contract’s key after transformation to a value of type p-2.0.0:MyKey: MyKey { p = 'Alice', i = None }. The two values do not match and thus the upgrade is rejected at runtime.

Ensure Clause

Upon retrieval and after conversion, the ensure clause of a contract is recomputed using the code of the target template. It is a runtime error if the recomputed ensure clause evaluates to False.


Below, the template on the right is not a valid upgrade of the template on the left because its ensure clause will evaluate to False for contracts that have been written using the template on the left with n = 0.

template T
    sig : Party
    n : Int
    signatory sig
    ensure n >= 0
template T
    sig : Party
    n : Int
    signatory sig
    ensure n > 0

Interface Views

The view for a given interface instance is not allowed to change between two versions of a contract. When a contract is fetched or exercised by interface, its view according to the code of the target template is compared to its view according to the code of the template that was used when the contract was created. It is a runtime error if the two views differ.


Assume an interface I with view type IView and a method m.

data IView = IView { i : Int }

interface I where
  viewtype IView
  m : Int

In that case, the template on the right below is a valid upgrade of the template on the left.

In p-1.0.0: In p-2.0.0:
template T
    p : Party
    i : Int
    signatory p

    interface instance I for T where
      view = IView i
      m = i
template T
    p : Party
    i : Int
    j : Optional Int
    signatory p

    interface instance I for T where
      view = IView (fromOptional i j)
      m = fromOptional i j

Assume a ledger that contains a contract of type T written by p-1.0.0.

Contract ID Type Contract
1234 p-1.0.0:T T { p = 'Alice', i = 42 }

Fetching contract 1234 by interface with package preference p-2.0.0 retrieves the contract and computes its view according to p-1.0.0: IView 42. The contract is then transformed into a value of type p-2.0.0:T: T { sig = 'Alice', i = 42, j = None } and its view is computed again, this time according to p-2.0.0: IView 42. Because the two views agree, the fetch is successful.

On the other hand, below, the template on the right is not a valid upgrade of the template on the left.

In p-1.0.0: In p-2.0.0:
template T
    p : Party
    i : Int
    signatory p

    interface instance I for T where
      view = IView i
      m = i
template T
    p : Party
    i : Int
    signatory p

    interface instance I for T where
      view = IView (i+1)
      m = i

Assume the same ledger as above. Fetching contract 1234 by interface with package preference p-2.0.0 again retrieves the contract and computes its view according to p-1.0.0: IView 42. The contract is then transformed into a value of type p-2.0.0:T: T { sig = 'Alice', i = 42 } and its view is computed again, this time according to p-2.0.0: IView 43. Because the two views differ, the fetch is rejected at runtime.

Key Transformation in FetchByKey and LookupByKey

When fetching or looking up a contract by key in the body of a choice, the type of the key expression is known at compile time. Let us call it the target type. The returned contract, if any, verifies that its key, after transformation to the target type, matches the key used for querying.


Below the module on the right is a valid upgrade of the module on the left:

In p-1.0.0: In p-2.0.0:
module M where

data MyKey = MyKey
    p : Party

template T
    sig : Party
    signatory sig
    key MyKey p : MyKey
    maintainer key.p
module M where

data MyKey = MyKey
    p : Party
    i : Optional Int

template T
    sig : Party
    i : Optional Int
    signatory sig
    key MyKey p i : MyKey
    maintainer key.p

Assume a ledger that contains a contract of type T written by p-1.0.0.

Contract ID Contract Type Contract Key Contract
1234 p-1.0.0:T MyKey { p = 'Alice' } T { sig = 'Alice' }

Finally, assume a third package which depends on p-2.0.0 and defines a choice involving the following lookup by key:

choice C : ()
  controller ctl
    cid <- lookupByKey @T (MyKey alice None)

The static type of the key being looked up is thus p-2.0.0:MyKey. The key of contract 1234, once transformed to a value of type p-2.0.0:MyKey, becomes MyKey { p = 'Alice', i = None }. This matches the key being looked up, so cid is bound to Some 1234.

LF 1.17 Values in the Ledger API

Commands and queries that involve LF 1.17 templates or interfaces have relaxed validation rules for ingested values. Returned values are subject to normalization.

Value Validation in Commands

In the following examples, the target template of a command is the template or interface identified by the template_id field of the command after dynamic package resolution.

A value featured in a command (e.g. create_arguments) has expected type T if the value needs to type-check against T in order to satisfy the type signatures of the target template of the command. Note that this definition necessarily extends to sub-values.

In a record value of the form Constructor { field1 = v1, ..., fieldn = vn }, vi is a trailing None if for all n >= j >= i, vj = None.

On submission of a command whose target template is defined in an LF 1.17 package, the validation rules for values are relaxed as follows:

  • The record_id, variant_id, and enum_id fields of values, if present, are only checked against the module and type name of the expected type for that value. The package ID component of these fields is ignored.
  • In record values where all field names are provided, any fields of value None may be omitted.
  • In record values where not all field names are provided, fields must be provided in the same order as that of the record type definition, and trailing Nones may be omitted.

These rules apply for all sub-values, even those whose type is defined in an LF 1.15 or earlier package.

Example 1

Assume a LF 1.17 package called example1-1.0.0 which defines a template called T in a module called Main.

module Main where

template T
    p : Party
    signatory p

Assume another package called other-1.0.0 which defines a different template also called T in a module also called Main.

module Main where

template T
    s : Party
    i : Int
    signatory s

Then the ledger API will accept Create commands for example1-1.0.0:Main.T whose create arguments are annotated with type other-1.0.0:T:Main.T, even though the type annotation is wrong. In other words, the following console commands succeed:

@ val createCmd = Command(
    command = Command.Command.Create(
      value = CreateCommand(
        templateId = Some(
          value = Identifier(packageId = packageIdExample1, moduleName = "Main", entityName = "T")),
        createArguments = Some(
          value = Record(
            recordId = Some(
                packageId = packageIdOther,
                moduleName = "Main",
                entityName = "T"
            fields = Seq(
                label = "p",
                value = Some(
                  value = Value(sum = Value.Sum.Party(value = sandbox.adminParty.toLf))

@ sandbox.ledger_api.commands.submit(Seq(sandbox.adminParty), Seq(createCmd))

This is because the module and type names of the type annotation, Main and T, match those of the expected type: example1-1.0.0:Main.T.

Assume now a LF 1.15 package called example1-lf115-1.0.0 with the same contents as example1-1.0.0. Trying to submit a Create command for example1-1.0.0:Main.T whose create argument are annotated with type other-1.0.0:T:Main.T fails:

ERROR c.d.c.e.CommunityConsoleEnvironment - Request failed for sandbox.
    Mismatching variant id, the type tells us ba561ce9adfc91b583752a842e72530f10ee0d93e729d19ef3179cd80daf43ca:Main:T,
    but the value tells us 39fb87e17e104daeaf10fdbc32d282d004a29d5ec14db6579605456c42d5678d:Main:T
  Request: SubmitAndWaitTransactionTree(
  actAs = sandbox::12208e04d297...,
  readAs = Seq(),
  commandId = '',
  workflowId = '',
  submissionId = '',
  deduplicationPeriod = None(),
  applicationId = 'CantonConsole',
  commands = ...

This is because the relaxed validation rules only apply to LF 1.17 templates. The behavior for LF 1.15 and earlier remains unchanged.

Example 2

Assume a LF 1.17 package called example2-1.0.0 which defines a template with two optional fields: one in leading position, and one in trailing position.

module Main where

template T
    i : Optional Int
    p : Party
    j : Optional Int
    signatory p

Then submitting a Create command for example2-1.0.0:Main.T which only provides p by name and no other field succeeds:

@ val createCmd = Command(
    command = Command.Command.Create(
      value = CreateCommand(
        templateId = Some(value = Identifier(packageId = packageIdExample2, moduleName = "Main", entityName = "T")),
        createArguments = Some(
          value = Record(
            recordId = None,
            fields = Seq(
                label = "p",
                value = Some(value = Value(sum = Value.Sum.Party(value = sandbox.adminParty.toLf)))

@ sandbox.ledger_api.commands.submit(Seq(sandbox.adminParty), Seq(createCmd))
res13: com.daml.ledger.api.v1.transaction.TransactionTree = TransactionTree(
  eventsById = Map(
    "#122062d3d0b89f011ac651ea0139f381a73fe080ab215e5970a8c7bf804edeec932c:0" -> TreeEvent(
      kind = Created(
        value = CreatedEvent(
          createArguments = Some(
            value = Record(
              recordId = Some(value = Identifier(packageId = "627f4ad4df901b80bae208eded1c03932f38ed9c1f44c50468f27c88ef988e25", moduleName = "Main", entityName = "T")),
              fields = Vector(
                RecordField(label = "i", value = Some(value = Value(sum = Optional(value = Optional(value = None))))),
                RecordField(label = "p", value = Some(value = Value(sum = Party(value = "sandbox::1220077e3366037ffce33cba97d757506fc1c72ad957a9b86c6bf137404637c7fee3")))),
                RecordField(label = "j", value = Some(value = Value(sum = Optional(value = Optional(value = None)))))

Submitting the same command but with no label for field p fails:

@ val createCmd = Command(
    command = Command.Command.Create(
      value = CreateCommand(
        templateId = Some(value = Identifier(packageId = packageIdExample2, moduleName = "Main", entityName = "T")),
        createArguments = Some(
          value = Record(
            recordId = None,
            fields = Seq(
                label = "",
                value = Some(value = Value(sum = Value.Sum.Party(value = sandbox.adminParty.toLf)))

@ sandbox.ledger_api.commands.submit(Seq(sandbox.adminParty), Seq(createCmd))

ERROR c.d.c.e.CommunityConsoleEnvironment - Request failed for sandbox.
  GrpcClientError: INVALID_ARGUMENT/COMMAND_PREPROCESSING_FAILED(8,b880be91): Missing non-optional field "p", cannot upgrade non-optional fields.
  Request: SubmitAndWaitTransactionTree(
  actAs = sandbox::1220077e3366...,
  readAs = Seq(),
  commandId = '',
  workflowId = '',
  submissionId = '',
  deduplicationPeriod = None(),
  applicationId = 'CantonConsole',
  commands = ...

However, providing all but the trailing optional field j suceeds, even without labels:

@ val createCmd = Command(
    command = Command.Command.Create(
      value = CreateCommand(
        templateId = Some(value = Identifier(packageId = packageIdExample2, moduleName = "Main", entityName = "T")),
        createArguments = Some(
          value = Record(
            recordId = None,
            fields = Seq(
              RecordField(label = "", value = Some(value = Value(sum = Value.Sum.Optional(value = Optional(value = None))))),
                label = "",
                value = Some(value = Value(sum = Value.Sum.Party(value = sandbox.adminParty.toLf)))

@ sandbox.ledger_api.commands.submit(Seq(sandbox.adminParty), Seq(createCmd))
res22: com.daml.ledger.api.v1.transaction.TransactionTree = TransactionTree(
  eventsById = Map(
    "#12203bb4082d4868c393ca2c969bb639757d21992cbac2a1abad271d688a30dbcae6:0" -> TreeEvent(
      kind = Created(
        value = CreatedEvent(
          createArguments = Some(
            value = Record(
              recordId = Some(value = Identifier(packageId = "627f4ad4df901b80bae208eded1c03932f38ed9c1f44c50468f27c88ef988e25", moduleName = "Main", entityName = "T")),
              fields = Vector(
                RecordField(label = "i", value = Some(value = Value(sum = Optional(value = Optional(value = None))))),
                RecordField(label = "p", value = Some(value = Value(sum = Party(value = "sandbox::1220077e3366037ffce33cba97d757506fc1c72ad957a9b86c6bf137404637c7fee3")))),
                RecordField(label = "j", value = Some(value = Value(sum = Optional(value = Optional(value = None)))))

Finally, assume a package called example2-lf115-1.0.0 which defines the same Main module as example2-1.0.0 but compiles to LF 1.15. Submitting a command that misses the field j results in an error:

@ val createCmd = Command(
    command = Command.Command.Create(
      value = CreateCommand(
        templateId = Some(value = Identifier(packageId = packageIdExample2Lf115, moduleName = "Main", entityName = "T")),
        createArguments = Some(
          value = Record(
            recordId = None,
            fields = Seq(
              RecordField(label = "i", value = Some(value = Value(sum = Value.Sum.Optional(value = Optional(value = None))))),
                label = "p",
                value = Some(value = Value(sum = Value.Sum.Party(value = sandbox.adminParty.toLf)))

@ sandbox.ledger_api.commands.submit(Seq(sandbox.adminParty), Seq(createCmd))
ERROR c.d.c.e.CommunityConsoleEnvironment - Request failed for sandbox.
  GrpcClientError: INVALID_ARGUMENT/COMMAND_PREPROCESSING_FAILED(8,a144d39d): Expecting 3 field for record 6c247f322c1a84610a5a015d5d713f2c8c0f33290d6b154de212fce228aa522b:Main:T, but got 2
  Request: SubmitAndWaitTransactionTree(
  actAs = sandbox::12204b23b351...,
  readAs = Seq(),
  commandId = '',
  workflowId = '',
  submissionId = '',
  deduplicationPeriod = None(),
  applicationId = 'CantonConsole',
  commands = ...

Value normalization in Ledger API responses

A Ledger API value (e.g. create_arguments in a CreatedEvent) is said to be in normal form if none of its sub-values (itself included) has trailing Nones.

Starting with Daml 2.10, values in Ledger API non-verbose responses are subject to normalization whenever the transaction involves an LF 1.17 template or interface. The normalization extends to all sub-values, including those whose type is defined in an LF 1.15 or earlier package.

When no LF 1.17 package is involved in a transaction or when verbose mode is requested, then the values in Ledger API responses are guaranteed not to be in normal form.

Example 1

Assume a LF 1.17 package called example1-1.0.0 which defines a template T and a record Record in a module called Main.

module Main where

data Record = Record { ri : Optional Int, rj : Int, rk : Optional Int }
  deriving (Eq, Show)

template T
    p : Party
    i : Optional Int
    r : Record
    j : Optional Int
    signatory p

Also assume a ledger that contains a contract of type T written by example1-1.0.0 where all the optional fields are set to None.

val createCmd = ledger_api_utils.create(
    "p" -> sandbox.adminParty,
    "i" -> None,
    "r" -> Map("ri" -> None, "rj" -> 1, "rk" -> None),
    "j" -> None))

sandbox.ledger_api.commands.submit(Seq(sandbox.adminParty), Seq(createCmd))

Then querying the ledger’s active contract set in non-verbose mode returns the following:

@ sandbox.ledger_api.acs.of_party(sandbox.adminParty, verbose=false)
res15: Seq[com.digitalasset.canton.admin.api.client.commands.LedgerApiTypeWrappers.WrappedCreatedEvent] = List(
    event = CreatedEvent(
      createArguments = Some(
        value = Record(
          recordId = None,
          fields = Vector(
              label = "",
              value = Some(value = Value(sum = Party(value = "sandbox::122010fdef685011beecd318f03c9d82bf1e2d45950bdb0fceb3497a112ee17f9476")))
            RecordField(label = "", value = Some(value = Value(sum = Optional(value = Optional(value = None))))),
              label = "",
              value = Some(
                value = Value(
                  sum = Record(
                    value = Record(
                      recordId = None,
                      fields = Vector(
                        RecordField(label = "", value = Some(value = Value(sum = Optional(value = Optional(value = None))))),
                        RecordField(label = "", value = Some(value = Value(sum = Int64(value = 1L))))

Note that not only has the third template argument (originally j) been omitted from the response, but also the third field of the nested record (originally rk). Note also that despite being optional fields of value None, the second template argument (originally i) and the first nested record field (originally ri) are present in the response because they are not in trailing positions.

Example 2

Assume a LF 1.15 package called record-lf115-1.0.0 which defines a record Record with a trailing optional field in a module called LF115.

module LF115 where

data Record = Record { ri : Int, rj : Optional Int }
  deriving (Eq, Show)

Also assume a LF 1.17 package called example2-1.0.0 which defines a template T in a module called Main. The template has a field of type record-lf115-1.0.0:LF115.Record.

module Main where

template T
    p : Party
    r : LF115.Record
    signatory p


It is not recommended for LF 1.17 templates to depend on LF 1.15 serializable values.

Finally, assume a ledger that contains a contract of type T written by example2-1.0.0 where the trailing optional field of r is set to None.

val createCmd = ledger_api_utils.create(
    "p" -> sandbox.adminParty,
    "r" -> Map("ri" -> 1, "rj" -> None)))

sandbox.ledger_api.commands.submit(Seq(sandbox.adminParty), Seq(createCmd))

Then querying the ledger’s active contract set in non-verbose mode returns the following:

sandbox.ledger_api.acs.of_party(sandbox.adminParty, verbose=false)

res15: Seq[com.digitalasset.canton.admin.api.client.commands.LedgerApiTypeWrappers.WrappedCreatedEvent] = List(
    event = CreatedEvent(
      createArguments = Some(
        value = Record(
          recordId = None,
          fields = Vector(
              label = "",
              value = Some(
                value = Value(sum = Party(value = "sandbox::1220c70e4430e82758d9377f86a4f87e1d98d8b1f259bb71a0e099e886608844fbf0"))
              label = "",
              value = Some(
                value = Value(
                  sum = Record(
                    value = Record(
                      recordId = None,
                      fields = Vector(RecordField(label = "", value = Some(value = Value(sum = Int64(value = 1L)))))

Note that the trailing None field in the nested LF 1.15 record has been omitted from the response. This is because the normalization of LF 1.17 values extends to all subvalues, including those defined in LF 1.15 packages.

Example 3

Assume the same LF 1.15 package record-lf115-1.0.0 as in Example 2.

module LF115 where

data Record = Record { ri : Int, rj : Optional Int }
  deriving (Eq, Show)

Also assume a LF 1.17 package called example3-1.0.0 which defines a template T in a module called Main. The template defines a choice C which returns a value of type record-lf115-1.0.0:LF115.Record with a trailing None.

module Main where

template T
    p : Party
    signatory p

    nonconsuming choice C : LF115.Record
      controller p
      do pure (LF115.Record { ri = 1, rj = None })

Finally, assume a creation event createdEvent for this template. Exercising choice C on this contract yields the following response:

val createdEvent = sandbox.ledger_api.acs.of_party(sandbox.adminParty, verbose=false).head.event
val exCmd = ledger_api_utils.exercise("C", Map(), createdEvent)
val exercisedEvent = sandbox.ledger_api.commands.submit(Seq(sandbox.adminParty), Seq(exCmd))
sandbox.ledger_api.transactions.trees(Set(sandbox.adminParty), 2, verbose=false)(1)

res18: com.daml.ledger.api.v1.transaction.TransactionTree = TransactionTree(
  eventsById = Map(
    "#1220be66a5da4596a4a14fbeec9c3e020760b895040f2478a4d0f43387a5711554d4:0" -> TreeEvent(
      kind = Exercised(
        value = ExercisedEvent(
          exerciseResult = Some(
            value = Value(
              sum = Record(
                value = Record(
                  recordId = None,
                  fields = Vector(RecordField(label = "", value = Some(value = Value(sum = Int64(value = 1L)))))

Note that the trailing optional field rj is omitted from the response. This is because the transaction created by the exercise involves a LF 1.17 template. All of the transaction’s subvalues are therefore normalized. This includes values of types defined in LF 1.15 packages.